Fergie Duhamel

4 Stories

Fergie, Josh Duhamel Call It Quits
Fergie, Josh
Call It Quits

Fergie, Josh Duhamel Call It Quits

But they 'will always be united'

(Newser) - Fergie and Josh Duhamel "will always be united," they say in a statement to People ... just not in marriage. The couple, who successfully weathered allegations of cheating on Duhamel's part a few years back , are splitting up after eight years of marriage and five years together before...

5 Stars With Their Own Booze Brands

You know you want some George Clooney tequila

(Newser) - You know you've really made it when you have your own brand of alcohol—as do these celebrities rounded up by ETOnline :
  • George Clooney: Helped develop Casamigos tequila after a trip to Mexico with friends Rande Gerber and Mike Meldman; the ad features Clooney waking up next to Cindy

Fergie: Baby's Name Came to Me in Dream

Plus more celebrity babies, romance

(Newser) - Well, at least one celebrity is explaining her odd name choice: Fergie says she and hubby Josh Duhamel chose their baby's name, Axl Jack , after a dream she had while pregnant. In the dream, "I was in the audience at this festival. It was outdoors and it was...

Fergie Changes First, Last Names

Stacy Ann Ferguson becomes Fergie Duhamel

(Newser) - Fergie's name is now officially ... Fergie. The singer, born Stacy Ann Ferguson, on Friday changed her name to Fergie Duhamel, TMZ reports. She and actor Josh Duhamel have been married since 2009 , and now they're expecting a baby . Josh Duhamel talked to E! about his soon-to-be-born son over...

4 Stories
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