
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Hungary Arrests Toxic Sludge Boss

PM wants state to take over the firm

(Newser) - The head of the company behind Hungary's toxic sludge spill has been arrested, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has asked parliament to take over. "The company should be put under state control and its assets under state closure," he said. Zoltan Bakonyi, of aluminum firm MAL Co,...

Cracked Hungarian Reservoir Near Collapse

Likely to spill another wave of red sludge, PM warns

(Newser) - A new wave of industrial red sludge will likely wash over Hungary, PM Viktor Orban said today, with the enormous reservoir whose corner gave way earlier this week showing further cracks, and an entire wall "very likely" to collapse. Calling the situation "dramatic," Orban said that nearby...

Toxic Sludge Reaches Danube
 Toxic Sludge Reaches Danube 

Toxic Sludge Reaches Danube

Hungarian spill moves into Europe's 2nd largest river

(Newser) - A spill of toxic waste has reached a branch of Europe's second largest river, the Danube. The sludge from a burst containment reservoir in Hungary has already devastated the first river it came into contact with, the Marcal, reports Voice of America . EU officials say that all fish and wildlife...

Toxic Sludge Floods Hungarian Towns

4 dead, ecological catastrophe looms

(Newser) - A flood of toxic red sludge from an aluminum plant has engulfed several villages in Hungary, killing at least four people and threatening to become an ecological disaster as it approaches the Danube River. At least six people are missing, and 120 have been injured, some with serious burns from...

Now Italy Evicts Gypsies
 Now Italy Evicts Gypsies 

Now Italy Evicts Gypsies

One camp razed this week

(Newser) - Rome's right-wing mayor has followed France's lead and renewed a crackdown on gypsy camps around the city. One camp was razed this week, and officials said some 20 people have accepted an offer of voluntary repatriation, though many more fled before the bulldozers arrived, the Telegraph reports.

'Jesus' Seen in Google Earth
 'Jesus' Seen on 
 Google Earth 

in case you missed it

'Jesus' Seen on Google Earth

'It's obvious,' says spotter

(Newser) - An Internet surfer perusing Google Earth has reported finding what he calls the face of Jesus in a pattern of fields in Hungary. "I'm not a religious person looking for images of Mary or Jesus in everything, but this is obvious," said Zack Evans, 26, a sales assistant...

US Uses Aid Dollars to Keep Allies in Afghanistan

Counterterror funds serve as tacit incentive to continue unpopular fight

(Newser) - The Pentagon is pouring millions of dollars into equipment and training for its smaller partner nations in the Afghanistan war, a new effort aimed at encouraging them not to abandon the increasingly unpopular conflict. While the funding cannot be openly used as an incentive for NATO nations to send troops...

Holocaust Victims Sue Hungarian Railroad

Survivors, heirs seek $240 million for stolen property

(Newser) - Hungarian survivors of the Holocaust and the heirs of those killed are suing the state railroad for complicity in the Nazi genocide. The suit, which seeks class-action status, seeks $240 million for the theft of the victims' property and $1 billion in punitive damages. It's being filed by a Northwestern...

Hungarian Med Student Opens Fire in School

1 killed, 3 injured in campus shooting

(Newser) - One person was killed and three others seriously injured when a pharmacology student opened fire on classmates yesterday in the southern Hungarian city of Pecs. The university student was arrested after surrendering to police, the Independent reports. The shootings have shocked Hungary, where gun crime is extremely rare. Classmates said...

Hungary Holds 'Miss Plastic' Pageant

Beauty contest offers prizes to the surgically-enhanced—and their surgeons

(Newser) - Boob jobs, facelifts, and new noses were on parade in Budapest last night as Hungary held its first "Miss Plastic" pageant. The winners—who had to prove they had actually gone under the knife—received prizes including a new apartment and a new car, and their surgeons took home...

Hungary Fetes 1989 'Picnic' That Led to Fall of Berlin Wall

Provided escape from Communism for East Germans

(Newser) - Hungary is celebrating the 20th anniversary today of its “Pan-European Picnic”: the day it opened its border with Austria, providing a pathway for hundreds of East Germans to exit Europe’s communist east. “The Soviet bloc was like an air balloon with over-pressure so it needed only a...

Freak Accident Nearly Kills Grand Prix Racer

Car part bounces off track, fractures Felipe Massa's skull

(Newser) - A Brazilian auto racer is in “life-threatening,” though stable, condition after a spring from another car bounced off the track and hit the driver in the helmet, knocking him unconscious as he drove into a barrier, the Independent reports. Felipe Massa’s surgery for multiple skull fractures was...

Generous Pensions Toppling Hungarian Economy

Public spending dilemma threatens to engulf Eastern Europe

(Newser) - Pensions are at the heart of the Hungarian financial crisis threatening to drag down the Eastern European economy, the Wall Street Journal reports. Three out of every 10 Hungarians currently collects a generous government pension, but the cost—around 10% of GDP and rising—has made the country's deficit unmanageable,...

Unable to Fix Economy, Hungary's PM Steps Down

(Newser) - Hungary’s Socialist prime minister will step down so that a leader more adept at managing the country’s dire economic straits can take over, Reuters reports. “I hear that I am the obstacle to the cooperation required for changes,” Ferenc Gyurcsany told a meeting of his party....

Leaders Warn of Economic 'Iron Curtain'

Eastern Europe melts down, but Western leaders refuse bailout

(Newser) - EU leaders meeting in Brussels yesterday rejected a Hungarian-led effort to bail out the faltering economies of Eastern Europe, leading to apocalyptic warnings of an economic "Iron Curtain," with millions of unemployed workers heading west. Countries from the Baltic states to Poland and Romania have seen their once-booming...

Russian Gas Again Flows to Europe Through Ukraine

Supplies had been cut for 2 weeks amid political squabbles

(Newser) - Gas is again flowing from Russia to Ukraine, a major gas gateway for Europe, after disputes between the two countries shut down supplies for two weeks, Reuters reports. Leaders couldn’t agree on a 2009 gas contract amid political tensions over Ukraine’s wish to join NATO; 20 European countries...

Gorilla Fine After Rare Surgery
 Gorilla Fine After Rare Surgery 

Gorilla Fine After Rare Surgery

Docs in Hungary look for tumors in ovary of 32-year-old Liesel

(Newser) - A 32-year-old female gorilla underwent a rare gynecological procedure in Hungary yesterday, the AP reports. Doctors operated for three hours on Liesel, who they suspected had a malignant tumor on her right ovary. No tumors were found during the surgery, but the gorilla will be kept under observation and apart...

Crisis Makes Former Skeptics Rethink Euro

From Poland to Iceland, once-resistant nations want to join up

(Newser) - When the euro was first proposed, skeptics cautioned of the dangers of an integrated system during a time of crisis. Now that the crisis is here, the euro has performed relatively well while smaller currencies have plunged in an investor "flight to quality." As the New York ...

IMF Bails Out Hungary, Ukraine
 IMF Bails Out Hungary, Ukraine 

IMF Bails Out Hungary, Ukraine

Multibillion-dollar loans prop up Eastern Europe's basket cases

(Newser) - The IMF will provide multibillion-dollar loans to Ukraine and Hungary, which have followed Iceland to become the latest national victims of the global financial crisis. Ukraine will receive a $16.5 billion loan, while the specifics of the Hungary deal are still being worked out. Both Eastern European countries have...

IMF Plans Huge Credit Line for Poor Nations

Wave of defaults in developing world could imperil global economy

(Newser) - While the financial crisis is leading the West into recession, other parts of the world from Hungary to Argentina face an even worse fate: default, market panic, and possibly social upheaval. Now the IMF is working to build a giant line of credit, funded by rich nations, to provide...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>