Affordable Care Act

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House Republicans' Plan to Replace ObamaCare Leaked

Meanwhile, the Affordable Care Act is at its most popular in 7 years

(Newser) - House Republicans want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act's subsidies, Medicaid expansion, and individual mandate, according to a leaked draft of a bill to repeal ObamaCare. The bill, which was obtained by Politico , would give money to states to cover some people with pre-existing conditions and replace...

Pence: ObamaCare 'Nightmare' Is About to End

'This is our time,' he tells CPAC

(Newser) - "Men and women of the conservative movement, this is our time," Vice President Mike Pence told the CPAC conference Thursday night. He promised that "America's ObamaCare nightmare is about to end" and slammed "liberal activists" for protesting at town hall meetings, NPR reports. "This...

Boehner Says ObamaCare Repeal 'Not Going to Happen'

New poll shows the ACA is still getting more popular with voters

(Newser) - John Boehner could only laugh when he heard Republicans talking about quickly repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. “Republicans never ever agree on health care," Politico quotes the former house speaker as saying Thursday. Despite President Trump saying to expect a plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare...

Health Secretary Confirmed With No Democratic Votes

ObamaCare foe Tom Price passed in 52-47 vote

(Newser) - A man who wants to do things to ObamaCare that the Hippocratic oath might forbid him doing to a patient is now the top health official in America. Tom Price, a longtime Republican congressman from Georgia, was confirmed as the next Department of Health and Human Services secretary early Friday,...

ObamaCare Is the ACA, but Many Don't Know It

One-third of Americans, to be exact: poll

(Newser) - Ask some if they want ObamaCare repealed and they'll say yes, but ask those same people if they want the Affordable Care Act repealed and they may have a different answer. That despite the two being one and the same, the New York Times reports, a fact that apparently...

Quick ObamaCare Repeal Not Looking So Quick Anymore
Conservatives Fret Amid Shift
to 'Repair and Replace'
the rundown

Conservatives Fret Amid Shift to 'Repair and Replace'

Push to repeal slows down dramatically on Capitol HIll

(Newser) - How goes President Trump's plan to immediately repeal and replace ObamaCare? It seems to be getting gummed up in the realities of DC politics. Trump himself acknowledged Sunday in an interview on Fox News that things might stretch into 2018. "It's very complicated," he said. "...

GOP Lawmakers Worried About Political Fallout of 'Trumpcare'

Recording of private GOP meeting reveals 'disarray'

(Newser) - An audio recording of a private Republican meeting this week reveals that GOP lawmakers are "in disarray" and "far from agreement" when it comes to repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, the New York Times reports. According to the Washington Post , lawmakers expressed concerns they wouldn't...

Trump Move Threatens &#39;Keystone&#39; of ObamaCare
Trump Move Threatens
'Keystone' of ObamaCare
the rundown

Trump Move Threatens 'Keystone' of ObamaCare

Individual mandate could be in jeopardy

(Newser) - President Trump's first executive order, issued Friday , went after ObamaCare, though the practical implications remain unclear. Trump instructed federal agencies to "waive, defer, grant exemptions from or delay" any aspects of the law that would "impose a financial burden." Some coverage of what that might mean:...

Trump's First Executive Order Goes After ObamaCare

Gives agencies leeway to stop enforcing some provisions

(Newser) - President Trump quickly assumed the mantle of the White House on Friday, making his first executive order one aimed at his predecessor's signature health care law. Hours after delivering a stinging rebuke of the political status quo in his inaugural address, Trump sat at the president's formal desk...

Insurance Premiums Could Double if ObamaCare Repealed

According to report from nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office

(Newser) - Within 10 years of Republicans dismantling the Affordable Care Act, 32 million more Americans could be uninsured and individual insurance premiums could double, according to a report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The report, requested by Democrats, is based on 2015 legislation to repeal ObamaCare passed by Congress but...

Trump: ObamaCare Replacement Is Ready to Go

'Much less expensive and much better'

(Newser) - Donald Trump says he's got a plan to replace ObamaCare ready to go—and there will be "insurance for everybody." In an interview with the Washington Post , the president-elect doesn't say much about the specifics of TrumpCare, though he does say there will be "lower...

Congress OKs 1st Step Toward Dismantling ObamaCare

Republicans push budget through Congress

(Newser) - Congress has approved the first step toward dismantling President Barack Obama's health care law, the AP reports. Republicans have pushed a budget through Congress that provides an early but crucial victory in the effort. The budget prevents Democrats from using a Senate filibuster to derail a bill annulling and...

Senate Takes Big Step Toward ObamaCare Repeal

Democrats protest late-night budget move

(Newser) - The GOP-controlled Senate isn't waiting for Donald Trump to take office before it gets the ball rolling on repealing ObamaCare. Senators worked late on Wednesday night to approve a budget that will allow them to start dismantling the health law without having to worry about Democratic filibusters, the New ...

GOP Hits Friction in Bid to Repeal ObamaCare

Ryan says plan is now to repeal and replace at same time

(Newser) - Republicans will work on unraveling and replacing ObamaCare at the same time, House speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday as GOP leaders struggled to align their zeal to rapidly erase one of President Obama's proudest achievements with Congress' legislative and political pitfalls. The AP reports that Ryan spoke to reporters...

The Fate of ObamaCare: What Lies Ahead
GOP May Use 'Arcane' Process
to Dismantle ObamaCare

GOP May Use 'Arcane' Process to Dismantle ObamaCare

Budget reconciliation could expedite ACA's demise—but what comes next?

(Newser) - With the GOP now running Congress and Donald Trump looking for a full repeal on his first day in office, ObamaCare appears to be in dire straits, and the New York Times explains how Republicans could use a process called budget reconciliation to streamline its dismantling. Although the rewriting...

Obama, Democrats to Meet in Bid to Save ObamaCare

Strategy session Wednesday, as GOP promises quick repeal

(Newser) - President Obama looks genuinely worried about the fate of ObamaCare: He will meet Wednesday morning with House and Senate Democrats to plot strategy on how to prevent Republicans from killing it, reports Politico . The problem for Democrats is that there may not be much they can do in the near...

Hottest Science Article of 2016 Written by ... Obama

ObamaCare article tops annual list

(Newser) - Altimetric, which tracks scholarly analytics, has released its annual list of the 100 most widely-discussed scientific journal articles of the year—and sitting atop the list is an article written by President Barack Obama. Obama's "United States and Health Care Reform: Progress to Date and Next Steps" was...

Study: ObamaCare Repeal Would Make 30M Uninsured

US would actually have more uninsured than when ACA was passed

(Newser) - Repealing ObamaCare without a replacement risks making nearly 30 million people uninsured, according to a study released Wednesday. Separately, a professional group representing benefit advisers warned congressional leaders of the risk of "significant market disruption" that could cause millions of Americans to lose their health insurance. Republicans dismiss such...

ObamaCare Won&#39;t Be Wiped Out Overnight
Trump Said ObamaCare
Would End. Here's How

Trump Said ObamaCare Would End. Here's How

It won't be repealed overnight

(Newser) - President-elect Donald Trump has promised to make getting rid of ObamaCare a priority—but he's not going to be able to simply summon the Affordable Care Act to the boardroom and tell the law it's fired. Instead, experts say repealing and replacing the ACA is a process that...

Millions Would Rather Pay Penalty Than Pay for Insurance

And that's bad news for ObamaCare

(Newser) - As with most insurance systems, for the Affordable Care Act to work it needs some people—specifically young, healthy people—to pay in more than they get out to make up for the people who take out more than they put in, Vox reports. The problem? Those young, healthy people...

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