Russia-Ukraine war

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2 More Russians Join Putin on ICC's Wanted List

Arrest warrants issued for Sergei Shoigu, Valery Gerasimov

(Newser) - Some 15 months after it issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin for war crimes related to his country's invasion of Ukraine, the International Criminal Court in the Hague (ICC) has set its sights on two more Russians. The body on Tuesday issued arrest warrants for former Russian Defense...

After Crimea Attack, Russia Threatens US

'Retaliatory measures will definitely follow,' Moscow says

(Newser) - Russia is blaming the US and threatening to retaliate for deaths in what it says was a Ukrainian attack on Crimea that used US-supplied missiles. Authorities in Crimea, which Russia has occupied since 2014, said five people, including three children, were killed when missile fragments fell on a beach in...

It Was 'Likely the Most Complex Marine Mammal Rescue Ever'

2 beluga whales moved from war-torn eastern Ukraine to new home in Spain

(Newser) - War has costs for whales, too. Indeed, two beluga whales held at an aquarium in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, were considered unlikely to survive Russia's bombing of the region—until animal lovers thousands of miles away found a way to help them. The two whales—a 15-year-old male named Plombir...

Amid War, Ukraine Takes a Moment for Sport

Faces Romania in Euro 2024; 'it's a great honor to represent Ukraine'

(Newser) - Ukraine, which is competing against a backdrop of the war at home against Russia, opens its European Championship soccer campaign with a match against Romania in Munich on Monday. The other teams in Group E are Belgium and Slovakia. Here's what to know, per the AP :
  • Ukraine is looking

At Ukraine Summit, 80 Nations Call for Peace Talks

Several countries with trade ties to Russia decline to sign agreement

(Newser) - A two-day summit in Switzerland concluded Sunday with more than 80 nations and organizations calling for all parties to engage in talks to end Russia's war on Ukraine and the protection of the invaded nation's "territorial integrity." But several nations in attendance that are major trading...

Ukraine Condems 'Sham' Ceasefire Offer From Putin
Putin Offers Ceasefire,
Ukraine Isn't Having the 'Sham'

Putin Offers Ceasefire, Ukraine Isn't Having the 'Sham'

He wants country to give up 4 regions, abandon NATO bid

(Newser) - In a proposal slammed by Ukraine as "absurd," Vladimir Putin offered Friday to order an immediate ceasefire if Ukraine withdraws all of its troops from parts of the country claimed by Russia and abandon plans to join NATO. He said that if Ukraine and Western countries turn down...

G7 Nations to Ukraine's Rescue? A $50B Deal Is in the Works

G7 nations have reportedly agreed to loan money to Ukraine, with Russian assets as collateral

(Newser) - As Ukraine continues to plead for aid in its fight against Russia , Group of Seven negotiators have struck a "provisional" agreement to lend Kyiv about $50 billion, reports Bloomberg . Profits from about $280 billion of frozen Russian assets would be used as collateral for the loan, which would start...

Near G7 Summit Site, Controversy Rages Over Putin Plaque

Some residents of Bari, Italy, say Zelensky should remove it

(Newser) - A controversy involving Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky, and St. Nicholas is unfolding in Italy's Puglia region, where the Group of Seven will hold its annual summit later this week. A copper plaque near the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari, around an hour away from the summit site, has...

Biden Apologizes to Zelensky
Biden Apologizes to Zelensky

Biden Apologizes to Zelensky

He says 'very conservative members' held up package of military aid to Ukraine

(Newser) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked President Biden for America's support in his country's fight against Russia—and Biden apologized for the six-month delay to the latest military aid package. "I apologize for the weeks of not knowing what's going to pass in terms of funding because...

At D-Day Ceremony, Biden Draws Parallel to Ukraine

'To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators, is simply unthinkable'

(Newser) - President Biden marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday by saying "we will not walk away" from the defense of Ukraine and allow Russia to threaten more of Europe. "To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators, is simply unthinkable," he said during a ceremony...

Russian Warships Are Headed to Caribbean: Officials

Naval and air exercises are expected, but are not considered to be a threat to the US

(Newser) - Russia is expected to soon begin air and naval exercises in the Caribbean, for the first time since 2019. The move is being taken as a response to US support for Ukraine as well as the US increasing its own exercises with NATO allies—but, as the exercises are believed...

Putin: We'll 'Think' About Supplying Weapons to Hit West

He also discussed Trump case in rare talk with international reporters

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets in response to NATO allies allowing Ukraine to use their arms to attack Russian territory. He also reaffirmed Moscow's readiness to use nuclear weapons if it sees a threat to its sovereignty, the...

Power Goes Off Across Ukraine
Power Goes Off
Across Ukraine

Power Goes Off Across Ukraine

Government imposes shutdowns after Russian attacks on energy infrastructure

(Newser) - Ukraine imposed emergency power shutdowns in most of the country on Sunday, a day after Russia unleashed large-scale attacks on energy infrastructure and claimed it made gains in the eastern Donetsk province. The shutdowns were in place in all but three regions of Ukraine following Saturday's drone and missile...

Russian Sabotage Blamed for Fires in Europe

Security services warn that Moscow is stepping up campaign

(Newser) - Security services in Europe suspect that Moscow is behind a recent spate of mysterious fires and other possible acts of sabotage. As the Guardian reports, fires and attacks on infrastructure in countries including the UK, Poland, Germany, Sweden, and the Baltic states could be part of an attempt to destabilize...

Sources: Biden Gave Secret OK to Ukraine to Use US Weapons

Ukraine can now strike just inside Russia to defend itself using US-made weapons

(Newser) - As Ukrainian forces continue to defend their country's second-largest city, sources tell the AP that President Biden has given the OK to use US-provided weapons to strike inside Russia. The green light is limited strictly in the area surrounding Kharkiv, about 12 miles from the Russian border, and with...

Putin's Moves Reflect a New Confidence
Mounts of
a New Putin
the rundown

Speculation Mounts of a New Putin Strategy

He questions legitimacy of Zelensky amid reports of meeting with a potential Zelensky challenger

(Newser) - Recent moves by Vladimir Putin suggest he's feeling more confident about the war in Ukraine and how the end game might play out. A look at coverage:
  • The purge: Putin dumped his defense chief and has allowed a series of high-profile corruption arrests, and the timing "is most

Zelensky: Ukraine Has 'Combat Control' in Kharkiv

President says his forces have wrested back control of areas that Russia had entered this month

(Newser) - Ukrainian forces have secured "combat control" of areas where Russian troops entered the northeastern Kharkiv region earlier this month, President Volodymyr Zelensky said. Meanwhile, two people were killed Saturday in an aerial attack on the city of Kharkiv, which is the region's capital, according to local officials. Kharkiv...

Sources: Putin Wants a Ceasefire, but With Strings

Russian leader is said to want to keep all territories under his current control, sources tell Reuters

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin insists that Russia is ready to keep fighting in Ukraine, but he's reportedly also amenable to "freeze the war" there—with one big condition. Russian sources tell Reuters that their leader is prepared to negotiate a ceasefire, but one recognizing that territory currently under Russian control...

Zelensky Dismisses Putin Nuke Threats: 'Loves His Own Life'

Ukrainian president talks to 'NYT' on Russia, NATO support, and what he plans to do after the war

(Newser) - There's no sign that Russia's two-year-plus invasion into Ukraine will end anytime soon, partly because Ukraine is now in a "critical time," with "its army in retreat and a new package of American arms yet to arrive in sufficient quantities," reports the New York ...

Vulnerable Eagles' Latest Hardship: Ukraine War
Migrating Eagles
Give Side-Eye to
War-Torn Ukraine

Migrating Eagles Give Side-Eye to War-Torn Ukraine

Study finds greater spotted eagles altered flight paths, curtailed rest stops in Ukraine in 2022

(Newser) - Russia's war in Ukraine has had a ripple effect across Europe, including for vulnerable migrating birds that are reportedly flying far out of their usual route to avoid areas of fighting. Researchers have found evidence of greater spotted eagles altering routes across Ukraine to avoid key areas of violence...

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