David Perdue

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Brian Kemp Trounced His Trump-Backed Challenger. Here's How

Politico does a deep dive on Georgia governor's primary campaign

(Newser) - Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp did more than just fend off a challenger backed by former President Trump in the state's Republican gubernatorial primary on Tuesday—he got more than triple the votes former Sen. David Perdue did, and an extensive piece at Politico looks at how Kemp "crushed...

Trump's Clout Faces Big Test in Georgia Races

It's another primary day

(Newser) - It's another busy primary Tuesday. Georgia takes center stage as Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger try to fight back challengers endorsed by former President Trump, who's seeking revenge for his 2020 election defeat in the state. An assessment at FiveThirtyEight sees that and other...

Pence Won't Rule Out Running in 2024, Even Against Trump
Mike Pence Talks
2024 Plans, Trump

Mike Pence Talks 2024 Plans, Trump

Former VP says he could run for president—even against Trump

(Newser) - Asked by the New York Times in a recent interview whether he'd run for president in 2024 even if former President Trump decides to run, Mike Pence wouldn't rule it out. "We’ll go where we’re called," he said of himself and his wife, with...

Pence Enters Campaign on Wrong Side of Trump

Former vice president to appear in Georgia for Gov. Brian Kemp, while Trump backs David Perdue

(Newser) - Mike Pence is joining other national Republican figures supporting Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in his reelection campaign. But the name that stands out is a national Republican who opposes Kemp: former President Trump. In another indicator of the break between Trump and his former vice president, Kemp's campaign announced...

Trump Makes First Big Investment in GOP Race

Former president's PAC sends $500K to help David Perdue in Georgia

(Newser) - For the first time, former President Donald Trump’s political operation has invested in a candidate's midterm election campaign. Trump’s Save America PAC sent $500,000 to a super PAC working to defeat Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, whom the former president has wanted out of office since he...

'Man Who Lost Republicans the US Senate' Wants New Job

Looks like former Sen. David Perdue is running for Georgia governor against Brian Kemp

(Newser) - Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, who drew former President Trump's wrath for refusing to act on his false allegations of a stolen election, is likely to face a prominent challenger for the 2022 Republican primary for governor: former Sen. David Perdue. Late Sunday, a website and text updates launched for...

Georgia's David Perdue Makes His 2022 Decision

Former senator says he won't run against Sen. Raphael Warnock

(Newser) - Former Georgia Sen. David Perdue said Tuesday that he will not run in 2022 to reclaim a seat in the US Senate, eight days after the defeated Republican filed campaign paperwork that could have opened the way for him to run against Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock. "I am confident...

Vanquished Senator Eyes a Comeback

Georgia's David Purdue has filed campaign paperwork to explore what looks to be a tight race

(Newser) - David Perdue lost his Senate seat to Democrat Jon Ossoff in the January 5 Georgia runoff election, but the Republican may very well be back. On Monday, he filed campaign paperwork to explore a 2022 run, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. He'd be running against Sen. Raphael Warnock, though, the...

Perdue Concedes, Won't Fight Democrat's Win

Neither Georgia winner faces any challenges before taking office

(Newser) - Georgia's two new senators will be able to take the oath of office without the possibility of challenges from their Republican opponents hanging over their heads. Sen. David Perdue conceded Friday, a day after Sen. Kelly Loeffler, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Perdue congratulated "the Democratic Party and my...

Trump and Allies Start Up With the Fraud Claims in Georgia
Warnock Wins in
Georgia Senate Runoff

Warnock Wins in Georgia Senate Runoff

As Trump and his allies fume over what they say is more fraud

(Newser) - The AP and other outlets have called one of two Senate runoff races in Georgia: Democrat Raphael Warnock beat incumbent Kelly Loeffler, becoming the first Black senator Georgia has ever elected. Democrats must also win the other race, which remains too close to call at the time of this posting,...

Georgia Counts Ballots in Crucial Senate Elections

Polls have closed in races that will determine control of chamber

(Newser) - Georgia officials began counting the final votes of the nation's turbulent 2020 election season on Tuesday night as polls closed in two critical Senate runoff races that will determine control of the US Senate and, in turn, the fate of President-elect Joe Biden’s legislative agenda. While voting was...

Trump Calls Georgia Races 'Invalid' Amid Record Voting

President says state's runoff elections are 'illegal'

(Newser) - Nearly 40% of all Georgia's registered voters have already cast their ballots in the US Senate runoff race. More than 3 million early votes were cast, a record in the state, Reuters reports. Early voting ended Thursday, but the votes will not be tallied until Election Day Tuesday. Per...

Days Before Election, Perdue Enters Quarantine

Georgia senator was exposed to a campaign worker with the coronavirus

(Newser) - Republican Sen. David Perdue was forced into quarantine Thursday in the home stretch of Georgia's Senate runoffs, disclosing just five days before the election that he had been exposed to a campaign worker infected with the coronavirus. Perdue's campaign did not say how long he plans to stay...

Trump's Move Stumps Georgia's Senators

Democrats back $2K stimulus checks, but Republicans haven't committed

(Newser) - President Trump's insistence on increasing stimulus payments to $2,000 per person was swiftly endorsed by the Democratic candidates in Georgia's Senate runoffs. But it's put the Republicans in a quandary. Asked if she supported the idea, Sen. Kelly Loeffler said she'll think about it. "...

Polls Show Georgia Races Are Tight
Polls Show Georgia
Races Are Tight

Polls Show Georgia Races Are Tight

Control of the Senate hinges on 2 runoff elections next month

(Newser) - With about a month to go before Georgia's crucial runoff races for the Senate, a new poll suggests tight finishes loom in both contests. In a SurveyUSA poll commissioned for 11Alive , Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff (50%) is essentially deadlocked with GOP incumbent Sen. David Perdue (48%), while in the...

Georgia Elections Official: 'Someone's Going to Get Killed'

Gabriel Sterling calls on Trump to stop inciting supporters

(Newser) - The voting implementation manager with the Georgia Secretary of State's office is angry, and thinks every American should be, too. Not over claims of voter fraud—though Gabriel Sterling had plenty to say about that during a Tuesday press conference, which went viral almost as soon as it wrapped—...

Georgia Republicans Worried About Trump's Message
Georgia Republicans Worried
About Trump's Message
the rundown

Georgia Republicans Worried About Trump's Message

They fear his claims of election fraud will depress GOP turnout in Senate runoffs

(Newser) - President Trump's insistence that the election was rigged appears to be having an unintended effect in Georgia: Republicans are voicing concerns that his angry supporters won't turn out to vote in next month's two runoff races for the Senate because they see it as futile. Coverage:
  • The

Another Senator Tests Positive
Another Senator Tests Positive 

Another Senator Tests Positive

Kelly Loeffler tests positive a day after campaigning with Mike Pence

(Newser) - Barely had Sen. Rick Scott announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19, when another Senate Republican made the same announcement: Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, currently in a Jan. 5 runoff election for her seat, tested positive on Friday after a day of campaigning maskless with Vice President Mike...

Georgia Is Temporarily the 'Center of the Political Universe'

Control of the US Senate will come down to the Peach State

(Newser) - "For the next eight weeks, Georgia will be the center of the political universe." So writes FiveThirtyEight in explaining that control of the Senate will come down to the fewer than 5 million voters who live in Georgia. With the North Carolina Senate race decided in GOP Sen....

GOP Senators Slam Georgia's Republican Secretary of State

Brad Raffensperger says he won't step down

(Newser) - Georgia’s secretary of state is firing back at the state’s two US senators for calling on him to resign over the handling of the election, which has President-elect Joe Biden leading President Trump in the state. Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue took the extraordinary step Monday...

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