
10 Stories

Netflix Apologizes, Will Ditch Disaster Footage in Movie

Company reverses its decision to use actual Canadian rail explosion in 'Bird Box'

(Newser) - Netflix has changed its tune two months after refusing to remove footage of a 2013 rail disaster from its hit film Bird Box. "We're sorry for any pain caused to the Lac-Mégantic community" of Quebec, the company says in a statement to the BBC . The clip from...

Netflix on Bird Box Footage: We're Not Pulling It

Company used clip from real train disaster in Quebec that killed 47

(Newser) - Netflix says it will review its practices on stock footage after a controversy involving its newest horror film, but it's not planning to completely bend on what caused the original controversy. The company recently came under fire for using clips from a 2013 rail disaster in Lac-Megantic, Quebec—an...

'No Way Did They Do That': Outrage Over Netflix Clips

2 productions used actual footage from Lac-Megantic disaster

(Newser) - The mayor of Lac-Megantic, Quebec, says she was appalled to discover that footage of the most horrific day in her town's history was presented as fiction in two Netflix productions. Footage of the 2013 runaway train disaster that killed 47 people and destroyed most of the small town's...

Answers in Quebec Train Blast May Be Months Away

Toll now at 33, with another 17 presumed dead

(Newser) - While the world's attention has now moved to a different train wreck in France , the aftermath of the train blast in Quebec last week worsens, with the official death toll now at 33 after five more bodies were found. Another 17 are presumed dead, bringing the total to 50....

Railway Boss: Conductor Didn't Set Brakes

Edward Burkhardt tours the devastation in Quebec

(Newser) - Yesterday, the head of the railway company whose runaway train decimated a small Quebec town suggested that firefighters were to blame for the tragedy. Today, Edward Burkhardt of the Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway is blaming one of his own employees—the conductor who left the train in the nearby...

Train Blast Site Being Treated as Crime Scene

Disaster raises questions about moving oil by rail

(Newser) - Police in Quebec are pursuing a painstaking, wide-ranging criminal investigation of the inferno ignited by the derailment of a runaway oil train that killed at least 15 people and left dozens missing in the burned-out ruins of a downtown district. A police inspector says terrorism has been ruled out as...

Train Operator Blames Disaster on Firefighters

Says they inadvertently shut off power to brakes during earlier fire

(Newser) - The company that owns the runaway train that decimated the heart of a small Quebec town thinks firefighters working on it hours before the crash are to blame, reports CNN . The firefighters put out a fire aboard the train when it was parked in the town of Nantes. While doing...

8 More Bodies Found in Canada Train Wreck

Up to 50 still missing

(Newser) - The death toll in the oil train derailment in Quebec has risen to 13, with eight more bodies discovered in the wreckage, the AP reports. Many more are still missing—the AP puts the number at "about 40," but Reuters says the figure has been updated to "...

Victims Feared 'Vaporized' in Runaway Train Inferno

40 still missing after Quebec disaster

(Newser) - Around 40 people are still missing after the derailment and explosion of a runaway train in Quebec , and the blast was so intense that authorities fear there may be nothing left of some victims. The hospital in Lac Megantic, which had been braced for huge numbers of casualties, is "...

Train With Crude Oil Derails, Explodes

Several missing, 1K evacuated in Quebec town

(Newser) - Train cars carrying crude oil through a small town in Quebec derailed last night, setting off huge explosions that forced the evacuation of 1,000 and left several people missing, reports the CBC . About 30 buildings in the heart of Lac Megantic were destroyed by the explosions and resulting fire,...

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