War on Terror

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Yemen Is New Haven for al-Qaeda
Yemen Is
New Haven
for al-Qaeda

Yemen Is New Haven for al-Qaeda

Group's numbers likely to see boost from freed Gitmo inmates

(Newser) - As the US prepares to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Yemen presents a problem: Despite government efforts, the country is becoming a safe haven for al-Qaeda operatives, the Economist reports. Rebuffed by anti-terror initiatives in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, jihadists have flocked to Yemen, where rugged countryside, weak...

Gitmo Judge Refuses Obama's Order to Delay Trials

Delay in USS Cole case 'does not serve the interest of justice,' Army colonel says

(Newser) - The lead judge in the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals has refused President Obama’s order to suspend legal proceedings against one of the terror prison’s detainees, Reuters reports. Army Col. James Pohl said tribunal rules give him sole authority to delay litigation in the case of Abd al Rahim...

Al-Qaeda Struggles to Rally Muslims Against Obama

Bush was much easier target for rallying support

(Newser) - In George W. Bush, al-Qaeda leaders had an easy figurehead to rally against. But championing the jihadist movement with Barack Obama in the White House is a different story, the Washington Post reports. Qaeda militants are firing insults at Obama, including “hypocrite," "house Negro,” and "...

McGovern to Obama: Call 'Time-Out on War'

War not the best solution to terrorism, ex-candidate argues

(Newser) - George McGovern would like to take the “war” out of the war on terror. The 1972 Democratic presidential nominee, writing in the Washington Post, cautions President Obama against diving headlong into Afghanistan, a battleground that has broken two empires already. “Let me suggest a truly audacious hope for...

Patriot Act Treats Unruly Passengers as Terrorists

In-flight ruckus can draw felony conviction

(Newser) - What sounds like a fair punishment for spanking your children on a plane and having an argument with a flight attendant? How about a felony conviction, 3 months in prison, and the loss of custody of your children? As unreal as it sounds, that’s exactly what happened to one...

'War on Terror' Approach a Big Mistake: UK Official

Foreign sec Miliband rips Bush label

(Newser) - The notion of a "war on terror" is ill-conceived and may have done more harm than good in the fight against extremism, according to the British foreign secretary. There is no "unified transnational enemy," and the phrase coined by President Bush led officials to believe that...

Pakistan Busts 124 Linked to Mumbai Attacks

Founder of group fingered in attacks among detained

(Newser) - Pakistan has arrested 124 people in a crackdown on groups linked to November's Mumbai terror attacks, reports AP. India has insisted that the days-long siege of its commercial capital that killed 164 was plotted in Pakistan. But Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik said today that India needed to provide more...

Obama: US Can Defeat Osama Without Killing Him

He'd prefer it, but says troops can isolate him

(Newser) - John McCain may have vowed during the campaign to go to the gates of hell to kill Osama bin Laden, but Barack Obama suggested tonight it may not be necessary. In an interview with Katie Couric on CBS, Obama said that while he'd prefer to "capture or kill" bin...

Bush's Top 10 Successes
 Bush's Top 10 Successes 

Bush's Top 10 Successes

From rejecting the Kyoto Protocol to the surge

(Newser) - Forget what you’ve heard about W’s presidency, writes Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard. His decisive courage gave his term many successes:
  • Rejecting the Kyoto Protocol: The treaty was broken—it exempted India and China from carbon emissions responsibility—but only Bush had the courage to say so.

Obama Could Learn a Lot From Cheney
 Obama Could 
 Learn a Lot 
 From Cheney 

Obama Could Learn a Lot From Cheney

VP wasn't afraid to sacrifice popularity to keep country safe

(Newser) - Dick Cheney's sub-Darth Vader approval levels make him an unlikely role model for Barack Obama but the president-elect could learn a lot from what made Cheney so unpopular in the first place, writes William McGurn in the Wall Street Journal. Cheney is disliked because he made some tough calls to...

CIA Missile Strike Kills 2 al-Qaeda Leaders

(Newser) - A secret CIA airstrike on New Year's Day killed two high-ranking al-Qaeda operatives in Pakistan, the Washington Post reports. The missile strike took out al-Qaeda's chief of operations in Pakistan and his lieutenant. The men were linked to high-profile suicide bombings throughout the nation—including a blast at the Islamabad...

War on Terror Nears $1 Trillion
 War on Terror Nears $1 Trillion 

War on Terror Nears $1 Trillion

And that doesn't count long-term costs

(Newser) - Washington's war on terror is about to cost $1 trillion, and even that is just the beginning, Mark Thompson writes in Time. Three recent government reports racked up the bills, showing that long-term costs like veterans health care and interest on loans are yet to come in. The trillion-dollar figure...

Brown Hints He'd Nix Obama Plea for Troops

Time for other nations to step up in Afghanistan, warns prime minister

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has hinted that Britain would defy a request by Barack Obama to send 2,000 more troops to Afghanistan, the Times of London reports. After hearing of bleak progress there against the resurging Taliban, Brown warned that other nations will have to shoulder further deployments....

'He Kept Us Safe': Noonan
 'He Kept Us
 Safe': Noonan 

'He Kept Us Safe': Noonan

President has one argument to hang his hat on

(Newser) - In the Republican social circles Peggy Noonan swims in, there is much grousing about George W. Bush. These days, however, it’s almost always followed by one sentence: “But he kept us safe.” It’s a meme destined to linger as the final argument for Bush. “There’...

Alleged Mumbai Masterminds Test Pakistan

Banned terror group has operated for years with elite backing

(Newser) - As evidence mounts that the Mumbai attackers had links to a Pakistani militant organization, the nation's new civilian government is facing the toughest test yet of its ability—and its will—to stop terrorism. Pakistan has banned Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group blamed for the attacks. But the Islamist group has operated...

Bombs Found in Mumbai Train Station

Reports conflict as to whether the explosives were left by last week's attackers

(Newser) - Two bombs have been found at a train station initially targeted by the terrorists who attacked Mumbai last week, the BBC reports. The 9lb bombs, found among luggage owned by victims who died in the attack, were diffused.The devices are said to be similar in design to two found...

Make Your Case on Anti-Terror, Mr. Bush

Bill Kristol thinks America will listen

(Newser) - Republicans have fallen out of favor, and there’s probably nothing George W. Bush can say in his final days to change that. “But he could do his party—and the nation—a service by reminding Americans of our successes fighting the war on terror,” writes William Kristol....

Obama's Inheriting Troubles Darker Than Economy

Mumbai attacks a horrific reminder of the problems Obama must tackle

(Newser) - The attacks in Mumbai are a stark reminder that some things are worse than a slumping economy, David Hallaway writes in Marketwatch. Barack Obama is also inheriting some huge foreign policy challenges, and the days of the war on terror taking a backseat to the financial crisis look certain to...

Mumbai Toll Rises to 101
 Mumbai Toll Rises to 101 

Mumbai Toll Rises to 101

(Newser) - The death toll in the Mumbai terror attacks rose to 101, and government troops continued to exchange gunfire with militants holed up in two posh hotels, the Times of India reports. As dawn broke over India's financial capital, it remained unclear how many—or if any—Westerners were being held...

Charity Guilty on All Counts of Terror Funding

(Newser) - A Dallas jury found a Muslim charity and its ex-leaders guilty today on three dozen counts of terror funding, the Dallas Morning News reports. A retrial of the biggest terror financing case in US history, the case hinged on $12 million sent by the Holy Land Foundation to Hamas after...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>