
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Administration Plans to Close Immigration Offices Abroad

Work would shift to US, hindering legal applicants

(Newser) - As the Trump administration tries to strengthen immigration controls and move away from family reunification in favor of merit-based immigration, the US plans to close its 21 immigration offices abroad. That might slow down the work of processing family visa applications, foreign adoptions, and citizenship petitions from members of the...

New Shutdown Impasse Isn't About a Wall

2 sides can't agree on number of immigrants that can be detained; deadline is Friday

(Newser) - Don't look now, but the three-week reprieve that ended the recent government shutdown expires this week. If negotiators can't reach a deal before midnight Friday, a new shutdown begins, notes CNBC . What's worse, talks aren't going well . This time around, the big sticking point isn't...

Report: Trump's Border Wall Plan Has a Major Gap

Most undocumented immigrants enter US legally, then overstay

(Newser) - A new report from the Center for Migration Studies highlights a major flaw in President Trump's plan to curb illegal immigration with a border wall: Most undocumented immigrants arrive legally and overstay their visas. The center says that in 2016-2017, overstayers accounted for 62% of newly arrived undocumented immigrants,...

Fact-Checkers Pounce on Trump Address
Fact-Checkers Pounce
on Trump Address
the rundown

Fact-Checkers Pounce on Trump Address

Post calls address 'misleading and bleak'

(Newser) - President Trump delivered an address on the "crisis" at the US-Mexico border Tuesday night—and fact-checkers started work as soon as he got to the word "crisis." The Washington Post, which calls Trump's description of the situation "misleading and bleak," reports that while the...

His High School Doodle Got Him Deported
High School Student's
Doodle Leads to Deportation

High School Student's Doodle Leads to Deportation

Alex drew a devil with horns, the school mascot; ICE deemed it gang activity

(Newser) - Alex attended Huntington High School on Long Island, and he committed three big sins in the eyes of the authorities: He once wore blue sneakers to the school, he wrote "504" on his school bag and on a school calculator, and he doodled a devil with horns on his...

Mexico Just Made a Big Change on Migrants

People seeking asylum in US will be returned to Mexico to wait out the process

(Newser) - Mexico has agreed to a fundamental change on how it deals with migrants seeking asylum in the US. Instead of being allowed to cross into America, they will now be returned to Mexico to wait out the legal process, reports the AP . The Homeland Security Department calls Mexico's agreement...

Big Advertiser Steps Back From Fox Host After Migrant Remarks

Pacific Life is reassessing its relationship with Tucker Carlson after 'poorer,' 'dirtier' comments

(Newser) - Comments about immigrants that Tucker Carlson made on his Fox News show Thursday have just caused a major advertiser to give pause. The Hill reports that insurance company Pacific Life is, at least for "the coming weeks," yanking its ads from Tucker Carlson Tonight as it "[reevaluates]...

Trump 'Totally Willing' to Shut Gov't Over Border Wall Funding

President and the Dems aren't even close on the $5B figure he's throwing out there

(Newser) - President Trump said last Thursday he'd be OK with a government shutdown if he doesn't get the funding he wants on the US-Mexico border wall, and several days later, he hasn't changed his mind. With just over a week before Congress' Dec. 7 deadline to finish up...

Trump: I'll Shut Border 'Permanently' If I Have To

President tells Mexico it should send all 'flag-waving migrants' back to their home countries

(Newser) - On Sunday, there was "mayhem" at the US-Mexico border as pedestrian crossings at the San Ysidro port of entry, one of the country's busiest, were suspended by Customs and Border Protection, and US agents shot tear gas at migrants near the border after a few tried to breach...

US Shuts Border After Hundreds Break Blockade

US agents also fire tear gas

(Newser) - Migrants approaching the US border from Mexico were enveloped with tear gas Sunday after a few tried to breach the fence separating the two countries, the AP reports. US agents shot the gas, according to an AP reporter on the scene. Children were screaming and coughing in the mayhem. Honduran...

US Strikes Major Deal With Mexico —or Does It?

US-Mexico agreement seems up in the air

(Newser) - Has Washington struck a new immigration deal with Mexico? Depends on who you ask. According to the Washington Post , the two sides have agreed in principle that asylum seekers will wait in Mexico for courts to assess their claims—and anyone denied gets sent back to their home country. "...

Clinton&#39;s Migration Comments Cause a Stir
Clinton's Migration
Comments Cause a Stir
the rundown

Clinton's Migration Comments Cause a Stir

She urges Europe to send the message that it can't continue to 'provide refuge'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has managed to simultaneously surprise her critics on the right and her supporters on the left with new comments about migration in Europe. In an interview with the Guardian , Clinton discussed the rise of right-wing populists—she includes President Trump in that mix—and said they won't...

Feds Award Company $145M Border Wall Contract

The 18-foot tall barrier will span 6 miles in the Rio Grande Valley

(Newser) - A Texas company has become the recipient of a US-Mexico border wall contract as federal authorities fulfill President Trump's first and most contentious campaign promise. Per CBS News , US Customs and Border Protection said Friday that the $145 million contract was awarded to Galveston-headquartered construction company SLSCO. The wall...

Trump Tweets Controversial Video of Immigrant Cop Killer

Critics compare it to the infamous Willie Horton ad

(Newser) - President Trump is stepping up his message on immigration before the midterms in a big way with a tweeted video about an undocumented immigrant who killed two law enforcement officers in 2014. The ad centers on Luis Bracamontes, who was in the country illegally when he killed the officers in...

Soros Conspiracy Theory May Be Fueling Rampages
Campbell Soup Exec Gone
After Soros Conspiracy Theory
the rundown

Campbell Soup Exec Gone After Soros Conspiracy Theory

Idea that billionaire is funding migrant caravan might be fueling rampages

(Newser) - George Soros received one of the mail bombs sent to prominent figures on the left last week, and it's not surprising he would show up on such a mailing list: He's the topic of numerous conspiracy theories from his political opponents. Now, however, one conspiracy theory in particular—...

Pentagon Plans to Send Hundreds of Troops to Border

Defense chief Mattis expected to sign order as migrants approach

(Newser) - President Trump on Thursday again declared the situation at the US-Mexico border a "national emergency" and promised to get the military involved. Now it appears the Pentagon is preparing to do just that. Defense chief James Mattis is expected to sign an order authorizing at least 800 troops to...

There Might Soon Be 3 US-Bound Caravans

Group plans to leave El Salvador next week, as Honduran stragglers move north

(Newser) - If the Honduran migrant caravan making its way toward to the US southern border is "the gift that keeps on giving for Donald Trump's midterm elections," as the Telegraph suggests, then a second caravan forming in El Salvador may be the bow on top. An internal report...

Trump Calls Migrant Caravan a National Emergency
Trump Calls Migrant Caravan
a National Emergency
the rundown

Trump Calls Migrant Caravan a National Emergency

Thousands of Central Americans marching north are now in Mexico

(Newser) - The size of a migrant caravan marching north toward the US border is increasing in size even as President Trump escalates his rhetoric. In a series of tweets Monday, Trump called the caravan a national emergency, blamed Democrats for weak immigration laws, asserted that "criminals and unknown Middle Easterners"...

Migrants Break Fence at Guatemala-Mexico Border

"Nobody is going to stop us!"

(Newser) - Some 3,000 Central Americans traveling in a mass caravan broke through a Guatemalan border fence and streamed by the thousands toward Mexican territory Friday, the AP reports, defying Mexican authorities' entreaties for an orderly migration and President Donald Trump's threats of retaliation . Arriving on the Mexican side of...

Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory on Migrants

Asserts that 'a lot of money' is being paid for people to join caravan ahead of midterms

(Newser) - A new mass group of migrants in Central America is walking toward the US border, and President Trump on Thursday suggested the timing is fishy so close to the midterms. At a rally in Montana, Trump seemed to back a conspiracy theory that Democrats or their supporters were paying migrants...

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