Lois Lerner

16 Stories

House GOP Trying to Impeach IRS Chief

Move comes after Justice Department wraps up investigation

(Newser) - Now that the Justice Department has decided not to file criminal charges in the IRS scandal over the scrutiny of conservative groups, House Republicans have moved to take action of their own: impeachment. A powerful House committee has advanced a measure to impeach IRS chief John Koskinen, reports the Washington ...

Ex-IRS Official Won't Be Charged in Tea Party Scandal

Justice Dept. declines to charge Lois Lerner

(Newser) - The Justice Department is declining to bring charges against Lois Lerner, the former IRS official at the center of a political controversy over the processing of applications for tax-exempt status. Federal prosecutors announced their decision Friday in a letter to members of Congress. A firestorm erupted more than two years...

Paul Ryan Calls IRS Chief a Liar in Heated Exchange

John Koskinen refuses to apologize for lost emails

(Newser) - Things got seriously testy on Capitol Hill today as IRS chief John Koskinen got grilled about the agency's missing emails by Republicans on the House Ways and Means panel. When committee chairman Dave Camp demanded an apology, Koskinen refused, reports Politico . "I don't think an apology is...

New IRS Scandal Wrinkle Has Echoes of Watergate
New IRS Scandal Wrinkle
Has Echoes of Watergate

New IRS Scandal Wrinkle Has Echoes of Watergate

Peggy Noonan: How convenient that a computer crash wiped out pertinent emails

(Newser) - If you missed the latest development in Congress' investigation of the IRS, it has the potential to be a doozy, notes Politico . The tax agency informed investigators on Friday that it had lost two years' worth of emails to and from Lois Lerner , the former head of the division accused...

House Votes to Hold Ex-IRS Official in Contempt

GOP keeps the IRS scandal alive with party-line vote

(Newser) - House Republicans voted today to hold a former Internal Revenue Service official in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify at a pair of committee hearings about her role in the agency's tea party controversy. The House also passed a nonbinding resolution calling on the Justice Department to appoint...

House Panel Seeks Criminal Inquiry of Ex-IRS Official

Republicans send letter to Justice Department as Democrats cry foul

(Newser) - Last year's IRS scandal is back in the headlines. The House Ways and Means panel today formally asked the Justice Department for a criminal investigation into retired IRS official Lois Lerner, reports the Hill . Republicans on the committee pushed the vote through, alleging that emails show Lerner sought to...

Ex-IRS Honcho Takes Fifth at Hearing, Again

Lois Lerner previously refused to answer questions

(Newser) - The former head of the IRS division that targeted Tea Party groups has once again been brought before Congress—and once again refused to testify, as her lawyer warned would happen. Lois Lerner cited her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination at a hearing today before the House Oversight Committee, the...

IRS Honcho at Heart of Tea Party Scandal Retires

Lois Lerner had been on paid leave

(Newser) - An official at the center of the IRS' tea party scandal is retiring, the agency announced today. Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status when she was placed on paid leave in May. While she was in charge, the agency acknowledged that agents improperly targeted...

Zimmerman Trial Is Really a 'Revolutionary Tribunal'

Media hysterics, political ideology make our justice system a joke: Victor Davis Hanson

(Newser) - George Zimmerman probably wouldn't be on trial if he went by the name Jorge Meza, using his maternal last name and the Hispanic version of his first name, argues Victor Davis Hanson at the National Review . But instead he's George Zimmerman, which allows "racialists" to depict this...

House Panel: IRS' Lerner Waived Rights

Republicans demand she return to testify again

(Newser) - Darrell Issa isn't done with Lois Lerner. Lerner, you might recall, is a central figure in the fizzling IRS scandal, who invoked her Fifth Amendment rights when testifying before Issa's House Oversight Committee. But today the committee voted that Lerner had waived her right not to testify by...

IRS's Lerner Placed on Leave
 IRS' Lerner Placed on Leave 

IRS' Lerner Placed on Leave

Move comes after her non-testimony on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - The IRS official at the center of the recent scandal has been placed on administrative leave, reports the National Review . Lois Lerner had been in charge of the agency's tax-exempt unit, which singled out conservative groups for added scrutiny. Her immediate boss already has been forced into early retirement...

IRS Honcho Defiant in 9-Minute House Appearance

Lois Lerner says she hasn't done anything wrong, then pleads the 5th

(Newser) - The IRS official at the center of the storm over the agency's targeting of conservative groups told Congress today that she had done nothing wrong in the episode, and then invoked her constitutional right to refuse to answer lawmakers' questions, as expected . In one of the most electric moments...

IRS Figure at Center of Scandal Will Take the Fifth

Lois Lerner is scheduled to testify on Capitol Hill tomorrow

(Newser) - She is probably the IRS official most closely linked to the agency's recent mess, but Lois Lerner plans to reveal nothing when she testifies on Capitol Hill tomorrow, reports Politico . The attorney for Lerner, who oversees the IRS nonprofits division, says his client will invoke the Fifth when she...

IRS' Planted Question Adds to Its Misery

Agency tried a little trickery in its strategy of first acknowledging scandal

(Newser) - It probably seemed like a wise idea to the IRS at the time, but it's becoming clear that the strategy of planting a question in the apparent hope of spinning its recent scandal has, as the headline in USA Today puts it, backfired. If you missed it, outgoing chief...

IRS Honchos Knew of Tea Party Targeting—Last Year

As reports conflict about how IRS handled big groups like Rove's Crossroads

(Newser) - Did the IRS lie to Congress about Tea Party groups being singled out for extra scrutiny ? The agency has admitted that acting Commissioner Steven Miller knew about the targeting by May last year, but senior Republican lawmakers say Miller didn't tell them about it, even when they contacted...

IRS Knew Tea Party Was Being Targeted: Documents

Senior official was told in 2011

(Newser) - The scandal over the IRS targeting Tea Party groups just got more scandalous: Senior IRS officials knew the groups were being singled out for extra scrutiny as early as 2011, according to documents obtained by the AP . Lois Lerner, the head of the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt organizations, was...

16 Stories
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