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Delhi Temps Shatter Record, Lead to Water Shortage
In India's Capital,
a 'Sweaty Mess'

In India's Capital, a 'Sweaty Mess'

One reading Wednesday in Delhi showed temps of around 126 degrees Fahrenheit, a record for the city

(Newser) - It was even hotter on Wednesday in New Delhi than experts had predicted it would be, and those temps led to a new record: 50.5 degrees Celsius, or nearly 123 degrees Fahrenheit, the Indian capital's hottest day ever, reports the Guardian . The mercury-busting stat was recorded in the...

India Deploys Cardboard Monkeys Ahead of G20 Summit

Monkey imitators will also be used to keep primates away from delegates in New Delhi

(Newser) - India is preparing for the G20 summit and its capital city of New Delhi doesn't want world leaders to be harassed or attacked by rhesus monkeys. In a departure from previous anti-monkey efforts, the city is fighting the monkeys with cardboard monkeys instead of bigger monkeys, the BBC reports....

India's Rape Cases Continue to Shock

Latest incidents involve a coronavirus patient and an octogenarian

(Newser) - Women's rights campaigners are at the end of their wits following two shocking rape cases in India, just the latest to make headlines since a 2012 gang rape on a moving bus triggered an uproar over sexual violence in the country. In the first, a 19-year-old coronavirus patient was...

Delhi Braces for an Invasion: 'Make Noise' and 'Don't Panic'

Locusts are out in huge numbers, earlier than usual

(Newser) - Hungry locusts are causing widespread devastation to crops in India and Pakistan, and they might have their sights set on a more unusual target: the densely packed city of Delhi. A change in the wind might spare the city in the coming days, reports the Guardian , but if not, residents...

5M Masks Handed Out in India—and Not for Halloween

Public health emergency declared over Delhi smog

(Newser) - "Delhi has turned into a gas chamber." So said the Indian capital's chief minister Friday as air pollution reached severe levels. Officials declared a public health emergency and distributed 5 million masks to students and parents at schools across the city in the midst of a public...

Infant Twin Wakes on Way to His Funeral

Family in India noticed 'dead' baby moving in bag in a case of 'shocking criminal negligence'

(Newser) - Police are on the case of an upscale New Delhi hospital for what the Times of India calls a "shocking case of negligence" after a premature newborn was declared dead, then later discovered by his parents to be alive on the way to his funeral. The BBC and the...

Mom Leaves for 6 Minutes, Twins Drown in Washer

The 3-year-olds, who fell into the machine head-first, became stuck

(Newser) - It's a parent's worst nightmare—leave your kids alone for a few minutes and suffer their loss for the rest of your life. Such is the tragic tale out of India, where a mother of twin 3-year-old boys says she stepped out of their Delhi home for six...

India Frees Youngest Attacker in Infamous Gang Rape

Unnamed man was 17 at time of brutal assault on student 3 years ago

(Newser) - The youngest attacker in the fatal gang rape of an Indian student aboard a moving bus has been freed three years after the brutal attack that rocked India to its foundations, igniting mass riots and national outcry but little in the way of substantive reform. The unnamed man, who was...

Delhi Rape Victim's Mom Makes Brave Announcement

'Her name was Jyoti'

(Newser) - Three years to the day after her daughter received fatal injuries during a brutal gang rape in Delhi, Asha Singh told a crowd that she wanted the world to know her daughter's name. "I feel no shame in naming my daughter. I say this in front of you...

Jaguar Gets Sent Home for Being 'Too Fat' to Mate

Salman has zero interest in lady friend at Delhi Zoo—but lots of interest in food

(Newser) - A jaguar is being sent home to Kerala, India, from a New Delhi breeding program after being accused of having a dad bod without the "dad" part. Salman had been borrowed by the Delhi Zoo to mate with Kalpana, its female jaguar, but there were problems: Salman turned out...

Confusion in Wake of Indian Farmer's Suicide at Rally

Supposed suicide note mentions poverty, but some say Gajendra Singh was egged on

(Newser) - A land-reform rally in India's capital went horribly awry yesterday when a farmer took his own life in front of attendees, the Independent reports. Gajendra Singh, said by the Hindustan Times to be a 43-year-old father of three, shocked onlookers at the Aam Aadmi Party gathering by climbing a...

Filmmaker to India: Don't Ban My Rape Documentary
India Bans Incendiary
Rape Documentary

India Bans Incendiary Rape Documentary

Leslee Udwin had appealed to PM Narendra Modi against 'kneejerk hysteria'

(Newser) - A rapist's utter lack of remorse provoked no small amount of controversy over a coming documentary, and India swiftly responded today by banning India's Daughter outright, reports the New York Times . India won't "allow any organization to leverage" the 2012 gang rape of a woman on...

Man Invites Over Daughter's Rapist, Fatally Tortures Him

Indian dad confesses to murdering man with hot tongs

(Newser) - A man in India has confessed to inviting over his daughter's alleged rapist, serving the man dinner, and murdering him with a pair of hot tongs, Fox News reports. The unidentified 36-year-old says he only meant to torture the man with tongs and strangulation, and wept when he died...

Gang Rape Trial Begins in India
 Gang-Rape Trial Begins in India 

Gang-Rape Trial Begins in India

As a new horror reported

(Newser) - The trial of the five men accused of raping and murdering a 23-year-old on a New Delhi bus began today, after being put on a special fast-track, the BBC reports. No arguments were actually heard, however. The defense argued that the trial should be open to the public, a request...

Blood of India Rape Victim 'on Clothes of Accused'

Prosecutor links accused men to forensic evidence

(Newser) - The latest in the India gang-rape case: A public prosecutor said yesterday that forensic evidence links the accused to the monstrous rape of a 23-year-old woman on a Delhi bus, the Guardian reports. In a pretrial hearing, the prosecutor told a judge that the five accused men tried burning their...

More Arrests in Brutal Delhi Gang Rape

Angry protestors march on presidential residence

(Newser) - A fifth suspect has been arrested in connection with Sunday's gang rape of a 23-year-old woman on a bus in Delhi, reports the BBC . Police aren't revealing much information about the suspect as they are still trying to determine whether he is a minor. But the Times of ...

60 Killed in Delhi Building Collapse

Arrest warrant issued for building's owner

(Newser) - At least 60 people were killed and dozens more seriously injured when an apartment building in a congested Delhi neighborhood collapsed last night. Rescuers worked through the night searching for survivors and at least 30 people are believed to be still trapped under the rubble, AP reports. Authorities believe this...

India Drafts Monkeys for Stadium Security

... against other monkeys

(Newser) - Indian officials have enlisted the help of black-faced langur monkeys to provide security for the venues hosting the Commonwealth Games. Their purpose is to scare away smaller monkeys that have been harassing fans near arenas, the BBC reports. The aggressive langurs are kept on leashes by handlers but released when...

Delhi Film Fest Hit By Sex Harassment Charges

Female directors say festival was sham run by sleazy organizer

(Newser) - Delhi's international film festival billed itself as showcasing female talent from around the world but two directors are charging that an organizer used it to grope female talent from around the world. Oscar-winning director Jane Campion has accused Bhaskar Deb, husband of the festival's director, of making "rude and...

India Appeal Likens Gay Sex to Bestiality

Court ruling could recriminalize homosexuality

(Newser) - India’s gay and lesbian community celebrated the Delhi High Court’s decriminalization of homosexual sex last week with lavish parties, but festivities may have been premature, GlobalPost reports. India’s Supreme Court has signaled that it will consider an appeal of the verdict, the climax of an 8-year legal...

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