Donald Trump 2016

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Jeff Bezos Responds to Trump's Amazon Attack

Amazon founder says presidential candidates shouldn't behave that way

(Newser) - Last Thursday, Donald Trump set his sights on Amazon founder/Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos and pulled the proverbial trigger, accusing Amazon of "getting away with murder tax-wise" and claiming the paper was being wielded to protect Amazon from paying more in taxes. One week later, Bezos took aim of...

Hillary Holds Slim Kentucky Lead, Loses in Oregon

Kentucky primary too close to call with 99% reporting

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is clinging to a razor-thin lead over Bernie Sanders in Kentucky's Democratic primary and lost to him by a solid 6 points in the Oregon primary on Tuesday, CNN reports. In Kentucky, where Clinton is considered the favorite, she has 212,549 votes (46.8%) to Sanders'...

Woman: NYT Put 'Negative' Spin on My Trump Quotes

Rowanne Brewer Lane says she didn't have demeaning experience with the Donald

(Newser) - Donald Trump wasn't happy about what he calls the New York Times' "hit piece" against him, which documented his treatment of women over the years, and neither is one of the women interviewed for that article, USA Today reports. Rowanne Brewer Lane was the subject of the lead...

Trump Has One Glaring Vulnerability
Trump Has One Glaring Vulnerability

Trump Has One Glaring Vulnerability

Columnist: Refusal to release taxes shows he's a 'total fraud'

(Newser) - Donald Trump is refusing to release his tax returns, repeating a pattern that Jonathan Chait of New York says goes back years. He first promises to do so, then finds some excuse to avoid it. His current reasoning is that there's "nothing to learn from them." Chait,...

Ben Carson May Have Accidentally Revealed Trump's VP Shortlist


(Newser) - Oops? Per a story in the Washington Post Sunday, Ben Carson may have accidentally revealed Donald Trump's VP shortlist. During a ride-along with a reporter, Carson was asked about a new poll listing the best-liked potential running mates for Trump: John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Chris...

Bizzaro Trump Allegation: He Posed as Own PR Guy

He denies it, but 'Washington Post' says he did so often years ago

(Newser) - In what may be the weirdest story yet in the weirdest election season yet, the Washington Post is out with a piece accusing Donald Trump of posing as his own boastful PR person in phone calls to reporters years ago. As Exhibit A, it shares a 14-minute recording from 1991...

Trump's New Target:

He calls out founder Jeff Bezos

(Newser) - Donald Trump seems to have a big new target in his sights: and its founder, Jeff Bezos. In a Thursday interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity, Trump accused Bezos of using his Washington Post to try to keep Trump out of the White House. Why? He said Amazon...

Trump, Ryan Promise to Try to 'Unify' GOP

They're out of first meeting, sounding more positive—but still no endorsement

(Newser) - Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan pledged to work together Thursday after a high-profile meeting behind closed doors, reports the AP . The pair issued a statement describing their meeting as a "very positive step toward unification" that recognized "many important areas of common ground" as well as...

Sanders Takes West Virginia; Trump Gets 2 More Wins

Bernie is already looking beyond to California

(Newser) - Donald Trump racked up two more victories Tuesday night on his unimpeded path to the GOP convention, but the bigger suspense was on the Democratic side, where Bernie Sanders notched a win in West Virginia. The AP , CNN , and other outlets called the race for Sanders about two hours after...

Site Helps You Flee Trump, Find Canadian Soulmate

That's right—a dating site for people defecting to Canada if Donald Trump wins the presidency

(Newser) - Looking for true love? Thinking of fleeing to Canada if Donald Trump wins the general election in November? Now you can take care of both in one fell swoop thanks to a site that promises to "make dating great again," Global News reports. Maple Match "makes it...

Donald Trump Has New Job for Chris Christie

Trump was loyal supporter to head transition team

(Newser) - Donald Trump is tapping Chris Christie for a new position—and it's not vice presidential nominee . Trump has named Christie to lead Trump's transition team should he win the presidency in November, NBC News reports. The team will be tasked with naming candidates for cabinet posts and filling...

Trump: Ryan &#39;Blindsided&#39; Me
 Trump: Ryan 'Blindsided' Me 

Trump: Ryan 'Blindsided' Me

Palin says speaker might be 'Cantor-ed'

(Newser) - Donald Trump on Sunday said that Paul Ryan's statement that he couldn't yet support the GOP frontrunner came as a surprise. "I like Paul Ryan. I think he's a very good guy," he tells NBC News . "He called me three weeks ago, and he...

The Last 2 GOP Presidents Won't Endorse Trump

In a rare move, both say they're staying out of the election

(Newser) - Jeb Bush chose not to endorse Donald Trump. His father and brother are now following suit. In statements to the Guardian , George HW Bush and George W Bush each say they're staying out of the 2016 election, which means they won't endorse Trump, though he's now the...

Gingrich for Trump&#39;s VP?
 Gingrich for Trump's VP? 

Gingrich for Trump's VP?

He's open to it, and on lots of short lists

(Newser) - With Donald Trump adding the title of "presumptive nominee" to his resume, the chatter about a potential running mate is increasing. Chris Christie, Ben Carson, and even MSNBC's Joe Scarborough are among the names popping up, but one in particular seems to be on most short lists: Newt...

Warren: I'll Fight 'Toxic' Trump Every Step to White House

Mass. senator goes on Facebook rant against presumptive GOP nominee

(Newser) - Donald Trump is now the GOP's presumptive nominee , and that has some moving straight into "defeat Trump" mode. Count Elizabeth Warren among their number with what Fortune calls an "epic" social-media rant Tuesday night following Trump's big win in Indiana. In her Facebook diatribe against the...

Cruz Drops Out; Trump Is 'Presumptive Nominee'

'We're going after Hillary Clinton,' says Trump

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is out. The Texas senator is ending his campaign after being routed in Indiana by Donald Trump in Tuesday's primary, reports the AP . Cruz had staged a last stand in the state in the hope of preventing Trump from securing the nomination, but he told supporters that...

Smart Conservatives Are Stupid About Trump
Smart Conservatives Are Stupid About Trump

Smart Conservatives Are Stupid About Trump

'Intelligentsia' seems biased against actual democracy

(Newser) - The "conservative intelligentsia" is anything but intelligent when it comes to Donald Trump, writes John Feehery at the Hill . Among those he calls out is David Brooks of the New York Times, who last week called Trump's candidacy a "Joe McCarthy moment" for the party. But Feehery...

For Democracy, Trump Is an 'Extinction-Level Event'

Andrew Sullivan thinks Plato had it right about tyranny

(Newser) - In a cover story for New York , Andrew Sullivan offers up what might be the ultimate long-view look at Donald Trump's candidacy: Hearkening back to Plato's Republic, Sullivan makes the case that Trump is a threat to our very democracy and must be stopped. Plato thought democracies were...

Poll: Cruz's Plan to Stop Trump Backfires Big Time

Indiana voters aren't pleased with divide-and-conquer scheme

(Newser) - The tables have turned for Sen. Ted Cruz in Indiana ahead of Tuesday's primary vote, though not in the direction he was hoping. On Saturday night, the Indianapolis Star reported that the Texas senator had a healthy 16-point lead over Trump in voter support (44.8% to 29%, per...

Trump &#39;Got Burned&#39; by Arizona
 Trump 'Got Burned' by Arizona 

Trump 'Got Burned' by Arizona

Cruz wins most of the delegates at Saturday's convention

(Newser) - Ted Cruz pulled out a strategic victory at the Arizona Republican Party convention Saturday, winning virtually all of the 28 at-large national delegates and roughly splitting the 27 delegates selected by congressional district, reports the AP . As Politico puts it, "Trump's campaign got burned ... in the hunt for...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>