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Gretchen Whitmer
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For Senate
Bad News
Out of Michigan
Jan 28, 2025 10:19 AM CST
For Senate Democrats, Bad News Out of Michigan
Sen. Gary Peters won't seek a third term, throwing the party for a loop
- US Sen. Gary Peters, who led the Democrats' Senate campaign efforts the past two election cycles, has announced he will not seek a third term in Michigan in 2026, creating a highly contested battleground seat. The 66-year-old's decision Tuesday to step aside after just two terms comes as a...
Challengers to Harris
Are Dropping Like Flies
Jul 22, 2024 10:36 AM CDT
Challengers to Harris Are Dropping Like Flies
Govs. Andy Beshear, Getchen Whitmer, and JB Pritzker say they won't run for nomination
- Kamala Harris hasn't locked down the Democratic nomination, but the list of potential challengers continues to shrink quickly. On Monday morning, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear told the
Morning Joe
show that he wouldn't run, reports the Hill . "The vice president is smart and strong, which will make...
Harris and
Trump Are
Neck and
Neck in Polls
Jul 9, 2024 7:23 AM CDT
Harris and Trump Are Neck and Neck in Polls
Vice president outperforms or statistically ties Biden in 3 of them
- "Does Kamala Harris have what it takes?" That's the question posed by the Independent as it speculates on the US vice president's chances of beating Donald Trump should President Biden step aside so she can make a run in November. According to recent polls, the answer seems...
Gretchen Whitmer's Name
Emerges in the Biden Chatter
the rundown
Jul 2, 2024 9:17 AM CDT
Gretchen Whitmer's Name Emerges in the Biden Chatter
She officially disavows it, but the political intrigue is growing
- President Biden's brutal debate performance has Democrats talking up potential replacements, and one name in particular has been popping up with frequency: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. So much so that Whitmer spoke directly to a top Biden campaign official to disown the "Draft Gretch" speculation, reports Jonathan Martin...
Michigan Drops Nation's
Only Paid Surrogacy Ban
Apr 1, 2024 7:00 PM CDT
Michigan Drops Nation's Only Paid Surrogacy Ban
New laws protect those using in vitro fertilization, also
- Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Monday signed into law bills giving protections to the people of Michigan who want to use paid surrogacy and in vitro fertilization to expand their families. The "package of common sense" also will "ensure LGBTQ-plus parents are treated equally," the Democrat said, per...
Lawmaker Hit for Backing
Racist Conspiracy Theory
Feb 13, 2024 10:45 AM CST
Lawmaker Hit for Backing Racist Conspiracy Theory
Michigan State Rep. Josh Schriver, who tweeted about great replacement theory, loses staff
- A Republican state lawmaker in Michigan lost his committee assignment and staff Monday, days after posting an image of a racist ideology on social media, per the AP . House Speaker Joe Tate, a Democrat who's Black, said he won't allow the House to be a forum for "...
Michigan City
Boosts Police
Presence After
Feb 5, 2024 9:24 AM CST
Michigan City Boosts Police Presence After
Column by Steven Stalinsky called Dearborn, Michigan, 'America's jihad capital'
- Op-eds are known to occasionally provoke, but after a weekend column in the
Wall Street Journal
, a Michigan city now says it needs law enforcement to step in. The mayor of Dearborn, Abdullah Hammoud, announced in a Saturday social media post that police would be upping their presence at "...
Last 3 Defendants Not Guilty
in Michigan Gov Kidnap Plot
Sep 15, 2023 10:30 AM CDT
Last 3 Defendants Not Guilty in Michigan Gov Kidnap Plot
They were acquitted of providing support for terrorist acts in plan to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer
- A jury acquitted three men Friday in the last trial connected to a 2020 plan to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. William Null, twin brother Michael Null, and Eric Molitor were found not guilty of providing support for a terrorist act and a weapon charge, the AP reports. They were...
Democrats Are
Facing a 'Biden Gap'
Jul 7, 2023 1:49 PM CDT
Democrats Are Facing a 'Biden Gap'
The bigger the name, the bigger their support of the president in 2024, writes Jonathan Martin
- In an assessment of the 2024 race for Politico Magazine , Jonathan Martin writes of what he calls the "Biden gap" among Democrats. "The further up a Democrat is on the political food chain, the more publicly supportive and even defensive they are of the president," he writes....
Leader of Plot to Kidnap
Governor Learns His Fate
Dec 28, 2022 11:20 AM CST
Leader of Plot to Kidnap Governor Learns His Fate
Barry Croft Jr. gets more than 19 years
- A Delaware trucker described as a co-leader of the conspiracy to kidnap Michigan's governor was sentenced to almost 20 years in prison on Wednesday, a day after an accomplice received 16 years behind bars . Prosecutors had sought a life sentence for Barry Croft Jr., 47, who was the fourth...
Co-Leader of Plot to Kidnap
Governor Is Sentenced
Dec 27, 2022 10:40 AM CST
Co-Leader of Plot to Kidnap Governor Is Sentenced
Adam Fox gets 16 years in foiled scheme to abduct Michigan's governor
- The co-leader of a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been sentenced to 16 years in prison. Adam Fox returned to federal court Tuesday, four months after he and Barry Croft Jr. were convicted of conspiracy charges in Grand Rapids, Michigan, per the AP . They were accused of...
3 Helpers Get Prison Time
in Whitmer Kidnap Plot
Dec 15, 2022 11:50 AM CST
3 Helpers Get Prison Time in Whitmer Kidnap Plot
They were convicted of helping a leader of the kidnap scheme in Michigan
- A judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor , sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020, per the AP . Joe Morrison, Pete Musico, and...
Judge: In 35
Years, I've
Never Seen
This in Court
Oct 15, 2022 11:30 AM CDT
Judge: In 35 Years, I've Never Seen This in Court
Juror in Gov. Whitmer kidnap trial dismissed for apparently flirting with one of the defendants
- A judge has dismissed a young woman from the jury hearing the trial of three men in connection with a 2020 plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer after attorneys accused her of flirting with one of the defendants, per the AP . Judge Thomas Wilson announced Friday that the woman...
Michigan Kidnap Plotter Gets
Prison, Apologizes to Whitmer
Oct 6, 2022 6:25 PM CDT
Michigan Kidnap Plotter Gets Prison, Apologizes to Whitmer
Judge goes light, saying Kaleb Franks 'came clean'
: A Michigan man who admitted plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was sentenced Thursday to four years in prison, given credit by the judge for testifying for the prosecution in two related trials. Kaleb Franks "made the right decision and came clean," US District Judge Robert Jonker...
In Plot to Kidnap Governor,
2 Guilty Verdicts
Aug 23, 2022 11:09 AM CDT
In Plot to Kidnap Governor, 2 Guilty Verdicts
Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. face life in prison over plans to abduct Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan
- A jury on Tuesday convicted two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, in a plot prosecutors described as a rallying cry for a US civil war by anti-government extremists. The jury also found Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. guilty of conspiring to obtain a...
In Governor Kidnapping
Case, No Guilty Verdicts
Apr 8, 2022 2:23 PM CDT
In Governor Kidnapping Case, No Guilty Verdicts
Two men are acquitted, and the jury deadlocked on the other two
- The government's case against four men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan's governor ended Friday with the acquittal of two men and the jury deadlocked on the other two. In other words, zero convictions. The
Detroit News
describes it as a "a staggering blow to the government...
FBI Raids Home After Threats
in Mich. Gov Kidnap Case
Mar 31, 2022 8:00 AM CDT
FBI Raids Home After Threats in Mich. Gov Kidnap Case
Prosecution has rested its case
- The FBI says it is investigating alleged death threats made in connection with the ongoing trial of four men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. FBI spokesperson Mara Schneider says a Detroit-area home was raided last week over alleged threats to trial participants including the judge and...
Whitmer Plot Suspect Wanted
to Kill Police, Doctors: Witness
Mar 20, 2022 12:15 PM CDT
Whitmer Plot Suspect Wanted to Kill Police, Doctors: Witness
Defendant was angered by the possibility of vaccine mandates, informant testifies
- One of the men plotting to kidnap Michigan's governor also had ideas for heading off COVID-19 vaccine mandates, an informant has testified: Kill the police officers who would enforce the mandates, cut off the heads of lawyers who support the vaccines, and blow up the places where vaccines are...
Trial Begins
in Bizarre Plot
to Kidnap
Mar 8, 2022 1:26 PM CST
Trial Begins in Bizarre Plot to Kidnap Governor
Four men accused in Michigan are expected to use an entrapment defense
- With secret recordings and other evidence, prosecutors are pledging to show how four men were united behind a wild plot to kidnap Michigan's governor in response to her aggressive steps to slow down COVID-19 during the early months of the pandemic. Jury selection began Tuesday in a trial that...
Michigan Drivers, Your
$400 Checks Are Coming
Dec 7, 2021 12:56 PM CST
Michigan Drivers, Your $400 Checks Are Coming
State to refund residents for every vehicle they insure
- Michigan drivers have typically paid some of the highest auto insurance rates in the nation for years, but they're about to get a little payback. Drivers will soon get $400 for every insured vehicle they own, reports NPR . The money is part of an insurance overhaul in the state,...
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