National Climate Assessment

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Humanity Is Facing 'the Ultimate Threat'
Humanity Is Facing
'the Ultimate Threat'
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Humanity Is Facing 'the Ultimate Threat'

National Climate Assessment shows need for 'transformative' change to reduce emissions

(Newser) - US greenhouse-gas emissions fell less than 1% per year on average from 2005 to 2019, a trend that is not going to cut it, according to the Fifth National Climate Assessment and first since 2018. Emissions need to decline more than 6% per year on average to prevent global warming...

Major Federal Climate Change Report Leaked

Report from 13 different agencies warns of drastic effects

(Newser) - A report on climate change from scientists at 13 federal agencies has been leaked to the New York Times and the Washington Post —and it's firmly at odds with President Trump and Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's stated positions on the issue. The draft seen by...

White House Report: Climate Change Is Here, and It's Dire

National Climate Assessment paints picture of increasingly severe weather

(Newser) - Americans are already experiencing the harmful effects of climate change, and those effects will get worse unless something is done, according to a new National Climate Assessment issued today. The report cites increased instances of extreme weather, droughts, and heat waves as evidence of climate change's impact, and presents...

US Report: Climate Change Already Taking Heavy Toll

National Climate Assessment offers bleak overview

(Newser) - A federal advisory panel has delivered its assessment on climate change, and it's not pretty. Expect hotter temperatures and more "extreme weather events" across the US in coming decades, says the panel of 240 scientists and other experts, reports the Hill . “These changes are part of the...

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