Lily Tomlin

5 Stories

Kathy Griffin Gets Hitched
Kathy Griffin Gets Hitched

Kathy Griffin Gets Hitched

Celeb marries longtime boyfriend Randy Bick

(Newser) - Kathy Griffin surprised her fans on New Year's Eve with news that she was engaged. And after midnight, she went ahead and married longtime boyfriend Randy Bick, reports People . Griffin tweeted a short video of part of the ceremony, which was officiated by none other than Lily Tomlin. "...

Grandma Could Get Lily Tomlin Her First Oscar

The 75-year-old should get her face on the $20, quips AO Scott

(Newser) - Just because Grandma is the title character doesn't mean you're in for a sappy lovefest. Lily Tomlin plays Elle, an elderly feminist who gets hit with a bomb at 9am: Sage, her teenage granddaughter, is pregnant and needs her help. Here's what critics are saying about Grandma:...

5 Crazy On-Set Hollywood Feuds

Apparently those 'Desperate Housewives' friends weren't so friendly

(Newser) - These 10 celebrities rounded up by YourTango must be really good actors, because they all kept filming together despite on-set feuds. A sampling:
  • While Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones were filming Batman Forever, Carrey happened to go to the same restaurant where Jones was having dinner. He went to

Lily Tomlin May Finally Marry Partner of 42 Years

Might be 'dressed like chickens' if she ties knot with Jane Wagner

(Newser) - The Supreme Court rulings on DOMA and California's Prop 8 may have paved the way to a very happy occasion for Lily Tomlin: a wedding for her and Jane Wagner, her partner of 42 years. "We're thinking maybe we'll get married," Tomlin told E! this...

Tina Fey's Admission Falls Flat

 Tina Fey's 
 Falls Flat 
movie review

Tina Fey's Admission Falls Flat

Dear applicant, every year we receive more movies than we can possibly see...

(Newser) - Paul Rudd, funny. Tina Fey, very funny. And director Paul Weitz has made some excellent comedies. But Weitz, Rudd, and Fey together in Admission? Not funny at all, according to the roundup of opinions on Rotten Tomatoes —just 43% fresh, with top critics giving it a rough 31%. Among...

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