Donald Trump 2016

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Trump Makes Lemonade Out of Lemons
Trump Makes Lemonade
Out of Lemons

Trump Makes Lemonade Out of Lemons

After his number is published, he turns it into a campaign ad

(Newser) - When Donald Trump gave out fellow candidate Lindsey Graham's personal phone number, Graham publicly destroyed his phone. When Gawker pulled the same stunt on Trump himself, he responded in much different fashion: Trump turned the phone's greeting into a campaign ad, as NBC's Frank Thorp demonstrates on...

Guess Who's Polling No. 1 Among GOP?

Donald Trump has 18% support among GOP voters nationwide; Jeb Bush has 15%

(Newser) - Some media outlets might want to evict Donald Trump from their politics sections , but he appears to be doing pretty well among Americans surveying the political arena. As CNN reports in a new CNN/ORC national poll, Trump is polling at the top of the considerable heap of Republican presidential contenders,...

2 Weeks to Go: 16 GOPers Jockey for 10 Debate Spots

Who's in, who's out, and who's teetering on the edge

(Newser) - There are just two weeks to go until the first Republican debate on Aug. 6, and the lineup isn't even close to set. Sixteen candidates are vying for 10 podiums on Fox's stage, reserved for those at the top in recent polls. Here's the latest:
  • Who's

5 Things to Know From Trump's Financial Disclosure

He makes more from park carousel than his business books

(Newser) - Donald Trump complained that his fortune was too big for disclosure forms , but he managed to squeeze it into a 92-page filing with the Federal Election Commission that was made public yesterday. The filing doesn't show evidence of the "TEN BILLION DOLLARS" Trump boasted of in a campaign...

Trump Gives Out Number of 'Idiot' Lindsey Graham

And it was, in fact, his real phone number

(Newser) - He may be a "feckless blowhard," but Donald Trump sure knows how to generate headlines. Today, Trump went after fellow candidate Lindsey Graham in the senator's home state of South Carolina, accusing him in a speech of being an "idiot" and then rattling off Graham's...

Trump's Draft Deferments Now in Spotlight

There's a big question about 5th deferment

(Newser) - By mocking John McCain's military record , Donald Trump has put his own record of draft deferments in the spotlight, and he's being pretty evasive about the last of his five Vietnam-era deferments, Politico reports. The campaign describes the 1968 medical deferment, which Trump says was for bone spurs...

Trump on McCain Diss: 'I Will Say What I Want to Say'

The Donald doubles down, won't be apologizing to former POW

(Newser) - Donald Trump does what he wants, and what he apparently wants is near-universal condemnation—including that of the vast and diverse field of fellow Republican presidential contenders, which has apparently found one thing they can agree on, and that is Trump's attack on John McCain's time as a...

Trump Mocks POW McCain's Status as 'War Hero'

'I like people who weren't captured'

(Newser) - John McCain and Donald Trump have been sparring the last few days, with McCain telling the New Yorker that Trump "fired up the crazies" with his immigration comments. Today, Trump shot back in what can only be described as Trump fashion—by attacking the former prisoner of war's...

HuffPo: We'll Cover Trump, but Not in Politics Section

Instead, 'what tumbles out of his mouth' will move to entertainment section

(Newser) - Donald Trump may be at or near the top in the latest GOP polls, but you'll no longer find him in the Huffington Post's political section. The site announced today that coverage of the Trump campaign is moving to the entertainment section. "Our reason is simple: Trump'...

Trump: My Fortune's Too Big for Disclosure Forms

But some of that $10B may exist only in his head

(Newser) - How rich is Donald Trump? His campaign says he's worth $10 billion, and that figure has been filed on disclosure forms with the Federal Election Commission, although his fortune was apparently more than the FEC's forms could handle, NBC News reports. "This report was not designed for...

Trump Tweet Accidentally Includes Nazis

As poll puts him as GOP frontrunner

(Newser) - A Donald Trump tweet featured soldiers in Nazi uniforms along with the White House, the US flag, $100 bills, and Trump himself, but the campaign stresses that it was a mistake made by a "young intern" and the Waffen-SS logos are not part of Trump's vision for America....

Trump 'Ready to Go Right at' Mexico, $25K per Immigrant

Candidate tells Phoenix crowd he wants 'to take back heart of country'

(Newser) - As Donald Trump continues to trade volleys with Latinos , he took his unrepentant show to Phoenix last night, where he told an enthusiastic crowd that waited hours in 100-degree temps that "we have to take back the heart of our country" and that he was "ready to go...

'Racially Charged' Trump Tweet Targets Wife of Jeb Bush

The Donald makes reference to her Mexican heritage

(Newser) - Donald Trump lashed out at presidential candidate Jeb Bush today with a tweet that Time is calling "racially charged." Trump posted that "#JebBush has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife," a tweet that stayed up on the money mogul's account for 24...

Trump Is a Little Surprised by Huge Backlash

He feels like a 'whipping post'

(Newser) - Business partners including NBC , Macy's , and now NASCAR have been rapidly backing away from Donald Trump, and the candidate admits he has been taken off guard by the ferocity of the backlash against his comments about Mexican immigrants. "I didn't know it was going to be this...

Now World's No. 2 Rich Guy Spurns Trump

And Mexico won't be sending a contestant to Miss Universe pageant

(Newser) - Suffice it to say that Latinos don't love Donald Trump : The second richest guy on planet Earth has joined the burgeoning list of Latino-affiliated groups jumping ship in the wake of the candidate's derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants. Carlos Slim announced yesterday that his Ora TV would back...

Petition to NBC to Dump Trump Racks Up 215K Names
 NBC Dumps Donald Trump 

NBC Dumps Donald Trump

'Respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values'

(Newser) - Donald Trump apparently doesn't have NBC's vote. This, from the company today: "At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values. Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump." The...

Trump Hasn't Voted in Last 6 Elections

He's also given more money to Democratic candidates than Republicans

(Newser) - When it comes to voting for Donald Trump, the man himself would rather you not follow his track record. Records seen by the National Review show Trump hasn't voted in the past six presidential-primary elections, including in 2000, 2004, and 2012 when he considered a run for president. He...

Trump Won't Hand Over His Birth Certificate

The 'Guardian' asked, and even provided a fax number

(Newser) - In the fall of 2012, Donald Trump shared a "big surprise": an offer to donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choice if the president released "his college records and applications" and "his passport applications and records." Fast forward roughly three years, and there'...

Trump: Univision Is Conspiring With Mexico

He plans to sue for 'hundreds of millions'

(Newser) - The Donald Trump-Univision spat looks like it could outlast the Donald Trump 2016 campaign. Trump's lawyer says his client plans to sue the network for "hundreds of millions" over its decision to drop the Miss USA pageant, reports Reuters . "We intend to pursue all legal rights and...

Univision Dumps Miss USA Over Trump

Given 'insulting remarks about Mexican immigrants,' breaking up not hard to do

(Newser) - Several things stood out when Donald Trump announced his presidential bid — liberal glee, conservative scorn , escalators, paid supporters —but what many in the Latino community heard was his proposal to build a "great, great wall" on the US-Mexico border to block Mexican drugs, crime, and rapists. Outrage...

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