Donald Trump 2016

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Ex-Mexican Prez Not Impressed With Trump's Border Wall Plan

Mexico will not be paying for any 'stupid,' 'useless' wall

(Newser) - Donald Trump isn't the only one who can throw around words like "stupid," "useless," "crazy," and "ignorant." Trump, of course, has claimed during his presidential campaign that not only will he get a border wall built if he's elected, but...

Who Won, Lost the GOP Debate
 Who Won, Lost  
 the GOP Debate  
the rundown

Who Won, Lost the GOP Debate

Common theme: Good night for governors, bad for frontrunners

(Newser) - The Republicans wrapped up their last debate before New Hampshire votes on Tuesday, a particularly feisty affair in which Marco Rubio took the biggest hits . One theme emerging is that it was a good night for governors but not for frontrunners:
  • Dan Balz of the Washington Post : "Marco Rubio

Cruz Took 6 Big Swings at Trump Yesterday

A confident Cruz bashes his rival in New Hampshire

(Newser) - Ted Cruz claims Donald Trump's "reaction to everything is to throw a fit, to engage in insults." On Wednesday, however, the insults were coming mainly from Cruz himself. Six biggies:
  1. At a town hall in New Hampshire, Cruz managed to turn nearly every answer into a critique

Trump Wakes Up to Indignity

The schadenfreude is strong the morning after his Iowa caucus loss

(Newser) - Ted Cruz beat out Donald Trump last night in the Iowa caucuses, and even though Trump gave an uncharacteristically gracious concession speech , he didn't escape the media pokes this morning. A roundup of some of the more irreverent reactions:
  • More than one headline incorporated Trump's trademark "

Azealia Banks, Kid Rock, Adele All Talk Trump

One of the above actually supports him

(Newser) - Three celebrities have weighed in on the 2016 presidential candidates ... well, mostly Donald Trump:
  • Azealia Banks went on quite a rant Sunday night on Twitter , and though the rapper started off by saying she'd be voting Trump, the whole thing ended up being satire, Salon reports. Sample tweets : "

In Cruz vs. Trump, One Iowa Number Matters Most

More voters means better chances for Donald, and there's a tipping point

(Newser) - Despite Ted Cruz trying to shame Iowa residents into coming out to vote in Monday's caucuses , he may not want too many of them to show up, unless he knows for sure they're voting for him. Per Politico , voter turnout will prove critical in the race between him...

So Who Won: Fox or Trump?
 So Who Won: 
 Fox or Trump? 

So Who Won: Fox or Trump?

Well, it's not exactly clear

(Newser) - Who won Thursday night: Donald Trump or Fox News? The early word seems to be that there's "no clear winner," as the Baltimore Sun puts it. Trump, of course, skipped the Fox News GOP debate, and other networks including CNN and MSNBC ran portions of Trump's...

HuffPo to State Trump Is 'Racist' After Every Article

Also a 'serial liar' and 'rampant xenophobe'

(Newser) - Hoping to learn more about Donald Trump's campaign by perusing the Huffington Post? You'll also learn that he's a "serial liar" and a "racist." An editor's note attached to a Trump story published Wednesday reads: "Note to our readers: Donald Trump is...

Trump: I Drew More Cameras Than Fox

Network says it rejected his demand for $5M for charity

(Newser) - Donald Trump went through with his charity rally for veterans Thursday night, but he told the crowd at Drake University in Des Moines that he would have loved to have been at the debate instead. “I didn’t want to be here, I have to be honest,” he...

Trump, O&#39;Reilly Get Testy Over Tonight&#39;s Debate

 Trump, O'Reilly 
 Get Testy Over 
 Fox Debate 
the rundown

Trump, O'Reilly Get Testy Over Fox Debate

Bill O'Reilly tries to convince him to show up, to no avail

(Newser) - It's GOP debate night, and the million-dollar question is whether Donald Trump will show. It turns out there's also a 1.5 million-dollar question on the table. The latest:
  • In a Wednesday night interview with Bill O'Reilly, Trump didn't come close to budging. The Hill recounts

Trump Toys With 'Bimbo' Slam in Megyn Kelly Feud

Coyly says term is too PC for him to use

(Newser) - The Donald Trump fight with Fox News and Megyn Kelly wasn't simmering down Wednesday, a day after Trump bowed out of Thursday night's debate. Related coverage:
  • "I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct. Instead I will only call her

Trump Hits New High in National Poll

He has double the support of nearest rival Ted Cruz

(Newser) - The good news keeps on coming for Donald Trump. A CNN poll that sampled 1,002 adults from Thursday to Sunday shows the real estate mogul with 41% support among Republican voters across the country—a new high up from 39% in December. That's more than double the 19%...

Fox: Trump Fears Megyn Kelly
 Fox: Trump Fears Megyn Kelly 

Fox: Trump Fears Megyn Kelly

He's threatening to skip GOP debate

(Newser) - Donald Trump is once again threatening to pull out of a GOP debate—and Fox says it's because he's afraid to face Megyn Kelly again. Speaking to CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Monday, Trump said that he's not 100% sure about attending the Thursday night debate because...

Axelrod: Trump&#39;s Run Is Like Obama&#39;s
Axelrod: Trump's Run
Is Like Obama's

Axelrod: Trump's Run Is Like Obama's

'It's so obvious, I'm embarrassed I missed it'

(Newser) - David Axelrod has been among those dismissing Donald Trump's candidacy as a joke all these months—until now. In a New York Times op-ed, Axelrod writes that it's dawned on him that Trump's run is very much like Barack Obama's 2008 campaign in one vital respect....

GOP Punishes Magazine for Anti-Trump Issue

'National Review' no longer co-sponsoring debate

(Newser) - Payback was swift for the National Review on Thursday after the conservative magazine published a fierce anti-Donald Trump editorial , calling him a "menace to American conservatism" and a "philosophically unmoored political opportunist." The Republican National Committee informed the magazine that it had been "disinvited" from the...

Bob Dole: Better Trump Than Cruz
Bob Dole: Better
Trump Than Cruz

Bob Dole: Better Trump Than Cruz

He warns of 'cataclysmic' losses if Cruz is nominee

(Newser) - The GOP's 1996 nominee for president is worried that Ted Cruz might get the nod in 2016—and he thinks Donald Trump could be the only candidate who can stop him. Bob Dole tells the New York Times that he questions Cruz's allegiance to the party, and he...

Did Sarah Palin Just Kill the Tea Party?
 Did Sarah Palin 
 Just Kill the Tea Party? 
the rundown

Did Sarah Palin Just Kill the Tea Party?

Some critics think her Trump endorsement is final straw

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made her big return to national politics by endorsing Donald Trump Tuesday night. Will it matter? Is the Tea Party dead? Was the speech weird? All that and more:
  • The New York Daily News is getting plenty of attention for its "I'm With Stupid" front page

Palin: Things Are Gonna Change Under President Trump

'Are you ready to make America great again?'

(Newser) - Has Sarah Palin returned to the national stage? You betcha! The former Alaska governor gave Donald Trump her endorsement at a rally in Ames, Iowa, on Tuesday night, where she asked the enthusiastic audience if they were "ready to make America great again," CNN reports. She went on...

Sarah Palin Is Endorsing Trump

The rumors are true

(Newser) - If you've been dying to know who Sarah Palin will be voting for in the GOP primary, we finally have the answer: Donald Trump. The former governor and VP contender will officially endorse the Donald Tuesday night at a rally in Ames, Iowa, CNN reports. The New York Times...

Trump: I&#39;ll Defend Christianity
 Trump: I'll Defend Christianity 

Trump: I'll Defend Christianity

He flubs Bible quote at Christian college

(Newser) - Donald Trump appeared at the evangelical Liberty University on Monday and gave what Politico calls a "PG-13 version of his usual stump speech," telling students that the Bible is the only book better than The Art of the Deal. But he did manage to bungle a Bible quote...

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