
Stories 41 - 50 | << Prev 

Girl Gangs Clash in Paris
Girl Gangs Clash in Paris

Girl Gangs Clash in Paris

Cops shocked by girl gangs fighting with knives, tear gas

(Newser) - Paris cops recently broke up a suburban street-fight between rival gangs—but this time the gangsters were girls, the Times of London reports. "They had knives, screwdrivers, sticks and teargas and they were really going for each other," one officer said. Girl violence has spiked 140% in France...

US Hatred Fuels Iraq's Teen Fighters

One 16-year-old, a would-be bomber, tells his tale

(Newser) - US and Iraqi forces trying to regain control of the country face a particularly troublesome category of insurgents—teenagers fueled with hatred against America, Der Spiegel reports. The German newspaper interviewed one such teen whose botched plot to kill US soldiers resulted instead in his arrest. He not only led...

'Little Emperors' Run Riot in China

Single-child pressures & tech revolution blamed in crime surge

(Newser) - China is seeing an explosion in youth crime, and the effects of the one-child policy  and sweeping social and technological change are thought to be partly to blame, reports Reuters. Juvenile delinquency has doubled in the last decade, with offenders getting bolder and more innovative. "They are committing new...

MTV Launches New Arabic Channel
MTV Launches New Arabic Channel

MTV Launches New Arabic Channel

Music videos and Arab rap try to woo a huge under-30 audience

(Newser) - How do you say "pimp my ride" in Arabic? Fans will find out when they tune in to MTV Arabia, a new channel launched yesterday in Dubai. The youth brand hopes to deliver its sassy programs to an Arab world, where two-thirds of the population is under 30, without...

More US Kids, Young Adults Commiting Suicide

Rate rises most sharply among teen girls

(Newser) - Suicide rates among America's children and young adults surged by 8% between 2003 and 2004, the most significant increase over the past 15 years, a new Centers for Disease Control report shows. The hike coincides with a 22% decrease in antidepressant use, but it could be related to changes in...

Antidepressant Warning Preceded Youth Suicide Surge

Unintended effect unfolded as use fell

(Newser) - Four years after the FDA and other agencies sparked a drop in antidepressant use by labeling the meds a suicide risk for young people, a new study shows the results were exactly the opposite of what regulators intended. From 2003 to 2004, the suicide rate among people under 19 rose...

Disney Goes Back to High School
Disney Goes Back to High School

Disney Goes Back to High School

(Newser) - The sequel to Disney's smash hit 'High School Musical' will air Friday, and with a barrage of merchandise including CDs, DVDs, musical handbags, stationery, bedding, and a board game, the two kids' flicks are expected to rake in $100M for the Mickey Mouse company, reports the LA Times.

A Prison Aims to Deprogram Young Jihadists

Shia and Sunni students agree on nothing but Harry Potter

(Newser) - The high-security Iraqi prison that once held Saddam Hussein now hosts a pilot program to reeducate jihadist youth. Newsweek visited Camp Cropper, which for the past two months has offered classes and psychological guidance aimed at deprogramming would-be suicide bombers. But the teachers have struggled because the hatred in the...

Young Americans Swing Left, Favor Dems

Support universal health care

(Newser) - Young Americans are skewing left, with fewer identifying themselves as Republicans and more siding with Democrats on hot-button issues, according to a New York Times/CBS/MTV poll. Those surveyed, aged 17 to 29, are more likely than the general public to favor universal health care, gay marriage and open-door immigration.

Chinese Kids Tire of Communism
Chinese Kids Tire of Communism

Chinese Kids Tire of Communism

Mandatory Marxist indoctrination a tough sell to modern youth

(Newser) - Chinese kids are bored stiff with the Communist philosophy still force-fed in their university system. Classes in Marxism have been mandatory since Mao, but cell-phone-weilding students entranced by China's burgeoning capitalist infrastructure are having trouble relating. "It's something like fiction," one student says of the readings in Das ...

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