Medecins Sans Frontieres

10 Stories

Doctors Without Borders Is Done in Russia

Moscow has yanked the medical aid group's status as an NGO

(Newser) - Doctors Without Borders said Tuesday it has closed its operations in Russia after 32 years, citing a Justice Ministry letter that said the medical aid group had been removed from a register of foreign nongovernmental organizations. The aid group, also known by its French name Médecins Sans Frontières...

'Staggering' Numbers From MSF on Rohingya Killings

Aid group's field survey finds at least 6.7K were killed between August and September in Myanmar

(Newser) - Doctors Without Borders' field survey has found at least 6,700 Rohingya Muslims were killed between August and September in a crackdown by Myanmar's security forces, reports the AP . The group, known by its French acronym MSF, said Thursday that it conducted the survey in refugee camps in Bangladesh....

No More Hospitals in East Aleppo After 'Catastrophic Day'

Airstrikes have left 250K residents with very little access to medical care

(Newser) - On Friday, airstrikes led by Russia and the Syrian government, ostensibly meant to target rebel-held areas in Aleppo, caused enough damage to force four hospitals in the city to close, the Guardian reports. And then the final blow: The Omar bin Abdul Aziz facility, the last remaining hospital in East...

Another MSF Hospital Hit in Airstrike; at Least 6 Dead

Doctors Without Borders says Saudi airstrike injured at least 20

(Newser) - A Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit a hospital supported by Doctors Without Borders in northern Yemen on Monday, reports the AFP , killing at least six and wounding 20. The group, known by the French acronym MSF, said the strike hit near the Houthi rebel stronghold of Saada, where teams were still...

Doctors Without Borders Hospital Hit; 4 Dead

Facility in Yemen is the latest hit taken by aid group; source of projectile unknown

(Newser) - The aid group Doctors Without Borders says a projectile from an unknown source has hit a hospital it supports in Yemen's northern Saada province, killing four and injuring 10. The group, known as MSF, says in a statement that the Sunday attack led to "the collapse of several...

US Story About Hospital Airstrike Changes Yet Again

Doctors Without Borders wants to know why it's the 4th version in 4 days

(Newser) - Details continue to emerge about Saturday's bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, with the US military commander in Afghanistan testifying Tuesday that it was due to US directive. "To be clear, the decision to provide aerial fires was a US decision made within the...

World 'Losing' Ebola Battle: Doctors Without Borders

Top doc tells UN world has done nothing to stem spread

(Newser) - The picture of Ebola in West Africa is apocalyptic: Infected bodies decompose in the street, 150 health workers have died, overflowing clinics turn away the sick, to say nothing of food shortages and riots. And the disease is spreading at an unprecedented rate , Doctors Without Borders President Joanne Liu told...

Scale of Ebola Epidemic 'Unprecedented'

At least 80 dead so far in Guinea, neighboring countries

(Newser) - The scale of the Ebola epidemic that has now killed at least 80 people in Guinea is "unprecedented," according to Doctors Without Borders. "We are facing an epidemic of a magnitude never before seen in terms of the distribution of cases in the country," says a...

Rice Stampede Kills Typhoon Survivors

Estimate of 10K dead 'too much,' Aquino says

(Newser) - Relief operations have been stepped up in the Philippines but the situation remains desperate for large numbers of people in areas ravaged by Typhoon Haiyan. In the worst-hit region, eight people were killed in a stampede as thousands of survivors stormed a government rice warehouse, the AP reports. Security forces...

355 Dead, 3K Sick in Syria Chemical Attack: Aid Group

Doctors Without Borders says patients show 'neurotoxic symptoms'

(Newser) - While the Syrian government and rebels argue over who is using chemical weapons on whom , and the US government weighs what, if anything, it should do about it, Doctors Without Borders (AKA Medecins Sans Frontieres) has added weight to the allegations that chemical weapons were indeed used in the attack...

10 Stories