Osama bin Laden

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Eavesdropping Satellites Helped US Catch bin Laden

Snowden documents reveal tools used by NSA, CIA in hunt

(Newser) - The latest Edward Snowden revelations in the Washington Post show that the US spends a mind-boggling $52.6 billion a year on its massive surveillance programs. And just what have we gotten for the money? Well, the feds would argue, Osama bin Laden. A separate Post story details how the...

Bradley Manning Has Bad Day in Court

Judge won't dismiss his most serious charge, aiding the enemy

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's chances of spending the rest of his life in prison rose today after a judge refused to dismiss the most serious charge against him—aiding the enemy, reports the BBC . Prosecutors say he knew full well that his leaked documents would end up in the hands of...

Chocolate, Garden Contests: Inside bin Laden&#39;s Life
Chocolate, Garden Contests: Inside bin Laden's Life
leaked report

Chocolate, Garden Contests: Inside bin Laden's Life

Leaked report offers details of US raid, too

(Newser) - Al-Jazeera has obtained a leaked copy of the 337-page report from the Abbottabad Commission, which was formed by the Pakistani government in June 2011 to investigate the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound by US forces. More than 200 witnesses, including bin Laden family members and high-level officials,...

How US Kept bin Laden Raid Records Secret

They were shifted from Pentagon to CIA

(Newser) - US officials ensured that files from the Osama bin Laden raid would stay secret by slipping them into the hands of the CIA—which is allowed to keep its records quiet. Adm. William McRaven, the leading special ops director, had the files removed from Pentagon databases and handed over to...

Evidence in Manning Trial: Letter Found by Navy SEALs

It's from Osama bin Laden, and it requests WikiLeaks material

(Newser) - The most serious charge against Bradley Manning is one of aiding the enemy: It carries a sentence of life without parole, and it requires prosecutors to prove that Manning "knowingly gave intelligence information to al-Qaeda." The prosecution began its effort to prove just that yesterday—as it wraps...

Panetta Leaked bin Laden Raid Details: Report

Zero Dark Thirty writer heard classified info at event

(Newser) - If the Justice Department is worried about leaks, it might want to place a call to a certain former CIA director/secretary of defense. Leon Panetta revealed a variety of classified info about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden—including the names of the ground commanders involved—at an event...

Court: You Don't Get to See bin Laden Death Photos

Judges side with Obama administration

(Newser) - It doesn't look like the CIA's photos of a dead Osama bin Laden will ever see the light of day. A federal appeals court today ruled that the Obama administration's argument that releasing them would incite riots and anti-US violence makes sense, reports Reuters . A conservative watchdog...

Disguised SEAL Team Sixer Will Testify in Manning Trial

Government wants a host of other witnesses to testify in secret as well

(Newser) - A member of the team that took down Osama bin Laden will testify in the trial of Bradley Manning wearing a "light disguise," the judge has ruled. The SEAL will testify under the name "John Doe" in a closed session at a secret alternative location on June...

Now Esquire Calls CNN's bin Laden-Shooter Story BS

Says a September CNN exclusive contradicts its latest report

(Newser) - First came the story , via Esquire, of the Navy SEAL who shot Osama bin Laden, only to now find himself unemployed and without health care. Then came rebuttal No. 1 , in which Esquire and Stars and Stripes battled over the health care claim. This week saw takedown No. 2, in...

Who Shot bin Laden? SEAL Calls One Account 'Total BS'

He disputes 'Esquire' story, says anonymous 'point man' deserves credit

(Newser) - Remember the former Navy SEAL who came forward to describe how he killed Osama bin Laden but now can't find a job? The account by "The Shooter" in Esquire of how the raid went down is "total BS," another SEAL tells CNN . The guy who deserves...

Bin Laden Son-in-Law Held Captive for Years: Sources

Abu Ghaith pleads not guilty today

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden son-in-law Sulaiman Abu Ghaith pleaded not guilty today to a charge of plotting against Americans in his role as a spokesman for the terror network, the AP reports. Abu Ghaith appeared in federal court in New York . The development follows a report by NBC News , which spoke...

Trial of Osama's Son-in-Law Will Be on US Soil, a Rarity

al-Qaeda operatives usually held overseas

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's son-in-law was charged today with conspiring to kill Americans in his role as al-Qaeda's top propagandist. Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, who was captured in the Middle East last week, will appear tomorrow in US federal court in New York. His trial will mark one of the...

CIA Nabs bin Laden's Son-in-Law

With a little assist from Turkey

(Newser) - The CIA quietly captured Osama bin Laden's son-in-law last week and spirited him away to the US, a Turkish newspaper reported today. Turkish authorities first seized Sulaiman Abu Ghaith last month at a luxury Ankara hotel thanks to a CIA tip-off, the AFP reports. The CIA had asked Turkey...

Bin Laden Shooter Only Has Himself to Blame: Admiral

SEAL knew what he was giving up: admiral

(Newser) - The SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden may be missing out on a pension, healthcare for his family, and other benefits, but that's on him, according to the commander of Naval Special Warfare Command. Rear Adm. Sean Pybus says "the Shooter," as he was called in the...

Bin Laden Killer's Plight Not So Desperate: Report

The government does cover 'the Shooter's' health care: 'Stars and Stripes'

(Newser) - Yesterday's Esquire opus on the SEAL Team 6 shooter who killed Osama bin Laden, left the Navy after 16 years, and now finds himself unemployed with no pension or health coverage, made waves. And it continues to today, thanks to the assertion by Stars and Stripes that the piece,...

I Killed Osama bin Laden— and Now I'm Unemployed

'Esquire' talks to 'the Shooter'

(Newser) - In what will likely be the day's second-biggest talker , Esquire and the Center for Investigative Reporting have published an interview with the SEAL Team 6 member who shot Osama bin Laden. Phil Bronstein, the executive chair of CIR, spent a year talking to the anonymous shooter (referred to as...

$30M Fun Park Planned for bin Laden's Old Town

Abbottabad center will include waterfalls and paragliding

(Newser) - Itching to jog, ski, and go paragliding in Osama bin Laden's old town? You're in luck: Pakistan has announced a $30 million amusement park in Abbottabad, best known as the site of bin Laden's assassination, the Telegraph reports. But officials insist they're not planning the park...

Prosecutors: Bin Laden Sought WikiLeaks Docs
Bin Laden Sought WikiLeaks Documents: Prosecutors
bradley manning case

Bin Laden Sought WikiLeaks Documents: Prosecutors

Manning, Julian Assange 'laughed' over Pentagon concerns

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden asked an al-Qaeda member for materials Pfc. Bradley Manning allegedly passed to WikiLeaks, prosecutors in Manning's trial plan to say. As the hearings continue, prosecutors will show Internet conversations between Manning and Julian Assange, the New York Times reports; one reveals the pair "laughing" over...

CIA Chief Pans Zero Dark Thirty

Morell complains about emphasis on interrogation

(Newser) - Add none other than acting CIA chief Michael Morell to the list of critics of Zero Dark Thirty. In a memo to employees, Morell says the movie about the capture of Osama bin Laden gives too much weight to the use of harsh interrogation, reports E! Online . "The film...

Senators Take Zero Dark Thirty Gripes to Sony CEO

Feinstein, McCain, Levin send letter to Sony CEO

(Newser) - Zero Dark Thirty, Kathryn Bigelow's film about the Osama bin Laden raid, was already quite controversial , and it just got more so. Three senators sent a letter to the chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment yesterday accusing the fictionalized film of being "grossly inaccurate and misleading in...

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