LAX shooting

12 Stories

LAX Shooting Revelations Raise 'What Ifs'

AP talks to sources who say armed officers had left the screening area

(Newser) - The Associated Press has talked to two unnamed law enforcement officials about the Nov. 1 shooting at LAX, and the officials reveal a number of potential missed opportunities. A major one: There were two armed officers assigned to patrol the TSA screening area where authorities say Paul Ciancia opened fire,...

LAX Shooting Suspect Due in Court Today

Ciancia to make first appearance since deadly rampage

(Newser) - An unemployed motorcycle mechanic charged with killing a Transportation Security Administration officer and wounding three other people during a rampage at Los Angeles International Airport last month is due to make his first court appearance today. Paul Ciancia, 23, is not expected to enter a plea at his arraignment. He...

Coroner: TSA Officer Died in Minutes

2 to 5 minutes after he was shot multiple times, coroner's report reads

(Newser) - Contradicting reports that TSA agent Gerardo Hernandez lay bleeding for a half-hour and may have been saved , the Los Angeles County coroner's office has said Hernandez died two to five minutes after he was shot multiple times inside LAX, the LA Times reports. "Some of the reporting on...

TSA Officer Bled for 28 Mins After LAX Shooter Seized

Investigation under way into police, fire response in LAX shooting

(Newser) - Unnamed officials say TSA officer Gerardo Hernandez lay bleeding for 33 minutes at LAX before being taken to an ambulance. For 28 of those minutes, alleged shooter Paul Ciancia was in police custody, though officers hadn't yet declared the area safe to enter. Officers checked on Hernandez, who was...

FBI Studies LAX Suspect's Anti-Government Views

Paul Ciancia made apparent reference to 'New World Order' theory

(Newser) - We know alleged LAX shooter Paul Ciancia apparently had something against the TSA and considered TSA agents "traitors," was disappointed in the government and the NSA, considered himself a "pissed-off patriot" angry at Homeland Security , and may have been interested in the New World Order conspiracy theory...

Shot in Mouth, LAX Suspect Still Can't Talk

TSA mourns first agent killed in line of duty

(Newser) - As investigators try to piece together the lead-up to Friday's shooting rampage at Los Angeles International Airport , the alleged shooter is still too injured to talk. Paul Ciancia, 23, was shot in the leg and took a bullet in the mouth that split his tongue and knocked out his...

LAX Suspect Was Dropped Off by Friend

Paul Ciancia says he acted alone

(Newser) - Alleged LAX gunman Paul Ciancia told investigators he had acted alone after being dropped off by a friend in a black Hyundai, a police official tells the AP ; that friend, officials believe, didn't know what Ciancia had planned. The accused shooter is currently under heavy sedation—and 24-hour armed...

LAX Returning to Normal After Shooting

Terminal 3 reopens

(Newser) - Operations at Los Angeles International Airport were returning to normal by this afternoon following yesterday's shooting that killed a TSA officer and closed parts of the airport. Terminal 3 has reopened, airport officials say. Thousands of fliers across the US were delayed after the attack; the prolonged shutdown at...

What We Know About Accused LAX Shooter

Paul Ciancia may have been swept up in New World Order conspiracy

(Newser) - Accused LAX shooter Paul Ciancia remains hospitalized today with gunshot wounds, though police haven't released his condition. One of the few widely reported tidbits about a potential motive is that the 23-year-old carried a note with anti-government views that said he wanted to kill TSA workers and "pigs....

Slain TSA Screener, 39, Was Father of 2

Victim identified as Gerardo Hernandez

(Newser) - The first TSA employee killed on duty since the agency was created after 9/11 has been identified as 39-year-old Gerardo Hernandez. “It’s devastating because he was such a great guy," a friend tells NBC Los Angeles ."All he talked about was his family." Hernandez, a...

Airport Shooter, 23, Identified

Paul Ciancia reportedly carried anti-TSA note; his dad called police today

(Newser) - We've got a name but still no real explanation of why a shooter opened fire at LAX today. Authorities have identified the gunman at Los Angeles International Airport as 23-year-old Paul Ciancia. A law-enforcement official says Ciancia was carrying a note that said he "wanted to kill TSA...

TSA Employee Killed Inside LAX

Gunman captured, now believed to be ticketed passenger

(Newser) - The LA Times reports that a TSA employee has been killed in today's shooting at a security checkpoint inside Los Angeles International Airport. Details about the shooter remain in flux. The latest reports suggest he was wounded by police in the ensuing shootout but remains alive and in custody....

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