No Easy Day

12 Stories

Writing About Killing Bin Laden Just Cost One Ex-SEAL a Fortune

Matt Bissonnette violated nondisclosure agreements with 'No Easy Day'

(Newser) - A former Navy SEAL who wrote about taking part in the mission that killed Osama bin Laden will have to pay all current and future profits from the book—and possible movie rights—to the government, the AP reports. It's an amount already exceeding $6.6 million. In addition,...

Ex-SEAL Sues Lawyers Over bin Laden Book

Matt Bissonnette: Ex-lawyers gave me bad advice

(Newser) - Matt Bissonnette, the former Navy SEAL who wrote a book about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, is suing his former lawyers for malpractice, saying they gave him bad advice that tarnished his reputation, cost him his security clearance and caused him to surrender much of the book's...

Trouble for Ex-SEAL Who Wrote bin Laden Book

Matt Bissonnette is under criminal investigation

(Newser) - Matt Bissonnette, the former Navy SEAL whose book about the Osama bin Laden raid caused plenty of controversy, is officially under criminal investigation. Bissonnette's lawyer says federal officials are investigating whether Bissonnette disclosed classified material in No Easy Day. While the Pentagon in 2012 said Bissonnette might face legal...

SEAL Parents: Obama Put Our Kids in Danger

Panetta hints at reprisals for author of bin Laden book

(Newser) - The parents of one of the members of SEAL Team Six say President Obama endangered their son, and the entire unit, by publicly identifying it as the team that killed Osama Bin Laden. "Aaron called me up and said, 'Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean...

SEAL Charity Refuses Book Profits

Navy SEAL Foundation doesn't want 'No Easy Day' money

(Newser) - A Navy SEAL charity says it doesn't want any of the profits from a former SEAL's first-person account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Author Mark Bissonnette promised to give charities most of the profits from No Easy Day—which the Pentagon says contains classified information...

Pentagon: SEAL's Book Contains Top Secret Info

But military won't try to block sales of bestseller

(Newser) - Former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette may have damaged national security by publishing a firsthand account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden without running it by government censors first, the Pentagon warns. No Easy Day leaks "sensitive and classified information," and its author violated non-disclosure agreements, says...

New Book: Mark Owen Had 'Bad Blood' With SEALs

No Easy Op criticizes leaks about bin Laden raid, especially from SEALs

(Newser) - Mark Bissonnette (aka "Mark Owen") broke the Special Forces' "code of silence" and wrote No Easy Day because of "bad blood" with many in his SEAL Team 6 unit—at least according to another book by Special Operations veterans. No Easy Op is an ebook that...

What No Easy Day Reveals About the bin Laden Raid

Mark Owen's account differs in details, delivers with drama

(Newser) - The White House may not like Navy SEAL Mark Owen's first-hand account of the bin Laden raid—but judging by a New York Post recap of the book, No Easy Day, it's a heart-thumping description of that fateful night. Owen describes the helicopter crash that marked the SEALs'...

Pentagon May Go After Navy SEAL Author

Osama book violates nondisclosure pacts, it warns

(Newser) - The Pentagon has informed the former Navy SEAL who wrote a book about the Osama bin Laden raid that he might face legal action. The top Defense Department lawyer wrote in a letter transmitted to author Mark Bissonnette that Bissonnette had signed two nondisclosure agreements with the Navy in 2007...

SEAL Book Disses Obama Account of bin Laden Raid

Team wasn't a big fan of president, former SEAL writes

(Newser) - A book from a former Navy SEAL who took part in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden is looking pretty embarrassing for the Obama administration, reports the AP , which has obtained a copy of Mark Bissonette's No Easy Day. Among the revelations:
  • Bin Laden was shot in the

Navy SEAL Who Wrote bin Laden Book Identified

Pentagon officials confirm Fox News report

(Newser) - The former Navy SEAL who wrote a firsthand account of the Osama bin Laden raid did so under a pseudonym and was supposed to remain anonymous for safety reasons. That lasted less than a day: Military officials have confirmed that the author is 36-year-old Alaska native Matt Bissonnette, reports the...

Navy Seal Writes Firsthand Account of bin Laden Raid

'No Easy Day' will be out on Sept. 11

(Newser) - A safe bet for the best-seller lists: A Navy Seal who was on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden has written a book about it that comes out next month—on 9/11, reports the New York Times . The author of No Easy Day, now retired from military duty, is...

12 Stories
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