Christina Anderson

2 Stories

Autopsy: Hannah Anderson's Mom Bound, Gagged, Beaten

She was died of at least 12 blows to head, had broken arm

(Newser) - Christina Anderson, mother of kidnapped teen Hannah Anderson, was bound and gagged before she was killed by at least a dozen blows to the face and head, according to newly released autopsy results. Her mouth and neck bore "multiple layers" of duct tape. The 44-year-old also had a broken...

Cause of Death Revealed for Hannah Anderson's Mom

Christina Anderson died of blunt force trauma

(Newser) - We now know what killed Hannah Anderson's mom: The San Diego County Medical Examiner's Office says Christina Anderson died of blunt force. It does not elaborate in a brief posting on its website. A search warrant unsealed last week said firefighters found Christina Anderson's body near a...

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