
Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>

How Scott Walker Pulled It Off
 How Scott Walker Pulled It Off 

How Scott Walker Pulled It Off

Conviction, money, Democratic disorder drove recall results

(Newser) - So much for that recount . Scott Walker won handily last night , and today everyone's talking about why, and what it means. Here's what pundits and strategists are saying went into, and might come out of, the win:
  • The Democratic primary was a disaster, Democratic strategists tell Chris Cillizza

Walker Victory a Major Blow to Labor

 Walker's Victory 
 Bad News for Labor 

Walker's Victory Bad News for Labor

But will that mean it's bad for Democrats, too?

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's victory in a fierce recall battle is a costly blow to labor that will likely have major repercussions across the nation, notes the Wall Street Journal. Inspired by Walker's ability to withstand a challenge to his labor changes cutting collective bargaining rights for most...

Palin: Wisconsin Vote Shows Obama's 'Goose Is Cooked'

But exit polls show many Walker voters support Obama

(Newser) - President Obama's decision not to campaign for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett shows that the president's "goose is cooked," Sarah Palin said after Scott Walker prevailed in Wisconsin's recall election . The former Alaska governor, slamming Obama's "hopey changey stuff," said the people of...

Scott Walker Beats Recall Challenge

Controversial Wisconsin governor will remain in office

(Newser) - After a long, bitter battle and millions of GOP dollars from across the nation, Gov. Scott Walker has survived a recall challenge to remain governor of Wisconsin. Exit polls had the race at 50-50, notes the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . But with 97% of the vote counted in the high-turnout contest,...

No Surprise: Wisconsin Polls Suggest Close Race

Turnout is huge for Scott Walker recall vote

(Newser) - The polls close at 9pm Eastern in Wisconsin, but don't expect the networks to be calling this one anytime soon. Exit polls suggest that the vote to recall Gov. Scott Walker will be a close one, as expected, reports CNN :
  • Parties evenly split: Of those who voted, Democrats made

Democrats Already Prepping for Wisconsin Recount
Democrats Already Prepping for Wisconsin Recount
election day

Democrats Already Prepping for Wisconsin Recount

They've hired 440 lawyers for 'election protection activities'

(Newser) - If you wanted a quick, clean outcome for today's recall election in Wisconsin, bad news: Democrats are already openly preparing for a recount, and have hired more than 440 lawyers to monitor polling places and perform "election protection activities," state party chair Mike Tate tells Politico . He...

Wisconsin Race Neck and Neck
 Wisconsin Recall 
 Neck and Neck 
election Preview

Wisconsin Recall Neck and Neck

Scott Walker leading in polls, but by thin margins, in high-stakes contest

(Newser) - Tomorrow, Wisconsinites will decide whether to keep Gov. Scott Walker or boot him in favor of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, in what Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post is calling "the second most important and influential race of 2012 aside from the presidential," with "absolutely massive" stakes....

Wisconsin Law Ravages Union Membership

'There's nothing the union can do anymore'

(Newser) - Scott Walker will learn Tuesday whether the anti-union law he championed was good politics, but if its goal was to cripple public unions, it's already an unqualified success. Wisconsin public union membership has plummeted, the Wall Street Journal reports. The state's American Federation of State, County, and Municipal...

Dems' Attack on Scott Walker May Backfire

He's on track to win recall election, become party star

(Newser) - Democrats hoped to teach conservatives a lesson about messing with Big Labor by recalling Scott Walker in Wisconsin. Except Walker is now leading in the latest polls, notes CNN , and he stands a good chance of winning on June 5. In fact, the attacks against Walker have all but turned...

Sand Mining Craze Stirs Up Health Fears
 Sand Mining 
 Craze Stirs Up 
 Health Fears 
in case you missed it

Sand Mining Craze Stirs Up Health Fears

But fracking companies love the tiny particles

(Newser) - The upper Midwest is home to the latest craze in American mining: sand. Mining companies are knocking on doors in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and nearby states to dig up tons of the stuff so oil and gas producers can inject it into the ground in a process known as fracking. Sand...

Wife Hits Hubby With SUV Over Wisconsin Recall Vote

Jeffrey Radle attempted to block wife from leaving

(Newser) - Let’s just say Jeffrey Radle and wife Amanda don’t quite see eye-to-eye politically: Amanda wanted to drive to the polls in her Wisconsin town Tuesday, but Jeffrey kept blocking her … so she eventually—allegedly—ran him over with her SUV. Jeffrey supports Gov. Scott Walker but Amanda...

Milwaukee Mayor to Run Against Scott Walker

Barrett aims to unseat Wisconsin governor June 5

(Newser) - Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett has won a hard-fought primary campaign to become the Democrat who will seek to unseat Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in a recall election June 5. Barrett—who was defeated by Walker in November 2010—beat nearest rival Kathleen Falk 58% to 32%, despite the millions of...

Liz Cheney: Future Member of Congress?

Politico thinks she might be considering a run in Wyoming

(Newser) - Liz Cheney has become such a regular on the Wyoming political circuit this year that Politico can't help but speculate whether she'll follow in dad's footsteps and run for office in her former home state. Everything seems to add up: Cheney is currently a resident of Virginia,...

Walker's Wisconsin Lost Most Jobs in Nation

Statistic expected to boost recall effort

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's efforts to keep his job took a hit this week by way of a report showing how many voters lost theirs. Between March 2011 and March 2012, the state lost 23,900 jobs, more than any other state in the nation, according to the Bureau...

Scott Walker: My Enemies Are Tormenting My Family

His kids are hearing it on Facebook, says Wisconsin governor

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says his political enemies are making it personal. In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network , Walker says foes are busing to his home, yelling at family members (including his 70-something mother) in the supermarket, and even going after his kids on Facebook. ( Politico has...

Tonight: 3 Primaries, 7 Things You Need to Know

Rick Santorum has one last chance to get a Midwestern state

(Newser) - You've probably heard this before, but today's Republican primaries in Wisconsin, Maryland, and DC are pretty important. They'll surely push Mitt Romney past the 600 delegate mark (does that make it "halftime"?), and they represent Rick Santorum's last chance to win a Midwestern state,...

Bomb Rattles Wisconsin Planned Parenthood

None hurt in last night's blast

(Newser) - A bomb went off outside a Planned Parenthood location in Wisconsin last night, causing a fire that slightly damaged an exam room. No one was harmed in the blast, the New York Daily News reports. The homemade device, consisting of chemicals in a plastic bottle, was located on an outside...

Romney Walking Tightrope in Wisconsin

He's backing Scott Walker, but needs blue-collar votes

(Newser) - The Republican candidates chasing the presidency are eagerly embracing Wisconsin governor Scott Walker for his controversial fight against public sector unions. But with an incredibly tight recall election looming June 5 , Walker isn't exactly returning the love. Desperate for every vote and worried that supporting any one GOP candidate...

Wisconsin: Disney Is 'Buying Our Bike Trail'??

Elroy-Sparta Bike Trail: Filled with video games and motorbikes?

(Newser) - Chalk one up for those who check the calendar: A Wisconsin newspaper reported this week that Disney would buy a beloved state biking trail and fill it with arcade games, piped-in music, motorbike paths, and kid-friendly miniature trains. Public outcry over the County Line article was so intense that editors...

Romney Looks to Shut Door for Good on Santorum

He leads in Wisconsin as coverage tilts his way

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been declared the "presumptive nominee" time and again in this race, but the coverage heading into Tuesday's primary in Wisconsin suggests this time, really and truly, it's the real deal. It helps that Romney leads in the polls and has racked up high-level endorsements...

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