Ben Carson

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Ben Carson Admits His West Point Story Is Untrue

School says he never even applied

(Newser) - Ben Carson claimed in his 1990 memoir Gifted Hands that he met Gen. William Westmoreland in 1969, when Carson was 17 and Westmoreland had just finished leading the US forces in Vietnam, and that soon after Carson was offered a full scholarship to West Point. Well, it turns out the...

Carson Alone in His Unusual Pyramid Belief

'This is not an academic topic of debate,' says biblical archaeologist

(Newser) - Ben Carson on Thursday stood by his belief that Egypt's great pyramids were built by the biblical figure Joseph to store grain, an assertion dismissed by experts who say it's accepted science they were tombs for pharaohs. Video posted online Wednesday by BuzzFeed News shows Carson explaining his...

Trump and Carson Get Secret Service Protection

Bernie Sanders to continue challenging all would-be assailants to dance-offs

(Newser) - In a move that will make things all the more interesting when the two inevitably come to blows during a televised debate, Donald Trump and Ben Carson are getting Secret Service protection, ABC News reports. The GOP presidential candidates were approved for protection Thursday by the secretary of Homeland Security...

Ben Carson Stands by Unusual Theory on Pyramids

He says Joseph built them to store grain

(Newser) - While some candidates may flip-flop on the issues, Ben Carson—now the most-liked candidate of both parties, per the latest Gallup poll —is steadfast when it comes to one particular puzzle: the Egyptian pyramids. Back in 1998, the good doctor gave a commencement address at Andrews University, a school...

Trump Bashes Carson in Pulled SNL Promo

'Ben Carson is a complete and total loser'

(Newser) - NBC pulled a promo video for Donald Trump's Saturday Night Live episode minutes after posting it to YouTube Wednesday, apparently over a clip in which he calls Ben Carson a "real loser," the Hill reports. While it shouldn't be a surprise Trump thinks his GOP primary...

New Poll Gives Ben Carson His Biggest Lead Yet

Bush sinking despite shiny new slogan

(Newser) - Last week's poll putting Ben Carson at the head of the GOP pack was no fluke: An NBC / Wall Street Journal poll gives Carson the biggest lead yet among Republican primary voters, with 29% to Donald Trump's 23%. The telephone poll of 400 voters, conducted before and...

Fact-Checkers Pounce on Ben Carson's 'Bald-Faced Lie'

His denial of relationship with controversial company Mannatech is under scrutiny

(Newser) - During Wednesday night's debate, Ben Carson took a question about his relationship with a company called Mannatech that makes dietary supplements and has been accused by officials at the state and federal level of shady health claims. His reply:
  • "Well, that’s easy to answer. I didn’t

Candidates Needed to Get Tough. Here's How They Did

Them's fighting words

(Newser) - With each Republican presidential candidate sharing the stage with nine others—and sharing the GOP field with 13 rivals—Wednesday night's debate participants needed to get tough, be bold, and say something that would help them stay at the top, or claw their way there. Here's how they...

There's a New Leader of GOP Pack: Ben Carson

Ben Carson has overtaken Donald Trump in new national poll

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is probably still shaking his befuddled head after results from the latest national poll showing who's in the lead for the GOP nomination. This time it's Ben Carson on top, per a CBS News/New York Times poll, showing that the retired neurosurgeon has obviously not taken...

Graham's Lament: 'How Am I Losing to These People?'

SC senator uses 'SNL' line to show how he feels about Carson, Trump

(Newser) - Ben Carson has admitted he used to "go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers" and that he almost stabbed someone when he was a teen. Donald Trump is … well, Donald Trump . And Lindsey Graham is completely baffled how he's not making inroads...

5 Big Reveals About 2016 Candidates' Finances

Ben Carson is the GOP's top fundraiser

(Newser) - The latest campaign fundraising and spending reports are in and they reveal a lot about which campaigns are richer or poorer—and which are in sickness or health. Some highlights from the July-September reports:
  1. Donald Trump is no longer self-funding. According to the latest reports, Trump only had to spend

Carson: News Media 'Like Used Car Salesmen'

He defends Holocaust comments

(Newser) - Ben Carson used a speech before the National Press Club on Friday to tell the national press what he really thinks of them. "You're down there with used car salesmen," he said, accusing the media of distorting his remarks on issues like the Oregon shooting, the Hill...

Ben Carson: Guns Would Have Helped Jews During Holocaust

Presidential candidate makes another controversial remark

(Newser) - During a CNN interview Thursday that was largely spent defending his controversial comments after the Oregon campus shootings , Ben Carson made another controversial statement, this time about the Holocaust. "I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people...

Murdoch: How About a &#39;Real Black President?&#39;
Murdoch Sorry About
'Real Black President' Dig

Murdoch Sorry About 'Real Black President' Dig

Initial tweet was in support of Ben Carson

(Newser) - Sounds like President Obama just isn't black enough for Rupert Murdoch. "Ben and Candy Carson terrific. What about a real black president who can properly address the racial divide? And much else," the media tycoon tweeted Wednesday night. The 84-year-old Fox News owner's suggestion that Obama,...

Carson Scoffs at 'Silliness' Over Ore. Shooting Comments

Says he wasn't judging victims' actions, just looking at the 'big picture'

(Newser) - Ben Carson is doubling down after catching flak for comments he made about gun control after last week's UCC shooting in Oregon . Reaction to the ensuing hubbub:
  • In a Facebook Q&A Monday, Carson said, "There is no doubt that this senseless violence is breathtaking—but I never

Uh Oh, Donald: Carson&#39;s Star Is Rising
 Uh Oh, Donald: 
 Carson's Star Is Rising 

Uh Oh, Donald: Carson's Star Is Rising

Neurosurgeon's support is almost even with Trump's

(Newser) - The rival Donald Trump might not want to prematurely brand as a loser is Ben Carson, currently breathing down the Donald's neck in the latest Wall Street Journal /NBC News poll that puts them at 21% and 20%, respectively. Carly Fiorina is seeing a dizzying surge at 11%, where...

Ben Carson: 'PC Culture' Behind Muslim Controversy

It's a distracting, 'theoretical' issue, he complains

(Newser) - Ben Carson today blamed "PC culture" for the political fallout over his statement against electing a Muslim president. Carson told reporters in Ohio that his view is that anyone wanting to be president must embrace the Constitution and American principles. He added that he would oppose a Christian for...

Ben Carson: Muslim Shouldn't Be President

Tells 'Meet the Press' that Islam isn't consistent with Constitution

(Newser) - Ben Carson is making headlines this morning for an appearance on Meet the Press in which he said a Muslim shouldn't be president of the US. "I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation," he told Chuck Todd of NBC . "...

11 Candidates, 11 Lines: Debate's Standout Remarks

Including one about turning the TV off

(Newser) - Eleven candidates and three hours of debate: Which lines made an impression? A standout statement from each of tonight's GOP hopefuls, via CNN , the New York Times , and the Washington Post :
  • Donald Trump: "I would get along with [Assad]. I would get along with a lot of the

Can Ben Carson Really Win This Thing?

Neurosurgeon tied with Trump atop Iowa poll

(Newser) - The perhaps somewhat surprising current Republican darling is neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who's polling second nationally and is tied with Donald Trump at 23% in all-important Iowa, the Hill reports. No other Republican candidates are even close to those numbers, and Carson supporters believe it's not surprising at all...

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