Moammar Gadhafi

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WikiLeaks Forcing US Embassy Shake Up

Authors of most embarrassing jibes face removal

(Newser) - US embassies, military bases and intelligence operations around the globe are undergoing major personnel reshufflings in the wake of WikiLeaks revelations. The Pentagon, CIA and State Department are identifying staffers whose comments have been most embarrassing in sensitive regions and are preparing to yank them from posts. One target will...

Lockerbie Bomber Kin Suing Over Prison 'Neglect'

He wasn't 'looked after,' complains Moammar Gadhafi

(Newser) - The family of the Lockerbie bomber is preparing to sue Scotland for neglect while the killer was in prison. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, convicted of killing 270 people in the 1988 Pan Am bombing, was freed last year to return to Libya on compassionate grounds after being diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer....

Gadhafi Demands $6B to Keep Europe White

Libyan leader warns that flood of migrants will change Europe

(Newser) - "Christian, white" countries will end up being flooded with African migrants unless the European Union gives Libya another $6 billion to fight illegal immigration, Moammar Gadhafi warns. "We should stop this illegal immigration. If we don't, Europe will become black, it will be overcome by people with different...

Leaks Bare What Envoys Really Think of Leaders

Painful insults abound in leaked cables

(Newser) - The fallout from the WikiLeaks release of US embassy cables is only just beginning, but one thing is clear: there are going to be some seriously embarrassed diplomats. Some insults to world leaders, as collected by the Telegraph:
  • Nicolas Sarkozy: The French president is an "emperor with no clothes,

Gadhafi to Hot Italian Women: Convert!
 Gadhafi to Hot Italian 
 Women: Convert! 

Gadhafi to Hot Italian Women: Convert!

Dictator again pays women to listen to religious lecture

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi is paying hot Italian women once again —to sit and listen to him lecture about Islam and why they should convert, reports the AP. As the Libyan dictator jetted to Italy for the fourth time in a year, he again rounded up a few hundred women recruited...

US Aide 'Sorry' for Dig at 'Senseless' Gadhafi

He apologizes for making light of anti-Swiss jihad speech

(Newser) - A State Department spokesman has apologized for making light of Moammar Gadhafi's call for a jihad against the Swiss and his rambling UN speech. Libya had threatened to take action against American business interests last month after PJ Crowley said the leader's anti-Swiss speech was like his UN address: "...

Gadhafi Calls for Jihad ... Against Swiss

Libya boss urges Muslims to join holy war against 'infidel nation'

(Newser) - Pious Muslims should avoid cuckoo clocks and Swiss chocolates, and wage a holy war against the "infidel nation" of Switzerland, according to Moammar Gadhafi. "Any Muslim in any part of the world who works with Switzerland is an apostate—is against Muhammad, God and the Koran," the...

Evil Needs Playlists, Too
 Evil Needs Playlists, Too 

Evil Needs Playlists, Too

What bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, Mugabe rock out to

(Newser) - When they’re not plotting to kill you or thousands of others, the world’s most evil men like to kick back with some tunes, too. The Guardian gives us an idea of what’s on their playlists:
  • Osama bin Laden: The al-Qaeda chief has the perfect soundtrack for hiding

No, No, Beyonc&eacute; Performed for Gadhafi's Other Son
 No, No, Beyoncé 
 Performed for 
feuds with dictators' kids

No, No, Beyoncé Performed for Gadhafi's Other Son

Seif al-Islam's rep tries to give Gawker lesson in journalismism

(Newser) - Beyoncé spent her New Year’s Eve performing for Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's son—although Seif al-Islam's PR firm will have you know it wasn't him, as originally reported. “She actually performed for Col. Gadhafi’s other shithead son, Hannibal,” writes Adrian Chen on Gawker , before running down...

Gadhafi Hires 200 Hot Italian Women, Tries to Convert Them
Gadhafi Hires 200 Hot Italian Women, Tries to Convert Them

Gadhafi Hires 200 Hot Italian Women, Tries to Convert Them

Leader also gives out copies of his book

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi hired a couple of hundred attractive Italian women for the night, headed to the Libyan ambassador's place in Rome, shepherded them into a room, and ... tried to convert them to Islam. The Libyan dictator offered $75 for the evening, causing most of the women to assume they’d...

Gadhafi, Chavez Buddy Up
 Gadhafi, Chavez Buddy Up 

Gadhafi, Chavez Buddy Up

Iconic leaders want a 'NATO for the South'

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi and Hugo Chavez are strengthening their relationship and finding common ground as two radical former military men who both want to challenge the "imperialism" of wealthy nations and aspire to speak for many poor nations. The Libyan leader plans to meet with the Venezuelan president today and...

Gadhafi: Lockerbie Is Over, 'Legally, Politically, Financially'

'This problem has been solved to the satisfaction of all parties'

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi tried to leaven his image a bit after his 90-minute UN diatribe by sitting down with the Wall Street Journal yesterday. The Libyan strongman assured reporter Jay Solomon he could "comprehend" the anger of Americans who lost friends and relatives in the Lockerbie bombing. He denied orchestrating...

Gadhafi Rant: Not All Nonsense
 Gadhafi Rant: Not All Nonsense 

Gadhafi Rant: Not All Nonsense

Buried in 96-minute diatribe was a smart UN reform proposal

(Newser) - His swine flu conspiracy theories and who-shot-JFK musings may have got the headlines, but Moammar Gadhafi actually made a few good points during his 96-minute monologue at the UN General Assembly, blogs Gideon Rachman. The Libyan colonel is totally right that the Security Council is outdated and doesn't represent the...

Ahmadinejad Rips Israel, US, as Usual, in UN Speech

American, other delegations walk out of Iranian president's speech

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ripped Israel and the US in his speech today before the United Nations General Assembly, even as Iran’s president said his country was ready to work for peace and would shake hands “honestly extended to us.” The US and other delegations walked out—in protest...

JFK, Swine Flu Plots: Gadhafi Covers All

(Newser) - Maybe he just needs a good night's sleep (somewhere). Moammar Gadhafi made such a long and rambling speech today—his main point seemed to be to rail against the Security Council's power—that he wore out his first translator. Some odds and ends:
  • He suggested Israel had a hand in

Gadhafi: Security Council Is 'Terror Council'

(Newser) - In his first appearance at the UN, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi blasted the Security Council and called for the end of the five permanent members' veto power. He also wants to expand the group with additional member states to make it more representative. "It should not be called the...

NYC 'Burb to Gadhafi: Pitch Your Tent Elsewhere

Bedford issues stop-work order on Libyan leader's digs

(Newser) - The New York town of Bedford has become the latest community to tell Moammar Gadhafi to pitch his tent elsewhere, reports. The town issued a stop-work order to workmen erecting the Libyan leader's Bedouin-style tent on an estate owned by Donald Trump. Officials said no permits required for...

Gadhafi May Set Up Tent on Trump's Lawn
Gadhafi May Set Up Tent
on Trump's Lawn

Gadhafi May Set Up Tent on Trump's Lawn

Still no sign of Libyan leader, who couldn't get a hotel

(Newser) - The Donald might have a controversial guest. Moammar Gadhafi is pitching his Bedouin-style tent on private property in the posh New York suburb of Bedford, reports ABC, and the Huffington Post says it's on the estate of none other than Donald Trump. The eccentric Libyan leader—in town for the...

4 UN Debuts to Watch
 4 UN Debuts to Watch 

4 UN Debuts to Watch

Leaders of China, Libya, Japan, US make first General Assembly speeches

(Newser) - This week the world's heads of government gather in New York for the annual UN General Assembly, and attention will be focused on four leaders—two new to office, two long in power—making their debuts at the green marble lectern. NPR outlines who to watch:
  • Hu Jintao: He'll be

Libya Won't Pay IRA Bomb Victims

Gaddafi's son rebuffs Brown over compensation for terrorist attacks

(Newser) - More messiness in the aftermath of the Lockerbie bomber's release. Following the Scottish government's decision to free Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, victims of IRA attacks in the 1990s have pressed Gordon Brown to petition for compensation from Libya, which allegedly provided the explosive Semtex in at least 10 attacks. Brown first said...

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