multiple sclerosis

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Discovered: How Oscar Wilde's Wife Died

Constance Wilde's early passing may have been tied to misguided surgery

(Newser) - The cause of Constance Wilde's death at age 40 has long been a mystery, but now, 116 years later, it appears to have been solved. Family letters unveiled by Oscar Wilde's grandson suggest that the writer's wife died within days of a gynecological operation gone wrong, the...

Romneys Opening Center to Fight Brain Disease

Will focus on Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and other ailments with no cure

(Newser) - Their legacy already established in politics, Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, are working to leave a lasting mark on neuroscience. Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital today will announce the launch of the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases, a venture funded by the Romneys and their expansive...

Girl With MS Among Fastest Young Runners in US

Kayla Montgomery may actually be helped by the disease

(Newser) - Kayla Montgomery is an 18-year-old distance runner who won the North Carolina state title last month and whose time (10 minutes, 43 seconds to run the 3,200 meters) ranks her among the nation's elite in her age group. The reason she is featured in the New York Times...

Food Poisoning May Trigger Multiple Sclerosis

Study suggests that a toxin plays a role

(Newser) - Scientists still don't know what causes multiple sclerosis, but new research suggests that a particular strain of food poisoning may play a role, reports the BBC . The food bacterium in question is called Clostridium perfringens, which NBC News notes is responsible for millions of cases of foodborne illnesses per...

Man With MS Makes Record Everest Leap

Frenchman skydived over highest mountain

(Newser) - A Frenchman with multiple sclerosis says he is exhausted, bruised, but very happy after becoming the first disabled man to skydive over Mount Everest. Marc Kopp, 55, swapped his wheelchair for a horse for the long journey to a Himalayan airstrip before jumping out of a helicopter at 38,000...

Sofa-Treating Chemical Reborn as Major MS Drug

Analyst predicts $1.7B in Tecfidera sales by 2015

(Newser) - As a sofa-treating agent, dimethyl fumarate gave people blisters and rashes, but now it's getting a second chance—as a much ballyhooed multiple sclerosis drug called Tecfidera, whose sales could be enormous. Among doctors, there's "a strong consensus that Tecfidera offers a more favorable clinical profile than...

Paralyzed Woman in Ireland Loses Right-to-Die Case

Marie Fleming, 59, asked court to bend on assisted suicide

(Newser) - A 59-year-old woman in Ireland paralyzed with severe multiple sclerosis has lost her court fight against the nation's ban on assisted suicide, reports the Irish Times . Marie Fleming sought permission to end her life with the help of her partner of 18 years, but Dublin's High Court rejected...

Simple Eye Scan Tracks Progress of MS
Simple Eye Scan
Tracks Progress of MS

Simple Eye Scan Tracks Progress of MS

New tool could aid creation of new therapies

(Newser) - A quick and simple new test can help monitor how fast multiple sclerosis is progressing in patients, researchers say. The eye scan measures the thickness of the retina, which has been linked to the progress of the nervous system disease, reports the BBC . The course of MS can be unpredictable...

FDA Hastily OKing Risky Drugs
 FDA Hastily OKing Risky Drugs 
experts say

FDA Hastily OKing Risky Drugs

...warn experts. But the public may be OK with that

(Newser) - The FDA's commissioner has been touting the agency's speedy approval of new medicines—but it has brought risky drugs to market, according to two drug-safety experts. Specifically, Thomas J. Moore and Curt D. Furberg found problems with cancer drug Caprelsa, multiple sclerosis drug Gilenya, and stroke prevention drug...

Discrimination Agency Accused of Discrimination

Former EEOC employee with disabilities is suing

(Newser) - You'd think that if you worked for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, you wouldn't need to worry about discrimination in the workplace. But a revived lawsuit claims that the organization, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws, violated the Rehabilitation Act in its treatment of Mary Bullock, a former...

13 Celebrities Affected by MS
 13 Celebrities 
 Affected by MS 

13 Celebrities Affected by MS

Jack Osbourne isn't the only famous person touched by multiple sclerosis

(Newser) - Jack Osbourne is "great, he's doing really, really good" since announcing his multiple sclerosis diagnosis , a crying Sharon Osbourne said yesterday on The Talk . "I want to thank everyone for all their texts and goodwill and love they send to us," she added. "It's...

Jack Osbourne: I Have Multiple Sclerosis

Gets news just after daughter is born

(Newser) - Son-of-Ozzy Jack Osbourne has multiple sclerosis, and learned about the diagnosis just two weeks after his daughter was born, he tells People . "I was just angry and frustrated and kept thinking, 'Why now?'" the reality-show star, 26, says. "I've got a family and that's...

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment: Parasitic Worms

Hookworms, whipworms can reduce brain lesions caused by MS

(Newser) - The fight against multiple sclerosis has found an unexpected ally—parasitic worms. Researchers in the United States and Denmark are looking into the eggs of pig whipworms, which can reduce the size of the MS brain lesions and the effects of the disease, while doctors in the UK are studying...

Montel Williams to Open Medical Pot Dispensary

Former talk show host turned to pot to battle his own multiple sclerosis

(Newser) - Montel Williams may once again be more popular than Maury Povich: The TV and radio personality is set to open a medical marijuana dispensary in Sacramento. Williams has been a public proponent of medical marijuana since turning to it in his battle against multiple sclerosis. "I want this to...

New Hope or False Promise for MS Patients?

A look at Paolo Zamboni's 'liberation procedure'

(Newser) - While multiple sclerosis has long been thought to be an immune disorder, Italian researcher Paolo Zamboni has posited that it may be something else entirely. Zamboni thinks that the disease may be caused by inflammation created when blood cannot exit the brain because of clogged veins. He calls this chronic...

Tim Gunn Calls Bluff on Michaele Salahi's MS

Salahis are 'sociopaths who believe own lies,' says fashion wonk

(Newser) - Poor White House gatecrasher Michaele Salahi recently revealed she has multiple sclerosis, which is why she had to duck out of the state dinner so quickly. One problem, though: The newly snarky Tim Gunn doesn't believe it. “I find it curious that the story is coming out now,"...

Lack of Sunshine Linked to MS, Arthritis

Vitamin D affects 229 disease-linked genes

(Newser) - A lack of sunshine makes people more likely to contract diseases including arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes, and some cancers, according to scientists exploring the genetic link between disease and low levels of vitamin D. Genetic researchers found that the vitamin—which the body makes when the skin is...

Pot Stops Pain, Spasms: Study
 Pot Stops Pain, Spasms: Study 

Pot Stops Pain, Spasms: Study

Medical marijuana shown effective in clinical trials

(Newser) - Who knew? Marijuana actually does stop pain—and muscle spasms. A $8.7 million California study, including the first US clinical trials of marijuana use in decades, has found pot significantly relieves neuropathic pain and reduces muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis patients. A leading neuropsychiatrist found the studies so convincing...

Bad Driving Is in the Genes
 Bad Driving Is in the Genes 

Bad Driving Is in the Genes

Study says 30% can't help being lousy on the roads

(Newser) - Certain people—perhaps up to 30% of the population—may be fated by their genetic makeup to be bad drivers, a new study suggests. Researchers tested a small group of people on a driving simulator and found that subjects with a particular gene variant weren't so hot at keeping up...

Men More Likely to Abandon Sick Partners

Seven times as many women stay when serious illness strikes

(Newser) - Relationships fail seven times more often when illness strikes the female partner than when it strikes the man. Researchers don't know why, but theories abound: “There is an immediate shift in a relationship when an illness is diagnosed,” a counselor tells the Times of London. Gender roles change...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>