Donald Trump 2016

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Clinton-Trump Debate Moderators Are Chosen

Lester Holt, Martha Raddatz, Anderson Cooper, and Chris Wallace will handle them

(Newser) - The Commission on Presidential Debates is tasked with finding the folks who will moderate the upcoming word wars between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, as well as between their respective VP picks. And the commission has spoken, per ABC News , naming NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt as the first...

Melania Trump Sues Daily Mail Over Escort Claims

She's seeking $150M in libel damages

(Newser) - Melania Trump is taking on the Daily Mail—armed with the lawyer who brought down Gawker . Attorney Charles Harder announced Thursday that Trump is suing the British newspaper and US blogger Webster Tarpley for libel over claims that she worked as an escort in the '90s, the BBC reports....

Highlights of Trump's Immigration Speech

It includes 'a great wall' and a focus on deporting immigrants who are criminals

(Newser) - Hours after returning from his trip to Mexico and a visit with that nation's leader, Donald Trump expounded on his immigration plan during a speech in Arizona. First and foremost was a familiar sentiment: "We will build a great wall along the southern border," Trump said to...

Clinton More Unpopular Than Ever: Poll

She and Trump are almost equally disliked

(Newser) - A new ABC News / Washington Post poll finds that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equally unpopular with registered voters. Clinton's unpopularity went up 6 percentage points in three weeks, and the latest poll found that 56% of adults have an unfavorable view of her—a new record...

Trump to Kaepernick: Find a New Country

Candidate criticizes QB's refusal to stand for national anthem

(Newser) - If Colin Kaepernick doesn't want to stand for his national anthem, Donald Trump thinks he should find a new nation, period. Asked about the NFL quarterback's protest on a radio show Monday, Trump said he'd been following the story. "I think it’s a terrible thing,...

What We Can Infer From Clinton's Use of 2 Planes

Jim Rutenberg sees a transparency problem

(Newser) - It's been a campaign tradition for the last half-decade or so, at least until Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump quashed it. Both travel with two sets of planes, with the press corps relegated to No. 2. "A pox on both their jetliners," Jim Rutenberg declares at the...

Trump Promises &#39;Major&#39; Immigration Speech
Trump Promises 'Major'
Immigration Speech

Trump Promises 'Major' Immigration Speech

He wants 'Crooked Hillary' to release health records

(Newser) - After days of confusion, speculation, and suggestions of a "stunning reversal," Donald Trump appears to be almost ready to cIarify his stance on immigration. "I will be making a major speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the GREAT State of Arizona," he tweeted Sunday. "...

New Theme of 2016 Race: the &#39;Alt-Right&#39;
New Theme
of 2016 Race:
the 'Alt-Right'
the rundown

New Theme of 2016 Race: the 'Alt-Right'

Clinton links Trump to 'racist' movement, and he denies

(Newser) - Suddenly, "alt-right" is the political phrase of the moment. Hillary Clinton on Thursday called out Donald Trump for being linked to what she calls a racist, "paranoid fringe" movement, while Trump denied even knowing what the phrase means. Coverage:
  • What Clinton said, per Gothamist : "These are race-baiting

Clinton, Trump Accuse Each Other of Racism
Trump, Clinton Trade
Barbs on 'Nastiest Day'

Trump, Clinton Trade Barbs on 'Nastiest Day'

They're calling each other bigots

(Newser) - Thursday was what Politico calls "the nastiest day of the general election battle so far," with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump trading insults and accusations of racism. In a campaign video and speech Thursday, Clinton linked Trump to the far right and described him as a "profoundly...

Trump Just Did a Massive 180 on Undocumented Immigrants

He indicates he might soften his stance

(Newser) - Both NPR and NBC are calling it a "stunning reversal": Donald Trump indicated he would back a path to legalization for undocumented immigrants in the US. "No citizenship," he said during a town hall with Sean Hannity that aired on Fox News Wednesday night. "They'll...

Trump: War Zones Are Safer Than US Inner Cities
Trump: War Zones
Are Safer Than
US Inner Cities

Trump: War Zones Are Safer Than US Inner Cities

Democrats have completely failed, he says

(Newser) - "Democrats have failed completely in the inner cities," Donald Trump said at a rally in Ohio Monday night, urging minority voters to give him a chance to change things. Murder rates are up "all over the place," he told the Akron crowd, saying "war zones...

Trump Slams Mika Brzezinski as 'Neurotic,' 'Not Very Bright'

Twitter fight comes day after campaign says he doesn't use personal insults

(Newser) - Donald Trump tuned into MSNBC's Morning Joe on Monday and clearly didn't like the negative coverage from hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. Thanks to Twitter, we know all about it: "Tried watching low-rated @Morning Joe this morning, unwatchable!" Trump tweeted . He then labeled Brzezinski "...

Hannity on Advising Trump: 'I Never Claimed to Be a Journalist'

Fox News host has been lending thoughts to longtime friend for months: sources (and Hannity)

(Newser) - People are still scratching their heads about what role Roger Ailes might be playing in Donald Trump's campaign, but there's a new player in town: Sean Hannity. Writing for the New York Times , Jim Rutenberg says the Fox News host constantly gives the GOP nominee free PR by...

Trump &#39;s View on Deportations &#39;to Be Determined&#39;
Trump's View on Deportations
'to Be Determined'
the rundown

Trump's View on Deportations 'to Be Determined'

But campaign manager Conway disputes he's changing positions

(Newser) - Is Donald Trump softening a bit on immigration? Pressed on the issue Sunday on CNN's State of the Union, new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway used the phrase "to be determined" in regard to Trump's plans for the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants. Trump has previously vowed...

Trump Campaign Exec Paul Manafort Resigns

Move follows big shakeup

(Newser) - More turmoil at the top in the Trump camp: Campaign chairman Paul Manafort has resigned. The move comes after Donald Trump essentially demoted Manafort earlier in the week by creating a new position of campaign CEO for Stephen Bannon and promoting adviser Kellyanne Conway to the post of campaign manager....

In Major Turnaround, Trump Admits Regrets

He says some remarks have caused pain

(Newser) - In a development that may have had some onlookers scanning the sky for flying pigs, Donald Trump expressed regret Thursday night for things he has said. "Sometimes in the heat of debate, and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say...

Trump Lawyer on Negative Polls: 'Says Who?'

'Which polls?' he asks in awkward interview

(Newser) - Donald Trump's lawyer has apparently decided that it's his turn to make the gaffes. In an interview with CNN Wednesday, notoriously combative Trump Organization attorney Michael Cohen interrupted host Brianna Keilar when she said that the campaign was "down," Politico reports. "Says who?" he asked....

Trump Shakes Up Campaign Leadership
Trump Shakes Up
Campaign Leadership

Trump Shakes Up Campaign Leadership

Breitbart News co-founder Stephen Bannon comes aboard

(Newser) - Tuesday brought a series of "what the heck is he doing?" questions about Donald Trump's campaign amid reports that with less than 90 days to go, it had yet to spend a dime on ads , to Hillary Clinton's $61 million. Wednesday brings some big movements: The Wall ...

Report: Roger Ailes Is Prepping Trump for Debates

But campaign denies any formal or informal role for ex-Fox exec

(Newser) - Roger Ailes has reportedly found a new role since resigning from Fox News last month: helping Donald Trump prep for the presidential debates. According to three anonymous sources who spoke to the New York Times , Ailes is helping Trump's team as they get the GOP nominee ready for his...

Trump About to Get His First Classified Briefing

ABC says he's bringing Chris Christie with him

(Newser) - Donald Trump's worst critics won't be happy with this piece of information from ABC News : The candidate will receive his first classified security briefing on Wednesday from the FBI. Trump will visit the field office in New York City and bring Chris Christie and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn,...

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