War on Terror

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

The Right’s Beef With Mukasey? The Left Doesn’t Hate Him

Slate says GOP is perversely partisan

(Newser) - The GOP is uneasy with Bush’s choice for attorney general, but only because liberals don't despise him, says Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick. Unlike Roberts and Alito, Michael Mukasey doesn’t know “all 17 twists in the Federalist Society's secret handshake”—leaving open the chance that he might...

US Should Talk to al-Qaeda, Analysts Say

Expert negotiators think diplomacy is worth a try against terror network

(Newser) - Eschewing war as the only means of neutralizing militant groups, some analysts have suggested the US consider negotiating with al-Qaeda, Reuters reports. "No insurgency or terrorism has been defeated by warfare or violence," one negotiator said. Proponents see treating al-Qaeda as a legitimate power, not a loose network...

Al-Qaeda Threat Worse Than Before 9/11

British think tank says they've rebuilt ability for major US attack

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda has revived and is capable of pulling off another 9/11, a London think tank has concluded. The US has “failed to deal a death blow to al-Qaeda,” which has extended its influence and is now stronger than it was six years ago, the British strategic institute warned...

2 Soldiers Who Questioned War in Times Killed

GIs were skeptical of progress, but vowed to keep fighting

(Newser) - Two of the seven soldiers who wrote last month's influential New York Times op-ed criticizing the Iraq war died Monday when their truck veered off an elevated highway and flipped over. Seven GIs and two detainees were killed when the 5-ton cargo truck crashed. The military made no mention of...

Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid
Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid

Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid

Even Qaeda caught up in summer sequel craze

(Newser) - A video of Osama bin Laden presenting the last testament of one of the Sept. 11th hijackers is set to be released tomorrow, the sixth anniversary of the attacks. Al-Sahab, the media production division of al-Qaeda, announced the video today on an Islamist website, the AP reports.

Osama Urges US to Convert
Osama Urges US to Convert

Osama Urges US to Convert

Officials says al-Qaeda leader's latest message appears to be authentic

(Newser) - The first video of Osama Bin Laden in 3 years appears authentic, and he issues "no overt threat" but does call the US unjust, chides Americans for re-electing George Bush, and says the war in Iraq can only end with American defeat—or Americans converting to Islam, which he...

Tenet Just Didn't Get It
Tenet Just Didn't Get It

Tenet Just Didn't Get It

IG report says ex-director knew about Qaeda threat but didn't respond

(Newser) - George Tenet’s CIA failed to stifle the al-Qaeda threat in the months leading up to 9/11, an internal report found by the agency's Inspector General found. A summary released today found the former director’s attention to methodology eclipsed his focus on strategy, the Times reports, in a rebuke...

Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq
Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq

Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq

Attack comes after bold kidnapping of oil ministers

(Newser) - US helicopters are swooping down to rescue survivors of bomb attacks that butchered at least 120 villagers in northern Iraq today. CNN reports that at least three trucks detonated in residential areas and injured upwards of 150 people, mostly Kurds. TV stations are beseeching townspeople to donate blood as US...

Padilla Terror Trial Targets Islam: Lawyer

Defense charges prosecutors play on jurors' post-9-11 fears

(Newser) - A lawyer for one of Jose Padilla's co-defendants accused prosecutors of turning the terror suspects' trial into a "US versus Islam" crusade to conceal a lack of evidence. Padilla, a US citizen, and two other men face charges of conspiring to murder and injure people in Afghanistan and Eastern...

Musharraf Backs Down From Emergency Rule

Under pressure, ruling general instead moves toward elections

(Newser) - After wide speculation that he would invoke emergency measures to deal with mounting violence and instability, Pakistan's president put out word today that he will stay the course on elections, Reuters reports. Beset by Islamic militants, constitutional challenges and declining poll numbers, Pervez Musharraf was thought to be on the...

House Passes Surveillance Bill
House Passes Surveillance Bill

House Passes Surveillance Bill

White House spying powers expanded, despite Democrats' opposition

(Newser) - A bill set to expand the government's warrantless spying program cleared the House last night by a 227-183 vote, the Washington Post reports. Many Democrats put aside profound  reservations, yielding to pressure from the White House and fearing being branded "weak on terror" as the campaign heats up this...

New Report Shows Al Qaeda Strenghtening

Classified intelligence claims Al Qaeda nearing pre-9/11 power

(Newser) - A new National Intelligence report reveals Al Qaeda has rebuilt, strengthened by their ability to operate freely along the Pakistani border, and is approaching an operational capability level not seen since just prior to 9/11. The still-classified report makes clear that there's no credible intelligence on any specific terror targets,...

Britain Convicts Four in '05 Bomb Plot

Botched strike followed London transit attacks by two weeks

(Newser) - Four men accused in failed 2005 bombings of London subways and buses were found guilty today of conspiracy to murder. The attack, in which bombs affixed to makeshift shrapnel failed to detonate detonate, took place two weeks after a the 7/7 transit bombing killed 52 London commuters.

UK Security Chief Warns of Long Haul Against Terror

Britain should expect '10 to 15 year' struggle

(Newser) - Saying that fighting terrorists is "a daunting task," England's new security minister urged Britons to be "un-British" and "snitch" to the authorities if they suspect something, the BBC reports. Sir Alan West, a former Navy admiral, said "we're talking about such a big change" ...

UK Bomb Plot Doctors Tried to Come to US

Two in failed attacks began petition at medical student organization

(Newser) - Two of the suspects in last week's failed UK bomb plot attempted to come to the US, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. The FBI says Mohammed Jamil Asha and another, unspecified member of the gang of eight doctors and medical students arrested last week began applications to US medical schools through...

Taliban Could Engulf Pakistan
Taliban Could Engulf Pakistan

Taliban Could Engulf Pakistan

Musharraf warned that militants are moving beyond tribal border areas

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda and the Taliban have a foothold in remote regions of Pakistan that could explode into a takeover of that volatile country, the Times reports. A leaked memo from Pakistan's interior ministry warned military president Pervez Musharraf that Taliban fighters active on the Afghanistan border are spilling into the country...

Coalition Bombs Kill 7 Afghan Boys
Coalition Bombs Kill 7 Afghan Boys

Coalition Bombs Kill 7 Afghan Boys

Police capture suspect in deadly Kabul bus blast as violence worsens

(Newser) - Worsening widespread concerns about civilian deaths in Afghanistan, a U.S.-led coalition bombing killed seven boys yesterday at a compound in the eastern part of the country. The target, which contained a mosque and a school, was suspected of housing Al-Qaeda militants. "We had a misunderstanding," the...

FBI Jet Veers Off Course
FBI Jet Veers Off Course

FBI Jet Veers Off Course

Tricked-out aircraft designated for counterterrorism often ferries director

(Newser) - The FBI says it needs its $40 million Gulfstream V jet for counterterrorism missions, yet nearly one-quarter of its flight time consists of routine trips by director Robert Mueller, the Washington Post reports. A key Republican senator calls this use of the only agency aircraft capable of international flights "...

Rights Groups Pressure US
Rights Groups Pressure US

Rights Groups Pressure US

Report urges release of info on "disappeared" terror suspects

(Newser) - Six prominent human rights groups want the US to disclose the whereabouts of 39 terrorism suspects, or "ghost prisoners," believed to have been in government custody. The organizations released a report today charging that children as young as 7 have been detained, invoking the loaded term "disappeared,...

Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself
Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself

Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself

Saudi detainee found dead in cell; fourth suicide at US prison

(Newser) - A Saudi prisoner is dead at Guantanamo Bay in an apparent suicide. US officials are still stingy on details, offering only that "the detainee was found unresponsive and not breathing in his cell by guards." They still haven't released a name.

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>