Mauna Loa

6 Stories

Carbon Dioxide Levels Increase at Record Pace

Mauna Loa observatory records highest-ever annual jump

(Newser) - The Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii has been measuring carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for more than six decades, and it just recorded the biggest annual increase on record.
  • The jump: The March reading at the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration lab was 4.7 parts per million higher than last

A Sleeping Giant Awakes, With Plenty of Spectators

Lava is flowing from Hawaii's Mauna Loa volcano, now erupting after a 38-year sleep

(Newser) - The world's largest volcano oozed rivers of glowing lava Wednesday, drawing thousands of awestruck viewers who jammed a Hawaii highway that could soon be covered by the flow. Mauna Loa awoke from its 38-year slumber Sunday, causing volcanic ash and debris to drift down from the sky. A main...

World's Largest Active Volcano Erupts for First Time Since '84

Hawaii's Mauna Loa breaks its silence

(Newser) - Hawaii's Mauna Loa volcano has erupted for the first time in nearly four decades, reports NBC News . The eruption at the world's largest active volcano—the first one since 1984—began about about 11:30pm Sunday, according to the US Geological Survey. So far, the eruption is contained...

Hawaii: People Living Near Volcano Should Prepare 'Go Bag'

There are ominous signs at Mauna Loa

(Newser) - Hawaii officials are warning residents of the Big Island that the world’s largest active volcano, Mauna Loa, is sending signals that it may erupt. Scientists say an eruption isn’t imminent, but they are on alert because of a recent spike in earthquakes at the volcano’s summit. Experts...

Hiker Discovers Old Bombs at Hawaii Volcano
Hiker Makes an Odd
Discovery at Hawaii Volcano
in case you missed it

Hiker Makes an Odd Discovery at Hawaii Volcano

Decades-old bombs found in Mauna Loa, part of an experiment to slow lava flow

(Newser) - A hiker traipsing around Hawaii's Mauna Loa volcano came across a strange find last month: two rusty, decades-old bombs, both unexploded. But as Live Science reports, the find by Kawika Singson has a logical explanation, one that goes back to the 1930s. Back then, a prominent Hawaiian volcanologist pushed...

Earth's Biggest Volcano Might Be Waking Up

Something's brewing beneath Hawaii's Mauna Loa

(Newser) - Ready to rumble? The world's largest volcano—Hawaii's Mauna Loa—appears to be stirring back to life after a relatively quiet 30 years, geologists say. Don't fret: It isn't about to erupt at any minute, but four separate clusters of smaller earthquakes have been reported under...

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