NSA leak

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Snowden Made 21 Asylum Requests, Drops Russia Bid

The 'nos' are starting to pile up

(Newser) - Can Edward Snowden afford to be choosy? Authorities in Russia say the NSA leaker has reportedly canceled a request for asylum after balking at the conditions imposed by Vladimir Putin , including no longer leaking information damaging to the US, the AP reports. Snowden has applied for asylum in no fewer...

Putin: Snowden Can Stay If...

...he stops 'harming our US partners'

(Newser) - Forget Ecuador ; Vladimir Putin says Edward Snowden can stay in Russia if he's so inclined—on one condition. "If he wants to remain here he must stop his work aimed at damaging our American partners," he said at a news conference, according to RT . "As odd...

What We Can Learn From Snowden's Job Title

As an 'infrastructure analyst,' he was supposed to identify cyberwar targets

(Newser) - President Obama seemed to be downplaying Edward Snowden's importance when he dismissed him as "a 29-year-old hacker." But hacking was, in a sense, Snowden's actual job description, the New York Times points out. Officials have been careful not to mention Snowden's actual title, which was...

Ecuador: Snowden 'Not in Our Hands'

Correa backs farther away, says London consul made 'serious error'

(Newser) - Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa says that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden is "under the care of Russian authorities" and can't leave Moscow's international airport without his US passport. In an interview with the AP this morning, Correa said he had no idea Snowden's intended destination...

Snowden's Dad: He'll Come Home If...

Lonnie Snowden sends letter to Justice Department, says son is not a traitor

(Newser) - Lonnie Snowden wants his son to come home, and he thinks he knows how to entice him to come. Snowden has sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder saying that he's fairly confident Edward would return to the US to face trial if the Justice Department guarantees he...

Report: Firm That Does US Background Checks Cut Corners

Company allegedly skipped second step, says Washington Post

(Newser) - We already knew Edward Snowden was hired by NSA contractor Booz Allen even though his resumé had issues —but the mess surrounding how Snowden got top-secret clearance grows. The Washington Post reports that USIS, another contractor that screened Snowden for the clearance, allegedly told the government its background checks...

Ecuador to US: We Won't Cave Over Snowden

No decision yet, but President Correa cites 'threats, insolence' from Washington

(Newser) - Ecuador is holding firm in its decision to consider Edward Snowden's bid for asylum in the country, and it won't let the US change its mind, President Rafael Correa says. Referring to trade benefits the US provides Ecuador, Correa says: "In the face of threats, insolence, and...

More Revelations: Feds Collected Bulk Email Data

Another 'Guardian' story hits, reveals more metadata collection

(Newser) - The revelations about the NSA's surveillance operations just keep coming. The Guardian has yet another piece revealing that the government spent a decade collecting bulk email data, in much the same way it collected bulk cellphone data . As with the cellphone data, the government collected metadata, meaning information on...

How Snowden Got Out of Hong Kong: Middle Name

Hong Kong accuses US of mix-up

(Newser) - The US accused China of allowing Edward Snowden to depart Hong Kong against Washington's wishes, but Hong Kong officials say a name mix-up is actually what allowed Snowden's departure. It seems Hong Kong's immigration records have the NSA leaker's middle name listed as Joseph, which is...

Putin: Snowden a Free Man, We Won't Extradite

NSA leaker is in transit area of Moscow airport

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin took time out from his visit to Finland today to confirm what everyone pretty much already knew: NSA leaker Edward Snowden is in the Moscow airport, but he's still in the transit zone and has not crossed the Russian border. He's free to go wherever he...

US, China, Russia Brawl Over Snowden

Fight over NSA leaker is going global

(Newser) - Edward Snowden is rapidly becoming one of the biggest one-man international incidents since the end of the Cold War. As the NSA whistleblower, who is believed to still be in Moscow, remains out of sight, angry words are flying between Moscow, Beijing, Quito, and Washington, the New York Times reports....

Feds Have No Idea How Much Snowden Has

Leaker's current whereabouts also a puzzle

(Newser) - Just how much does Edward Snowden know? American officials say that despite revelations in the press, they're not sure how much information about National Security Agency operations he managed to make off with, Reuters reports. Insiders say the number of documents could be in the thousands—and security agencies...

Focus on the Leaks, Not on Snowden

 Focus on the 
 Leaks, Not 
 on Snowden 

Focus on the Leaks, Not on Snowden

Ben Smith wonders why the leaker has become the story

(Newser) - Before the 24-hour news cycle, sources used to be just that—sources who perhaps revealed stories that were interesting, but who were not actually interesting themselves. Journalists often didn't even like their sources, but they liked the scoops those sources provided. That's all changed now, and Edward Snowden...

US to Russia: Hand Over Snowden

 US to Russia: 
 Hand Over 

US to Russia: Hand Over Snowden

NSA leaker is supposed to be Cuba-bound

(Newser) - Edward Snowden spent the night in Moscow's airport and was expected to fly to Cuba today—but American authorities are making it clear that they'd prefer that the NSA whistleblower was enjoying their hospitality instead. In a statement, the National Security Council said it expects Moscow to look...

Ecuador Envoy at Moscow Airport to Meet Snowden
 Snowden Seeking 
 Asylum in Ecuador 

Snowden Seeking Asylum in Ecuador

Foreign minister, WikiLeaks confirm the move

(Newser) - Edward Snowden will head to Ecuador to seek asylum, WikiLeaks is confirming. "He is bound for the Republic of Ecuador via a safe route for the purposes of asylum, and is being escorted by diplomats and legal advisers from WikiLeaks," the group said in a statement today. Ecuador'...

Snowden Lands in Moscow After Fleeing Hong Kong

Final destination is reportedly Venezuela

(Newser) - Edward Snowden left Hong Kong today "through a lawful and normal channel," and has now landed in Moscow, though that's not his final destination. WikiLeaks tweeted that it had helped the former NSA contractor flee, just after the United States filed extradition papers , securing him "political...

WikiLeaks to Iceland: Grant Snowden Asylum

Assange cites 'personal sympathy' for leaker

(Newser) - After a year in Ecuador's embassy , Julian Assange is now seeking asylum for someone else. WikiLeaks is in talks with Iceland's government to secure asylum for Edward Snowden, Assange said; an Iceland spokeswoman said Snowden supporters have indeed been pushing for it, the New York Times reports. The...

NSA: Spying Foiled Stock Exchange Bomb Plot

Agency defends itself in congressional hearing

(Newser) - The NSA's controversial spying activities have prevented more than 50 terror attacks since 9/11, the agency's director told the House Intelligence Committee today, including attempted bombings of the New York Stock Exchange and, as previously disclosed , the New York City Subway. Gen. Keith Alexander said he'd go...

Snowden: I&#39;m No Spy
 Snowden: I'm No Spy 
Q&A Session

Snowden: I'm No Spy

'I could be in China petting a Phoenix by now'

(Newser) - Edward Snowden held an online Q&A today over at the Guardian , to answer the public's burning questions about his NSA leaks. Here are some of the highlights that caught our eye:
  • Are you a Chinese spy ? "If I were a Chinese spy, why wouldn't I

Snowden's Dad: 'Come Home and Face This'

Lon Snowden calls on son not to commit treason

(Newser) - Edward Snowden 's dad has a message for his son, via Fox News : It's time to come home. In the meantime, "I hope, I pray and I ask that you will not release any secrets that could constitute treason," Lon Snowden says. Some would like...

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