Angela Merkel

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Al-Qaeda Hatching Train Plot: Report

NSA allegedly tips off Germany

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda may be plotting to attack Europe's high-speed rail network, according to a report in Germany's Bild newspaper. According to the report, the NSA overheard the plan while listening in on an al-Qaeda conference call, the AFP reports—possibly the same conference call that reportedly led to the...

Germany is NSA's 'Most Prolific Partner': Report

New documents reveal extent of US-German spying cooperation

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn't the only world leader suffering over leaked information about NSA surveillance—Germany's Angela Merkel is also in the firing line. On Friday, she spent her annual news conference dealing with increasing concerns that the US has been spying on German citizens, the New York Times...

Obama, Merkel Plan Meeting on US Spying

As EU officials gather to discuss reports

(Newser) - President Obama and Angela Merkel have discussed US spying allegations by phone, the White House says, and they're organizing a meeting between US and German security officials on the issue. "The president assured the chancellor that the United States takes seriously the concerns of our European allies and...

As Snowden Vanishes, Russia Reaches Out to Him

NSA whistleblower drops out of sight in Hong Kong

(Newser) - Edward Snowden checked out of his hotel in Hong Kong yesterday and has essentially disappeared. And while he is believed to still be in the territory, Russia has suggested it might welcome the man who exposed the NSA's secret surveillance, the Wall Street Journal reports. If a request for...

PhD Stripped From German Education Minister

Annette Schavan plagiarized 30-year-old thesis: university

(Newser) - Irony alert: Germany's minister of education just lost her doctorate. The University of Düsseldorf has stripped Annette Schavan of her PhD, it announced yesterday, because she carried out "a deliberate deception through plagiarism." An anonymous blogger last year accused Schavan of plagiarizing sections of her thesis...

EU Accepts Peace Prize Amid Protest

Former winners, local demonstrators slam award

(Newser) - The European Union officially received the Nobel Peace Prize today in an Oslo ceremony attended by some 20 EU leaders, including Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, and UK deputy PM Nick Clegg. The prize committee applauded the EU's efforts toward peace in Europe after World War II, and called leaders...

Merkel Slams Putin—to His Face—Over Pussy Riot

They really deserved 2 years in a labor camp? she asks

(Newser) - Usually, joint public appearances involving heads of state are filled with small talk and diplomatic niceties. Not so today with Germany's Angela Merkel and Russia's Vladimir Putin as the two sparred over the jail sentence handed down to punk rockers Pussy Riot in Moscow, reports the Guardian .
  • Merkel:

World Not Ready for a Romney Presidency

Western Europe overwhelmingly favors Obama

(Newser) - While the US sees a presidential race that could go either way , much of the rest of the world is expecting—and in many cases, actively hoping for—a continued Obama presidency. Some 75% of Europeans prefer the incumbent to Mitt Romney, while just 8% favor the former governor, a...

Greek Police Clash With Protesters as Merkel Visits

Athens swarming with 7K police as unions decry German chancellor

(Newser) - Angela Merkel is not a popular person in Greece. That's why, as she arrived in Athens today, the city had deployed roughly 7,000 police officers and even rooftop snipers in anticipation of potential protests—and unions did not disappoint, defying bans on protesting put in place for much...

World&#39;s 100 Most Powerful Women

 100 Most 
forbes list

World's 100 Most Powerful Women

Angela Merkel is No. 1, with Hillary Clinton in the second spot

(Newser) - Forbes is out with its annual list of the world's 100 most powerful women, with the top 10 a mix of mostly familiar names from the worlds of politics, humanitarianism, and tech:
  1. Angela Merkel: The German chancellor is trying to reshape the European Union.

Merkel Softens Her Opposition to Stimulus

Germany, France, others agree to push for $163B growth package

(Newser) - The leaders of France, Germany, Italy, and Spain agreed to push for a growth package worth up to $163 billion at a European Union summit next week aimed at kickstarting the economy and safeguarding the currency bloc. French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy,...

Europe Braces for Greek Exit
 Europe Braces for Greek Exit 

Europe Braces for Greek Exit

Hollande backs eurobonds at inconclusive summit

(Newser) - New kid on the European block François Hollande made an audacious debut at his first EU summit, but the crisis meeting ended without a clear solution to the eurozone's woes. The French president, backed by most EU leaders, supports issuing "eurobonds" to shore up troubled EU economies,...

Hollande, Merkel Set for Eurobond Showdown

New EU dynamic expected to cause friction at crisis summit

(Newser) - Yet another European Union crisis meeting will be held today, but the dynamic has changed since the days when Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy met ahead of time to fix a strategy. Unlike his predecessor, François Hollande has sided with European leaders calling for growth instead of austerity and...

Angela Merkel Answers Obama With a Shrug

'Well, you have a few things on your mind,' he responds

(Newser) - President Obama is huddling with other G-8 leaders today at Camp David, with Europe's financial crisis expected to be the main topic of conversation. More precisely: Whether Obama can persuade Germany's Angela Merkel to ease up on her austerity strategy and mix in some stimulus, reports AP . If...

Greek Euro Exit May Cost $1T
 Greek Euro Exit May Cost $1T 

Greek Euro Exit May Cost $1T

Tsipras tells Germany to stop demanding austerity

(Newser) - Europe has hundreds of billions of reasons to try to keep Greece from unceremoniously ditching the eurozone. If Greece leaves, the rest of Europe would face catastrophic losses, Reuters reports. Greece would default on the roughly $250 billion in debt held by the ECB, IMF, and other eurozone nations, and...

Day 1 as French President: Lightning Hits His Plane

What a way for Francois Hollande to start his term

(Newser) - Francois Hollande started off his new job as president of France with a bang: His plane was hit by lightning today en route to Germany. It was forced to return to Paris, at which point Hollande boarded a second plane and will be about an hour and a half late...

France Swears In Hollande
 France Swears In Hollande 

France Swears In Hollande

Nicolas Sarkozy has left the building

(Newser) - France today installed Socialist Francois Hollande as its new president for the next five years, replacing conservative Nicolas Sarkozy with a mandate to ease up on the austerity measures with which Europe has fought its economic crisis. Hollande, the first Socialist to have access to France's nuke codes in...

Germany May Tax Young Workers

Proposed levy would pay for retiring boomers

(Newser) - Germany, too, is facing a huge spike in retirees, and the government is considering a new tax on younger workers to help pay for their pensions and health benefits, reports the Sydney Morning Herald . The measure to be introduced this month is expected to require workers 25 and older to...

Germany Elects New President
 Germany Elects New President 

Germany Elects New President

Joachim Gauck is former Lutheran minister

(Newser) - Germany today elected a former anti-Communist pastor as president, with 72-year-old Joachim Gauck receiving 991 of the 1,232 ballots cast, reports the AP . Gauck assumes the largely ceremonial post in the wake of the resignation of Christian Wulff, who quit last month in a scandal over financial favors. He...

Oops: Waiter Dumps Beer on Merkel

German chancellor gets her back soaked

(Newser) - Bad: Being a waiter and dumping several glasses of beer on a world leader. Worse: It's caught on video. A 21-year-old waiter in Germany emptied his tray onto the back of Chancellor Angela Merkel last week, though she took it like a good sport, reports USA Today . The Daily...

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