Hillary Clinton 2016

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Clinton: Trump Is 'More Obsessed With Me'

Says battle with him would be 'quite the showdown'

(Newser) - The position remains open: Jimmy Fallon is still interviewing candidates for president, putting Hillary Clinton in the hot seat on Thursday's episode of the Tonight Show ; Donald Trump sat for a mock job interview on Monday. Clinton had a few clever retorts to Fallon's clipboard of questions. Asked...

Sanders: Chelsea 'Flat Wrong' on My Health Plan

Senator says Clinton daughter 'didn't read the plan' he has for Americans

(Newser) - As the race for the Democratic nomination between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton heats up , the former first daughter is stumping for her mom—and saying things that Sanders says are "absolutely wrong," per CNN . Chelsea Clinton spoke at a New Hampshire campaign rally Tuesday, the Hill reports,...

Bernie Sanders Now Beating Clinton in Iowa

New poll shows him at 49% to her 44%

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders was already leading in New Hampshire polls —but now, a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday shows him beating Hillary Clinton in Iowa, ABC News reports. The poll finds that Sanders has 49% support from likely Democratic Caucus participants, compared to Clinton's 44% and Martin O'Malley'...

Sanders, Clinton Neck-and-Neck in First 2 States

His general election numbers are also looking good

(Newser) - The Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries are just weeks away—and the latest polls suggest that Hillary Clinton will have plenty of sleepless nights before they arrive. According to a Wall Street Journal / NBC News / Marist poll, Bernie Sanders is neck-and-neck with Clinton in both states, with...

Sorry, Hillary and Bernie: Obama Won't Endorse You

President will steer clear of 2016 race until a Democratic nominee is chosen

(Newser) - If you're waiting breathlessly for the current commander in chief to weigh in on who among the Democratic candidates should succeed him, well, don't hold your breath. President Obama won't be endorsing either his former secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders, reports Reuters. "That'...

New Obama Gun-Control Plan Won't Involve Congress

The president begins to roll out new initiative

(Newser) - President Obama is gearing up for another whack at gun control —this time on a smaller scale and without Congress. Unlike his failed push for legislation after Sandy Hook , these moves will mostly enforce existing laws and seek extra funding, the New York Times reports. His biggest planned move:...

Habitual Heckler Goes After Hillary Over Bill

'You are very rude, and I'm not ever going to call on you'

(Newser) - Katherine Prudhomme O'Brien is a New Hampshire state rep, and a woman with "a history of heckling presidential candidates," reports CNN . She upheld that reputation not once but three times on Sunday at a Derry town hall Hillary Clinton was hosting, reports the Washington Post . The Republican...

Trump: Yes, My Affair Is Also Fair Game

Question comes up as he takes digs at Bill Clinton

(Newser) - Donald Trump says Bill Clinton's marital infidelity is "fair game" on the campaign trail, and, apparently, so is his own. Asked on Tuesday whether it would be fair for Trump's rivals to scrutinize his past "indiscretions"—he famously had an affair with model/actress Marla Maples...

Trump to Clinton: No, Bill's the Sexist

GOP frontrunner hits back over accusation he's a sexist, lambasts 'woman's card'

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton wants to lob accusations of having a "penchant for sexism" at Donald Trump, Trump would have her know she'd do better to first look at her own spouse. "She's playing the woman's card, and it's like, 'give me a break,...

Sanders: Trump 'Has Discovered Women Go to the Bathroom'

Trump is defending his use of 'schlonged,' and he could be right

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders has some shocking news for Donald Trump: "I also went to the bathroom" during Saturday's Democratic debate, Sanders told supporters in Iowa Tuesday night. Trump "has discovered that women go to the bathroom and it’s very upsetting for him," Sanders said, per BuzzFeed...

Donors: Sanders Is Now Outraising Clinton

Poll says he would crush Trump in general election

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders has apparently managed to pull ahead of Hillary Clinton in fundraising for the first time—and his rival might actually be getting worried despite her huge lead in the polls. Clinton donors tell Politico that they expect Sanders, who nearly pulled even with Clinton in fundraising during the...

Trump Used His Favorite Yiddish Word Before
Trump Used His Favorite Yiddish Word Before
the rundown

Trump Used His Favorite Yiddish Word Before

He uttered 'schlonged' back in 2011, too

(Newser) - The word of the day is clearly "schlonged," as used in a sentence by Donald Trump referring to Hillary Clinton in 2008: "She was favored to win, and she got schlonged." The Yiddish word is, as the New York Times explains, "a boorish word for...

It's Getting Ugly Between Trump, Clinton

He says she was 'schlonged' in 2008 loss to Obama

(Newser) - Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been laying into each other in a battle that could continue for more than 10 months if they both stay at the top of the polls. At a Monday night rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., Trump made some deeply personal attacks on his fellow...

Why Clinton's Bathroom Break Took So Long

It was a lot easier for O'Malley, Sanders

(Newser) - Time for Ally McBeal-style unisex bathrooms at presidential debates? Hillary Clinton was briefly missing after Saturday night's Democratic debate returned from a commercial break, and the reason was bathroom inequality, according to the New York Times . Clinton had to walk one minute and 45 seconds each way to the...

Hillary's Big Accusation: Does It Stand Up to Facts?

Hillary Clinton targets Donald Trump in Democratic debate

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton made a major accusation against Donald Trump at Saturday night's Democratic debate—and was late coming back from a possible bathroom break. Those are among the media takeaways from Saturday night's Democratic debate at St. Anselm College in Goffstown, New Hampshire, between Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and...

Clinton Makes Big Claim Against Trump on ISIS

Says they're using videos of his speeches to recruit

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton made a striking claim against Donald Trump in Saturday night's debate. Saying that he was becoming the Islamic State's "best recruiter," Clinton alleged that ISIS was using clips of Trump's speeches to gain converts, reports Time . "They are going out people showing...

Sanders to Clinton: 'I Apologize'

Over the breach of campaign data

(Newser) - The first question at the Democratic debate Saturday night resulted in a rarity: a direct apology from one candidate to another. In this case, it was delivered by Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton in succinct fashion. Asked whether she was owed an apology because one of his staffers improperly breached...

DNC Restores Sanders' Access to Voter Data

Sanders camp complains DNC has 'tipped the scales' for Clinton

(Newser) - The Democratic National Committee has agreed to restore access to voter files for the Bernie Sanders campaign, cooling tensions in what Politico calls a "civil war" within the party over the Sanders campaign's improper accessing of Clinton campaign data . The DNC agreed to restore access soon after the...

After Low Ratings, Dems Accused of 'Hiding' Debate

Only 8.5m tuned in on Saturday night

(Newser) - A smaller-than-expected number of Americans decided to spend their Saturday night with Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley, and Bernie Sanders, and the latter two campaigns are crying foul. Critics—both Democratic and Republican—have accused the Democratic National Committee of "hiding" the debates at inconvenient times to make Clinton'...

Attacks on Paris Dominate Democratic Debate

Sanders criticizes Clinton over Iraq war

(Newser) - The Democratic debate Saturday night opened with a moment of silence in the wake of the Paris terror attacks and remained on the theme for much of the early going. As a result, Hillary Clinton found herself on the defensive from both Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley on foreign...

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