Anthony Foxx

4 Stories

Your 'Designated Survivor': Transportation Chief Foxx

He will watch Obama speech from afar, take over in event of catastrophe

(Newser) - It's not the most pleasant of duties, but Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx is this year's "designated survivor" during the State of the Union speech, reports USA Today . Meaning, if something catastrophic happens during President Obama's address that wipes out US leadership, Foxx will be the man...

FAA Unveils 6 Drone Test Sites on American Soil

Alaska, Nevada, NY, ND, Texas, Virginia are the lucky winners

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration announced six states today that will develop test sites for drones, a critical next step for the unmanned aircraft's march into US skies. The agency said Alaska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Texas, and Virginia will host research sites. Drones have been mainly used by...

FCC Chair Doesn't Want Phones in Air Either, But...

'...we are not the Federal Courtesy Commission' he explains

(Newser) - A bit of advice for the Federal Communications Commission: Nobody seems to want you to lift your ban on in-flight cell phone use. The Department of Transportation is firmly against the move, as are airlines, flight attendants, and, according to polls, the majority of passengers, the Wall Street Journal finds....

Obama to Name Charlotte Mayor DOT Secretary

First minority pick among second-term appointees

(Newser) - Charlotte mayor Anthony Foxx—an up-and-coming Democrat who grabbed attention as host of last year's Democratic National Convention—will be President Obama's pick to replace Ray LaHood as Transportation secretary, reports Politico , citing White House sources. Foxx would be Obama's first minority pick among second-term appointees, adds...

4 Stories
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