Moammar Gadhafi

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Cameron, Sarkozy Visit Libya
 Cameron, Sarkozy Visit Libya 

Cameron, Sarkozy Visit Libya

British, French leaders pledge support in first visit to rebels

(Newser) - British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy arrived in Tripoli today, and gave Libya's new rulers strong support, vowing to release billions of dollars more in frozen assets and to push ahead with NATO strikes against Moammar Gadhafi's last strongholds. Cameron told the fugitive Libyan...

Gadhafi Son Living in Luxury in Niger

Saadi Gadhafi staying in 'playboy hideaway' next to presidential palace

(Newser) - Life in exile in Niger is looking pretty peachy for Saadi Gadhafi. The Gadhafi son, who fled over Libya's southern border earlier this week , is living in luxury in a state guesthouse next to Niger's presidential palace, according to the Telegraph . Numerous generals loyal to the deposed dictator...

Libya Could Fall to Extremists: NATO

Tensions growing between rebel camps

(Newser) - The fall of Moammar Gadhafi's regime has created a power vacuum in Libya that could be exploited by Islamic extremists, warns NATO's secretary-general. As splits emerge in the rebel leadership and the remnants of Gadhafi's forces launch fresh attacks, the former rebels need to form a stable...

Gadhafi Son Flees to Niger
 Gadhafi Son 
 Flees to Niger 

Gadhafi Son Flees to Niger

Niger agrees to allow Saadi Gadhafi to enter on humanitarian grounds

(Newser) - With several tank and military vehicle convoys fleeing Libya and rolling into Niger, rumors are swirling about which high-level government officials they may be moving. At least one was transporting a Gadhafi—not Moammar, but his soccer-playing, movie-investing third son, Saadi, reports the BBC . Niger government officials said they agreed...

Interpol Puts Out Warrant on Gadhafi

'Red Notice' should make it harder for him to cross borders

(Newser) - Interpol sent out Red Notice arrest warrants for Moammar Gadhafi today, along with warrants issued for son Seif al-Islam and brother-in-law and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi, CNN reports. Police around the world are urged to nab the ex-Libyan leader and extradite him to the Hague to face crimes against humanity...

Gadhafi Giving Out Chemical Weapons Suits, Gas Masks

Sparks renewed fears he'll use mustard gas

(Newser) - As Moammar Gadhafi appears to be entering his endgame, fears are increasing that the Libyan strongman might use chemical weapons against his own people. The Pentagon and other officials say Gadhafi’s remaining mustard gas, more than 11 tons, has been secured. But Libyan rebels are concerned because gas masks...

Looted Missiles, Weapons Go Missing in Libya

Officials fear they're headed to al-Qaeda via the black market

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's days as a free man might be numbered , but Libya and perhaps all of North Africa might have a long-term side effect to deal with: Top-notch weapons and missiles are being stolen left and right from Gadhafi's warehouses across the country, reports CNN . Human Rights Watch...

Rebels: Gadhafi Is Surrounded
 Rebels: Gadhafi Is Surrounded 

Rebels: Gadhafi Is Surrounded

New military council says it's a matter of time before he's captured

(Newser) - Libya’s rebel commanders say they’ve got Moammar Gadhafi surrounded, and it’s only a matter of time until they catch him—and this time they mean it . A spokesman tells the Telegraph that they’ve used a combination of high tech methods and human intelligence to narrow Gadhafi’...

Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger
 Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger 

Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger

Could contain Gadhafi or sons, as speculation swirls about destination

(Newser) - A large military convoy consisting of 200 to 250 vehicles entered Niger from Libya yesterday, leading many to speculate it might include Moammar Gadhafi or one of his sons, reports the AFP . One report claimed the convoy was heading through Niger on the way to Burkina Faso, a country that...

Libya Rebels at Bani Walid&#39;s Door
 Libya Rebels at 
 Bani Walid's Door 


Libya Rebels at Bani Walid's Door

Hoping for a surrender

(Newser) - Rebel reinforcements arrived outside one of Moammar Gadhafi's last strongholds in Bani Walid today, even as the forces arrayed against the toppled dictator gave the town a chance to surrender and avoid a fight. "We won't go inside Bani Walid unless the Warfala tribe invites us,"...

UK, CIA Linked to Rendition Plot With Gadhafi Regime

One victim is now head of anti-Gadhafi forces

(Newser) - Today's bloodthirsty dictator was apparently yesterday's Western helpmate. Documents discovered in an abandoned Libyan government office reveal that the Brits, CIA and Libya were involved in a plan to deliver a terror suspect—with his wife and children—to a Tripoli prison where they likely faced torture, reports...

Libya Rebels Ready Bani Walid Attack

Talks end without handover, rebels say they know where Gadhafi is

(Newser) - Talks between Libyan rebels and Gadhafi loyalists in Bani Walid ended without a deal today, and the rebels are preparing to take the town by force. "Their time is over," a spokesman tells al-Jazeera . "The push is going to happen in the next 24 hours." The...

Uncovered Libya Files Show Close Ties With CIA

Agency apparently sent at least 8 suspects there for interrogation

(Newser) - The CIA developed close working relations with Libya over the last decade and sent at least eight terror suspects there for interrogation—as part of the controversial practice known as rendition, according to documents found by Human Rights Watch in Libya. The group made the files available to news organizations,...

Gadhafi: We Will Not Surrender

'We are not women,' he declares in broadcast statement

(Newser) - Rebels say (again) they are closing in on Moammar Gadhafi , but he's not talking (again) like a man on the brink of defeat. "The Libyan people cannot kneel, cannot surrender, we are not women," he said in a message broadcast on a Syria-based TV station. "Let...

Gadhafi in Town Near Capital: Rebels

But military attack on town of Bani Walid 'out of the question'

(Newser) - You've heard this one before , but Libya's new rulers think they know where Moammar Gadhafi is. Andel Majid Mlegta, head of the Tripoli military operations room, tells Reuters that "someone we trust" has placed Gadhafi and son Seif al-Islam in Bani Walid, a town about 95 miles...

Gadhafi Son: Our Victory Is Near

Other son negotiating surrender

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's most prominent—and possibly most deluded—son says his father is doing fine and Gadhafi loyalists are close to victory. "We would like to assure people that we are steadfast and the commander is doing well," Saif al-Islam told a Syrian radio station, claiming to...

Gadhafi's Forces on Rebels' Deadline: No Way

They tell rebels to negotiate with Gadhafi's son ... who wants to surrender?

(Newser) - Libyan rebels yesterday told Gadhafi's men they need to surrender by Saturday or else—and it looks like the forces are opting for the "or else." In an overnight phone call to the AP , chief Gadhafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said the deadline would be rejected: "No...

Father Slit Throats of Girls Raped by Gadhafi Troops

Human rights group outlines atrocities

(Newser) - Troops loyal to Moammar Gadhafi committed heinous atrocities and war crimes during the siege of Misrata, according to a new report from the Physicians for Human Rights, but the allegation that’s making headlines is actually against a civilian. The report cites a father who slit the throats of three...

Rebels to Loyalists: Surrender by Saturday

UN to unfreeze $1.5B in UK-based Libyan assets

(Newser) - Libya’s interim government has offered an ultimatum to Moammar Gadhafi loyalists: Surrender by Saturday, or we’ll take military action. Barring a “peaceful indication” from loyalists by the weekend, “we will decide this militarily,” said Mustafa Abdul Jalil, head of the Transitional National Council. “We...

Gadhafi's Daughter Has Baby in Algeria

Meanwhile, rebels give Gadhafi forces 4 days to give up the fight

(Newser) - When Aisha Gadhafi entered Algeria, it turns out she went straight to the hospital. The AFP reports that she today gave birth to a daughter, and that Algeria is now citing "strictly humanitarian reasons" for allowing her, along with her mother and siblings, into the country . An Algerian paper...

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