Moammar Gadhafi

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Libyan Interior Minister Appears to Have Defected

Nassr al-Mabrouk Abdullah arrives in Egypt with family

(Newser) - Libya's interior minister and nine of his family members flew into Cairo today on their private plane in what appeared to be the highest level defection from Moammar Gadhafi's regime in months. Egyptian airport officials said Nassr al-Mabrouk Abdullah entered on a tourist visa. No Libyan embassy officials...

Gadhafi Calls for Help After Rebel Victories

Gov't denies reports rebels are winning key cities around Tripoli

(Newser) - With Libyan rebels closing in on Tripoli , Moammar Gadhafi called on his supporters to fight opposition forces, reports CNN . "You are hearing from me even under shelling," he was heard saying on national radio and TV over a poor quality telephone line. Go "to the front always,...

Libya TV Claims Gadhafi Son Not Dead

Libyan TV airs footage of Khamis Gadhafi yesterday

(Newser) - Perhaps Moammar Gadhafi's youngest son is not dead after all, as was reported last Friday . Libyan state television broadcast footage of a man it says is Khamis Gadhafi visiting wounded people in a hospital east of Tripoli—and it claims it was filmed yesterday, reports al-Jazeera , which notes the...

Gadhafi Son Killed in Airstrike, Spies Say

NATO confirms it hit targets, but doesn't comment on death of Khamis

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s youngest son, Khamis, was among the dozens of loyalist troops killed in a NATO airstrike on the city of Zliten last night, a Libyan rebel spokesman told the AFP today, citing spies planted in Gadhafi’s ranks and intercepted radio chatter. NATO confirmed only that it had...

Libya Rebels Show Signs of Division

Tensions emerge amid questions over military commander's final hours

(Newser) - Libyan rebels' battle yesterday against fighters they said were undercover Gadhafi loyalists was part of a larger trend of divisions among the rebels, following the death of their military leader , the New York Times reports. The rebels launched yesterday’s attack in an effort to root out armed groups...

Libyan Rape Accuser Moves to US

Iman al-Obeidi gets asylum; told media Gadhafi forces assaulted her

(Newser) - The woman who burst into a media breakfast to say she’d been gang-raped by Moammar Gadhafi’s forces has arrived in the US, where she’s been granted asylum, CNN reports. Iman al-Obeidi flew into New York following 54 days in a UN refugee camp in Romania ; she then...

Rebel Military Chief in Libya Assassinated

Abdel Fattah Younes is dead, but it's not clear who killed him

(Newser) - The Libyan rebels’ military chief along with two of his top aides were shot and killed today, reports the BB . Rebels blamed Gadhafi loyalists and said they had made an arrest, but the circumstances surrounding the assassination of Abdel Fattah Younes remain murky. Younes had served as Gadhafi’s interior...

'Dying' Lockerbie Bomber Spotted at Libya Rally

Abdelbaset al-Megrahi appears two years after he's freed to die from cancer

(Newser) - The Lockerbie bomber has been spotted at a rally for Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi two years after he was freed from a Scottish prison because he was supposedly on the brink of death. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi can be seen seated in a wheelchair on a broadcast of the rally aired by...

Libya Rebels Advance on All Fronts

They are within 80 miles of one of Gadhafi's strongholds

(Newser) - After months of an apparent stalemate, the Libyan rebels have made significant progress in recent weeks, and are now within reach of Moammar Gadhafi's southern stronghold. Sebha, full of Gadhafi loyalists and once thought to be impenetrable, is an important hub for channeling supplies to the north and is...

US, Libya Officials Meet in Person

It's their first face-to-face sit down since the conflict began

(Newser) - Here's what US and Libya officials will confirm: They met on Saturday, in Tunisia, and spoke for three hours. Here's what they won't confirm: What they talked about, or what the next step is. The government officials sat down, face-to-face, for the first time since the conflict...

Libyan Rebels Accused of Looting Hospitals, Shops

Among other human rights abuses in captured towns

(Newser) - Libyan rebels have committed a host of human rights abuses in four towns they’ve captured, including beating suspected Gadhafi loyalists, burning their homes, and looting businesses and at least two medical centers, Human Rights Watch said today. These reprisals have driven people from their homes, leaving three of the...

France: Moammar Gadhafi Wants Out of Libya
 France: Gadhafi Wants Out 

France: Gadhafi Wants Out

France confirms that it's had contact from Libyan 'emmisaries'

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi indeed wants out of Libya—so say his emissaries, so says France. “Emissaries are telling us Gadhafi is ready to go, let’s talk about it,” said French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, according to Reuters . “The question is no longer about whether Gadhafi goes, but...

Gadhafi Son: France 'in Talks' With Dad

France urges rebels to negotiate with regime

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s regime is in talks with France, or so says one of Gadhafi’s sons in a newspaper interview. “The truth is that we are negotiating with France and not with the rebels,” Seif al-Islam told an Algerian paper. But France rejects the claim, al-Jazeera reports....

Gadhafi Threatens to Hit Europe ... Again

'He's just bragging,' says a rebel spokesman

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi is again threatening to bring the fight to Europe with a wave of suicide bombings, reports the LA Times . "Hundreds of Libyans will martyr in Europe," said Gadhafi late Friday in a speech in Tripoli's Green Square. "I told you it is eye for...

Libyan Rebels Close In on Tripoli

Pincer attack coming from south and west

(Newser) - Libyan rebels closed in on Tripoli from two sides today, bringing them closer than ever to Moammar Gadhafi’s stronghold. Rebels from the Nafusa mountains, armed with French weaponry, took the desert village of Gualish a scant 62 miles south of the capital, according to an AFP reporter embedded with...

Can Moammar Gadhafi Outlast NATO in Libya Conflict?
 Can Gadhafi Outlast NATO? 

Can Gadhafi Outlast NATO?

Pressure ramping up to end conflict

(Newser) - Fifteen weeks into its Libyan campaign, NATO is getting restless. The eight nations involved in the campaign can’t get the other 20 off the bench, and many seem to disagree on strategy. Norway, whose tiny air force has carried out a disproportionate 10% of the airstrikes, has set an...

Turkey Recognizes Libya Rebels, Promises More Aid

Some of the money will be used to rehab the Benghazi airport

(Newser) - Turkey's foreign minister recognized Libya's rebel leaders as the country's legitimate representatives today, joining countries like France, Qatar, and Italy in doing so. Ahmet Davutoglu also promised the rebels an additional $200 million in aid during the visit. The meeting is the most powerful signal to-date that...

Gadhafi: Stop, or I'll Hit Europe

US is less than terrified

(Newser) - For a guy largely on the run between NATO bombs and arrest warrants , Moammar Gadhafi struck a defiant tone yesterday, threatening in a broadcast message to take Libya's fight “to Europe, to target your homes, offices, families, which have become legitimate military targets, like you have targeted our...

France Admits Arming Libyans
 France Admits Arming Libyans 

France Admits Arming Libyans

Help for rebels technically violates UN arms embargo

(Newser) - France has violated the UN arms embargo on Libya to drop assault rifles over the Nafusa Mountains southwest of Tripoli, the country acknowledged last night. A French military spokesman said they’d provided “light arms such as assault rifles” to civilian communities so they could “protect themselves against...

Libyan Rebels Grab Huge Arms Cache

The military base had barely been secured

(Newser) - A group of Libyan rebels seized what some Arab television networks described as the biggest arms depot in Africa yesterday, at the Ghaaa military base—not that it was particularly well guarded. Though the base had a complement of about 60 soldiers, the arms cache itself was surrounded by nothing...

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