Donald Trump 2016

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Trump: &#39;I Didn&#39;t Apologize to My Wife ... I Didn&#39;t Do Anything&#39;
Trump: 'I Didn't Apologize to
My Wife ... I Didn't Do Anything'
presidential debate

Trump: 'I Didn't Apologize to My Wife ... I Didn't Do Anything'

Clinton says 'belittling women makes him bigger'

(Newser) - After an hour of debate on policy issues, Wednesday night's debate turned to the accusations by women against Donald Trump—and he dismissed them as "lies and fiction." The allegations that he groped women "have largely been debunked," he said, adding that he suspected Hillary...

Journalism Prof Backs Up Writer's Trump-Assault Story

Prof says he told Natasha Stoynoff to keep quiet

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have suggested Natasha Stoynoff wasn't attractive enough to assault , but the People writer has half a dozen people backing up her account that he forced his tongue down her throat during a 2015 interview at his Florida estate—including her old journalism professor. Paul McLaughlin, who...

Obama Tells Trump to Quit His Whining

The election isn't rigged, and claiming it is proves Trump's not the man for the job

(Newser) - During a White House Rose Garden appearance with the Italian prime minster Tuesday, President Obama was asked about Donald Trump's claims that the presidential election is rigged. Obama did not mince words: "There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig...

Familiar Theme Emerges in Election Coverage
Familiar Theme Emerges
in Election Coverage
the rundown

Familiar Theme Emerges in Election Coverage

Common refrain: Clinton will win easily, now looking to Congress

(Newser) - A clear theme is emerging in political coverage, one that suggests a shift in thinking in DC from a probable Hillary Clinton victory to a certain Clinton victory, with the only question being how big it will be and whether the Democrats take over Congress. Examples:
  • "With Donald Trump’

Stern: Trump's 2005 Comments Not Just 'Locker Room Talk'

But he says he won't re-air Trump's interviews on his show

(Newser) - Howard Stern has had Donald Trump on his radio show quite a few times, and last week, the Washington Post used clips from his appearances between 2002 and 2013 in a disparaging story about Trump. The paper noted that though none of the tapes are as lewd as the 2005...

Arabic Billboard Near Detroit Makes Fun of Trump

Sign reads: 'Donald Trump, he can’t read this, but he is scared of it anyway'

(Newser) - A super PAC funded by the creators of risque card game Cards Against Humanity has placed an Arabic-language, anti-Trump billboard on a highway in Michigan. It's in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit, which has a large Arab-American population, reports the Detroit News . The billboard is a simple string of...

Melania Trump Goes On Offensive for Her Husband

Says he was egged on by host Billy Bush in hot mic comments

(Newser) - Melania Trump has kept a low profile since the GOP convention, but she's suddenly taking a more aggressive role on behalf of her husband. In interviews with CNN and Fox News , the wife of Donald Trump said she has accepted his apology over the language he used in his...

Hustler Offers $1M Reward for Damaging Info on Trump

Good way to make a quick buck

(Newser) - The Houston Chronicle reports that Larry Flynt and Hustler are offering a $1 million bounty for anyone who can produce "verifiable video footage or audio recordings" showing Donald Trump "engaging in illegal activity or acting in a sexually demeaning or derogatory manner." The magazine has promised to...

100 Business Leaders Explain Why They Back Trump

Including PayPal founder Peter Thiel

(Newser) - Some people might be backing off their support for Trump in the wake of the controversy surrounding his leaked 2005 comments about women, but not these 100 business leaders. In an open letter released by the Trump Organization , the business leaders—including PayPal founder Peter Thiel, who recently donated $1....

Trump: This Election Looks Rigged
Trump: This Election
Looks Rigged

Trump: This Election Looks Rigged

He got physical when teleprompter broke down

(Newser) - Looks like Donald Trump did not sleep well Friday night: He spent Saturday morning firing off a series of tweets claiming that the election is rigged, which the AP calls an "unprecedented assertion in a country with a history of peaceful democratic transition." "Hillary Clinton should have...

Trump on Clinton: She Walked by Me, 'I Wasn't Impressed'

And he says one of his accusers 'would not be my first choice'

(Newser) - Donald Trump continued responding to allegations of sexual misbehavior in a controversial fashion Friday, saying that a woman who accused him of groping her on a plane "would not be my first choice, that I can tell you." The statement came during what the AP calls a "...

2 More Women Accuse Trump of Groping Them

Including a former contestant on The Apprentice

(Newser) - Two more women have come forward to accuse Donald Trump of inappropriate sexual touching. Summer Zervos, a former contestant on The Apprentice says Trump grabbed her breasts, kissed her without consent, "thrust his genitals" at her, and tried to get her into his bed to watch "telly-telly" during...

Trump&#39;s Chance of Getting to 270 Is Shrinking
Trump's Chance of
Getting to 270
Is Shrinking
the rundown

Trump's Chance of Getting to 270 Is Shrinking

Polls suggest he's in trouble in crucial states

(Newser) - Friday morning brings another spate of Donald Trump stories. Some of the big ones generating headlines:
  • Trump's path to victory is in trouble based on the latest polls in North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, while the campaign seems to have given up entirely on Virginia. "It's hard

NYT Lawyer Fires Back at Trump Attorneys

See you in court, he says

(Newser) - Donald Trump's lawyers have threatened to sue the New York Times over a story alleging that he groped two women —but the lawyers for the Times don't appear to be quaking in their boots. "The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of...

First Lady: Trump Allegations Have 'Shaken Me to My Core'

Michelle Obama calls on women to say 'enough is enough' to GOP nominee

(Newser) - Donald Trump has had a bruising week with hot mics and accusations of sexual misconduct , and one person who's "shaken to the core" by the din surrounding the GOP nominee: Michelle Obama, who spoke on the matter at a Hillary Clinton campaign event Thursday in Manchester, NH, reports...

Google Searches for 'Write-In' Just Surged Massively

Searches hit record level since 2004

(Newser) - Americans are apparently looking for someone, anyone, other than Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to vote for in the presidential election—just as long as that someone isn't, you know, someone already on the ballot . Google Trends data shows that online searches for "write-in" jumped by more than...

People Writer: Trump Attacked Me During Interview

Woman who covered Trump beat is latest accuser

(Newser) - The latest woman to accuse Donald Trump of forcing himself on her is People writer Natasha Stoynoff, who covered the magazine's Trump beat for years and has shared what the magazine calls a "harrowing story" of being attacked during an interview in 2005. She says she was interviewing...

Trump Campaign: Groping Story 'Completely False'

3rd woman comes forward in Florida

(Newser) - A bombshell New York Times story on two women who say Donald Trump forced himself on them is "fiction" and it is "dangerous" for the paper to launch a "completely false, coordinated character assassination" on the candidate, according to a campaign statement that accuses the NYT of...

Trump Tweet Gets San Antonio Cops in Trouble

They'll be disciplined for wearing 'Make America Great Again' hats

(Newser) - On Tuesday, Donald Trump tweeted a video of himself posing with uniformed police officers as he prepared to board his plane at the San Antonio International Airport—and now at least 14 of those officers are facing disciplinary measures over their attire. They were shown in the video wearing the...

How Trump's Troubles Could Actually Help Him

Overconfident Democrats may not vote

(Newser) - A Reuters analysis suggests an odd problem for Hillary Clinton: overconfidence among her supporters may lead them to skip Election Day altogether. With Donald Trump dealing with GOP defections and slipping poll numbers in the wake of his hot mic scandal, the prospect of depressed Democratic turnout is a real...

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