
Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

Calif. Rep: Deport US-Born Kids of Illegals

'Takes more than walk across border'

(Newser) - A California lawmaker wants US-born children of illegal immigrants deported, he told a Tea Party rally. "It takes more than walking across the border to become an American citizen. It's in our souls," Republican Duncan Hunter said in San Diego. Deporting American kids of illegal citizens is "...

Arizona Sheriff Won't Enforce 'Stupid' Immigration Law

'We're not stopping people for the Border Patrol'

(Newser) - The top cop in Arizona's Pima County has no intention of enforcing the state's new "stupid, racist and disgusting" immigration law. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," said Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. "We're not going to stop and detain these people for...

Gordon Brown Apologizes to 'Bigoted Woman'
Gordon Brown Apologizes to 'Bigoted Woman'
Gaffe Dept.

Gordon Brown Apologizes to 'Bigoted Woman'

PM mutters insults into microphone he didn't know was on

(Newser) - Gordon Brown fell all over himself apologizing yesterday after he was caught on tape calling a voter a “bigoted woman.” After a conversation about immigration with Gillian Duffy, 65, Brown got in his car muttering, “That was a disaster,” unaware that his broadcast microphone was still...

Alabama Candidate Runs 'English Only' Ad

'We speak English. If you live here, learn it.'

(Newser) - Wow. Check out this not-at-all-racist new ad from Alabama gubernatorial candidate Tim James. James just can't understand why the state offers its drivers license test in 12 languages. “This is Alabama. We speak English. If you want to live here, learn it,” he declares. “We're only giving...

Arizona the 'Meth Lab of Democracy': Stewart
 Arizona the 'Meth Lab 
 of Democracy': Stewart 
rips immigration bill

Arizona the 'Meth Lab of Democracy': Stewart

And how about that birther bill, and the concealed weapons, and the.....

(Newser) - Hey, Arizona, Jon Stewart has news for you: Tom Tancredo thinks your immigration bill goes too far…and that means you have a problem. This is Tom Tancredo, after all—“the guy who called Miami a third world country and said the Minutemen border patrol aren’t vigilantes, they’...

Ariz. Immigration Law Foes Seek Obama's Help

Refried-bean swastikas smeared on state capitol's windows

(Newser) - The furor over a new Arizona immigration law showed no sign of cooling today, as protesters reportedly smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the windows of the state capitol, according to MSNBC . More demonstrations for and against the provision are scheduled for this week. Opponents of the...

Thousands Protest Arizona Immigration Law

'We are human,' reads marcher signs

(Newser) - Some 2,500 people marched to the state capitol yesterday to protest Arizona's new immigration law, with one speaker warning that the controversial bill has "awakened a 21st century civil rights battle." It was the third day of protest against the law, which is the first in the...

Arizona Passes Tough Illegal Immigration Act

Bill makes it a state crime to be in US illegally

(Newser) - Arizona lawmakers have passed the toughest state law against illegal immigration in the country. The measure—which critics say is wide open to constitutional challenges—makes it a crime to be in Arizona without proper immigration papers, and gives police the right to determine whether a person is legal even...

Cuba Releases Photos of Elian Gonzales, 16

As a boy in the US, he set off a furor over immigration

(Newser) - Cuba has released photos of one-time exile cause célèbre Elian Gonzalez wearing an olive-green military school uniform and attending a Young Communist Union congress. Gonzalez, now 16 with closely cropped black hair, is shown serious-faced with fellow youth delegates during last weekend's congress in Havana. The images were...

Race Riots Erupt Again in Italy
 Race Riots Erupt Again in Italy 

Race Riots Erupt Again in Italy

North Africans battle South Americans in Milan

(Newser) - Milan exploded in race riots this weekend after an immigrant from Egypt was killed during an argument with a group of South American immigrants. A group of North African immigrants rampaged through the northern Italian city, overturning cars and attacking shops owned by South Americans. Milan's deputy mayor told the...

1,000 Kids a Year Forced Into Sex Slavery—in Ohio

Sweatshop labor also rampant in human trafficking hub

(Newser) - Each year in Ohio some 1,000 US-born children are forced into the sex trade and about 800 immigrants are sexually exploited or pushed into sweatshop labor. Weak trafficking laws, poorly informed law enforcement, and the state's proximity to the Canadian border combine to make Ohio a hub of human...

Tancredo: Illiterate Voters Elected 'Socialist' Obama
Tancredo: Illiterate Voters Elected 'Socialist' Obama
Tea Party Opener

Tancredo: Illiterate Voters Elected 'Socialist' Obama

But things would be even worse if McCain had been elected

(Newser) - Tom Tancredo kicked off the National Tea Party Convention last night with a full blast of vitriol, saying “Barack Hussein Obama” had been elected because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote. People who could not even spell the word vote, or say...

Majority Opposes Letting More Haitians Into US
 Majority Opposes Letting 
 More Haitians Into US 

Majority Opposes Letting More Haitians Into US

But following earthquake, 63% think US should do all in its power to help

(Newser) - While Americans are securely behind the nation’s ongoing relief efforts in Haiti, a majority is against allowing more Haitians into the US in the wake of the calamitous earthquake. Responses break down along party lines, according to Gallup , which conducted the poll. 53% of all Americans oppose increased immigration,...

In Wake of Cartoonist Attack, Denmark Veers Right

New immigration crackdown expected

(Newser) - Denmark prides itself on being a liberal, tolerant society but the recent attack on cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is the latest incident to nudge Danish society the other way. The news that the attacker was a Muslim immigrant has sparked calls from politicians for the country's immigration laws—already among the...

US Ends Ban on HIV-Positive Travelers

Visitors, immigrants with infection no longer barred

(Newser) - Today saw the end of a US ban on travel and immigration by HIV-positive individuals, a rule that had been in place since 1987. The Centers for Disease Control removed the infection from the category of “communicable diseases of public-health significance” after President Obama said last year the ban...

Lou Dobbs: I Wasn't Forced Out
 Lou Dobbs: 
 I Wasn't 
 Forced Out 

Lou Dobbs: I Wasn't Forced Out

Ex-CNN host says he hasn't talked with Fox

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs says he doesn't feel as though he was pushed out of CNN, where he worked for all but 2 years of its existence until last Wednesday. "I don't know if people will believe it, but we had a very amicable parting on the best of terms,"...

Home-Grown Islamic Terrorism No Threat
 Home-Grown Islamic 
 Terrorism No Threat 

Home-Grown Islamic Terrorism No Threat

US Muslims well-integrated, 'devout capitalists'

(Newser) - Whatever place religious extremism occupied in the troubled mind of Nidal Hasan, the United States—unlike Europe—has no reason to fear terrorism from its own Muslim population, says Max Fisher . American Muslims are far less vulnerable to al-Qaeda recruitment than their brethren across the pond, Fisher writes in the...

US Fails to Make Sure Foreign Visitors Leave

Dallas bomb plot highlights thousands who overstay visas

(Newser) - Hosam Maher Husein Smadi came to the US legally on a tourism visa. But the 19-year-old Jordanian stayed after it had expired and then, allegedly, tried to blow up a Dallas skyscraper. That case has sparked calls from both parties for a better system for tracking foreign visitors, the New ...

Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear
Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear

Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear

(Newser) - The hallmark diversity of the United States is the biggest obstacle to a “federal social insurance system”—health care included, writes Michael Lind on Slate. The greatest strides toward a European-style safety net were made between World War I and the 1970s “when the foreign-born percentage of...

'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right
 'You Lie' Rep 
 Essentially Right 


'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right

Joe Wilson not wrong about Obama wanting to insure illegals

(Newser) - Give Joe Wilson a break. It’s hard to fit the complexities of policy into an outburst during a presidential address, but the South Carolina congressman has a point: If you connect two of President Obama’s top policy priorities, he does want to give insurance to illegal immigrants. It’...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>