Kaesong Industrial Complex

13 Stories

South Korea Warns North of 'Regime Collapse'

Harsh tone is expected to infuriate Pyongyang

(Newser) - South Korea's president warned Tuesday that rival North Korea faces collapse if it doesn't abandon its nuclear bomb program, an unusually strong broadside that will likely infuriate Pyongyang. President Park Geun-hye, in a nationally televised parliamentary address, said South Korea will take unspecified "stronger and more effective"...

South Koreans Once Again Commuting to North

Workers return to Kaesong industrial park, which has sat idle for 5 months

(Newser) - Five months after it was shut down amid increasing tension between the two Koreas, the Kaesong Industrial Complex has re-opened. Hundreds of South Korean workers crossed the border today to resume operations at the factory park, one of the only symbols of cooperation between North and South Korea and their...

Koreas Hold 1st Talks in 2 Years

Hoping to pave way for higher-level talks Wednesday

(Newser) - Government delegates from North and South Korea began preparatory talks today in Panmunjom aimed at setting ground rules for a higher-level discussion on easing animosity and restoring stalled rapprochement projects. The meeting is the first of its kind in more than two years. Success will be judged on whether the...

North Korea to South: OK, Let's Talk

Seoul 'positively views' North's proposal on Kaesong

(Newser) - Some two months after it announced the removal of its workers from the Kaesong Industrial Complex, North Korea is ready to talk things over with the South. Pyongyang suggested new talks this morning, and South Korea says it "positively views" the idea, the BBC reports. Via its official news...

N. Korea to Let S. Korean Managers Back In

Proposes talks to reopen Kaesong industrial complex

(Newser) - Is North Korea ready to play nice? Pyongyang today invited officials and businessmen from South Korea to discuss reopening the Kaesong industrial complex , a joint venture in the North's territory that was shut down last month during Pyongyang's temper tantrum . Seoul had previously proposed government talks on reopening...

US, South Korea Wrap Up War Games

Just 7 South Koreans still at Kaesong

(Newser) - The US and South Korea have finished up their yearly joint military drills —or, as the North calls them, "attack rehearsals"—that have been going on since February. The "Foal Eagle" drills, which involved some 10,000 US troops, are "over, but the South Korean...

Seoul Orders Last of Its Workers Out of North Korea

Kaesong Complex was once a symbol of North-South cooperation

(Newser) - Nearly three weeks after North Korea pulled its 53,000 workers from the Kaesong Industrial Complex—a jointly managed industrial park just inside the North Korean border—the South Korean government is ordering its remaining citizens out, reports the Wall Street Journal . Despite the virtual shutdown of the complex, one...

N. Korea to Foreigners: Get Out, Avoid 'Thermonuclear War'

South shrugs over warning for non-Koreans to clear out

(Newser) - North Korea has a new bellicose warning for foreigners, this time for those in South Korea: Get out. "The situation on the Korean Peninsula is inching close to a thermonuclear war," said an official statement from Pyongyang, per the New York Times . The North "does not want...

Japan Deploys Defenses Amid Korea Missile Fears

N. Koreans fail to show up at Kaesong complex

(Newser) - Japan, fearing a possible North Korean missile launch, has set up missile defense batteries at several sites in Tokyo. The deployment comes amid warnings that Pyongyang may be preparing to launch missiles as soon as Wednesday , the New York Times reports. North Korea has threatened to attack American military bases...

Koreas' Last Tie Now Basically Severed

North Korea to pull workers, suspend operations at Kaesong

(Newser) - North Korea has just one remaining economic link to South Korea, and it's about to be severed: Pyongyang today announced that it will recall its more than 53,000 workers from the Kaesong industrial complex and suspend operations at the border factories, the AP reports. There's no word...

North Korea's Reactor Reboot Has Begun: Report

Construction can be seen in satellite photos: Think tank

(Newser) - Looks like North Korea may be making good on at least one of its threats: After saying it would restart its Yongbyon nuclear reactor , it has apparently launched construction on the site, according to a US think tank. The construction appears visible in a March 27 satellite image of Yongbyon,...

N. Korea Bars South's Workers From 'Last Symbol of Detente'

Workers turned back from border complex

(Newser) - Some action from North Korea after weeks of harsh words: Pyongyang has blocked nearly 500 South Korean workers from entering a jointly run factory park just over the heavily armed border in the North today. As Reuters reports, the move to block South Koreans from going to their jobs at...

US Sends Stealth Bombers to South Korea

They drop inert munitions as part of drills

(Newser) - The US sent B-2 stealth bombers—which can carry nuclear weapons—from Missouri to South Korea for military drills, Washington said today. Following the drills, which involved them dropping inert munitions, they returned home, CNN reports. The move "demonstrates the United States' ability to conduct long range, precision strikes...

13 Stories
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