Nina Davuluri

4 Stories

Miss America: Don't Suspend Guy Who Asked Me to Prom

She says she's flattered but she can't make it

(Newser) - Miss America won't be going to the prom with the Pennsylvania high school student who asked her to be his date—but she wants the school to reconsider its decision to suspend him for asking . "I was flattered by the gesture although I am unfortunately unable to attend...

School Suspends Teen for Asking Miss America to Prom

Nina Davuluri spoke at his high school

(Newser) - A high school senior's stunt to land a prom date has earned him three days' suspension instead, reports AP . That's because the would-be date just happened to be Miss America Nina Davuluri , who spoke at Pennsylvania's Central York High School. In a question-and-answer session that followed her...

Miss America Crowned, Hit With Racist Tweets

Nina Davuluri is first winner of Indian heritage

(Newser) - For the first time, we have a Miss America of Indian descent. "I'm so happy this organization has embraced diversity," said Nina Davuluri in a press conference after winning last night. "I'm thankful there are children watching at home who can finally relate to a...

Miss NY Calls Miss America 'Fat As..."

 Miss NY Calls
 Miss America 
 'Fat As..."
rumor mill

Miss NY Calls Miss America 'Fat As..."

Nina Davuluri's alleged remarks revealed

(Newser) - Drama alert: A new Miss America will be crowned Sunday ... and Miss New York allegedly thinks it's about time. Sources tell the New York Post that Nina Davuluri was recorded as calling current Miss America Mallory Hagan "fat as [bleep]." It allegedly happened back on July 16,...

4 Stories
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