Sandy Hook

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Report: Newtown Shooter Could Have Been Helped

Instead, parents, school sheltered and 'appeased' Adam Lanza

(Newser) - Parental denial and stunning breakdowns in his educational and medical treatment led to plenty of missed opportunities to get Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza the help he needed and perhaps avoid the 2012 tragedy, a report released today by the Office of the Child Advocate reveals. Lanza had "'...

Mass Shootings Have Nearly Tripled Since '06: FBI

Most are over before cops arrive, report finds

(Newser) - Mass shootings really are on the rise, according to a new FBI report. There has been an average of nearly one mass shooting a month in America this century and the rate has risen dramatically in recent years, the report released yesterday says. The agency says it identified a total...

Adam Lanza's Dad to Look for Missing Records

Chair of Sandy Hook Advisory Commission says Peter Lanza is assisting

(Newser) - Despite a final police report and a state's attorney report , the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission is still reviewing the case of school shooter Adam Lanza—and Lanza's dad has agreed to help, the Connecticut Post reports. During a "cordial, business-like, and friendly" one-hour meeting yesterday, Peter Lanza...

Newtown 911 Tapes Released
 Newtown 911 Tapes Released 

Newtown 911 Tapes Released

Dispatchers are calm, ask about kids

(Newser) - Newtown officials today released the long-awaited—and controversial—recordings of the 911 calls that came in during the Sandy Hook shooting. Operators remain calm on the recordings, the AP reports, even as they seek help from state police and town officials. They urge the callers, who include a janitor and...

Newtown Neighbor Sorry for Bullets Joke

Incoming board member urged to resign early

(Newser) - With calls flying that he should resign before he even takes office, a newly-elected school board member from Brooksfield, Conn., apologized today for saying that he'd honor the victims of the massacre in neighboring Newtown by buying bullets. Gregory Beck made the comment in response to a Facebook post...

Sandy Hook Victim's Dad Turns Her Life Into Music

Saxophonist Jimmy Greene says he grieves for his daughter every day

(Newser) - Jazz musician Jimmy Greene said he couldn't touch his saxophone for a month—after his 6-year-old daughter, Ana Márquez-Greene, was murdered in the Sandy Hook massacre , the New York Times reports. "I don’t know if we’ll ever feel whole again," said Green, who also...

Gun Permit Requests Soar In Newtown

Residents react to strict Connecticut gun laws

(Newser) - Residents of Newtown, Conn., haven't exactly shied away from guns since the Sandy Hook massacre , reports Yahoo . Newtown police already have a stack of 209 gun permit requests, exceeding last year's 171 requests and more than doubling the 99 requests from 2011. But the horrendous massacre last year—...

Adam Lanza's Online Posts Discovered: Sources

Investigators tell the 'Hartford Courant' they've linked username to him

(Newser) - The curtain gets pulled back a little more on Adam Lanza . The Hartford Courant spoke with sources involved in the Sandy Hook shooting investigation who say they believe they've found online postings made by Lanza over a roughly 11-month period beginning in April 2009. The Courant has declined to...

Cops: Santa Monica Gunman Assembled Own Weapon

Zawahri appears to have built his AR-15 to dodge gun laws

(Newser) - The Santa Monica gunman who killed five people last week appears to have assembled his own weapon—possibly in his bedroom—to skirt gun laws, reports the Los Angeles Times and AP . That would help explain the drill press authorities found in John Zawahri's room. In essence, Zawahri may...

Senate Rejects Tougher Background Checks

Parents of Sandy Hook victims watch proposal fail by 6 votes

(Newser) - As expected , the Senate today rejected a bipartisan effort to expand federal background checks on gun purchasers. An attempt to ban assault-style weapons and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines were also rejected in a series of showdown votes four months after the Newtown rampage. The background check measure...

Connecticut Forges US' Toughest Gun Laws

Bipartisan plan requires eligibility certificate for rifle, ammo buys

(Newser) - Connecticut lawmakers spurred into action by the Sandy Hook school shooting have agreed on what they say is the nation's strongest gun control bill. The bipartisan agreements includes universal background checks for firearm sales, new state-issued eligibility certificates for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun, or ammunition, and a...

Adam Lanza Had a Score Sheet
 Adam Lanza Had a Score Sheet 

Adam Lanza Had a Score Sheet

New evidence suggests Newtown shooting was in the works for years

(Newser) - Adam Lanza was such an ardent fan of mass murderers that he kept a massive spreadsheet detailing their "accomplishments." Investigators searching the home Lanza shared with his mother found a 7-foot long, 4-foot wide spreadsheet—apparently printed using a special printer—listing roughly 500 past shooters, including their...

Newtown Schools Ask for Armed Officers

Board of education asks town for guards at elementary schools

(Newser) - Newtown's board of education wants armed officers protecting the town's four elementary schools, reports NBC Connecticut . The board last night asked the town to approve money for the school resource officers, who already have a permanent presence at Newtown's middle and high schools. “After what happened...

Traumatized Newtown Police Tell of Darkest Day

Seven officers recount Sandy Hook Elementary massacre

(Newser) - It's been six weeks since the Newtown massacre, but for the police who were first on the scene, it may as well have been six minutes. The New York Times speaks to seven Newtown officers—some telling their stories for the first time—who describe horrifying and heart-wrenching details...

Please, Stop Calling It the 'Newtown Massacre'

Resident MaryAnn Murtha makes a plea for sensitivity

(Newser) - By now, you've heard of Newtown, Connecticut. "It's a sweet place, with a $2 movie theater, a two-hour Labor Day parade, and an old-fashioned general store," writes resident MaryAnn Murtha in the Washington Post . Right now, of course, it's also dealing with a terrible tragedy,...

Newtown Split on Future of Sandy Hook

Some want to raze school, others want it reopened

(Newser) - More than 200 residents of Newtown attended a meeting yesterday to deal with one of the toughest questions facing the devastated community: What to do with the school where a gunman killed 20 students and six educators? Some residents want Sandy Hook Elementary School to be destroyed while others want...

Mom Planned to Have Lanza Committed: Source

Joshua Flashman tells Fox News it could have caused shooter to snap

(Newser) - Investigators have yet to offer a motive for Adam Lanza's deadly rampage, but a Newtown resident offers one theory to Fox News : Lanza lost it because his mother planned to commit him against his will. Joshua Flashman, the son of a Newtown pastor, says he has been told that...

Conn. Survivor Heard Whimpers, 'Screaming' on Intercom

Shari Thornberg may have walked right past the shooter

(Newser) - Sandy Hook Elementary staffer Shari Thornberg was happily showing off photos of her son to co-workers when she heard a "weird noise" that she mistook for the janitor taking down risers in the gym. But when the intercom came on, she realized the "pop-pop-pop" sound she heard was...

Conn. Neighbor Sheltered 6 Kids Who Fled Gunman

Terrified children had to run past body of dead teacher

(Newser) - A neighbor who sheltered six traumatized children who fled the Sandy Hook school shooting has shared his story with the AP . Gene Rosen left his home Friday morning to find six children sitting at the end of his driveway being comforted by a school bus driver. The 69-year-old retired psychologist,...

Two 6-Year-Olds to Be Buried in Newtown Today

Police to guard schools across state

(Newser) - Newtown is bracing for the heartbreaking task of burying the victims of Friday's school massacre. The first two funerals for the 20 young children will be held today, one for 6-year-old Jack Pinto, who might be buried in New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz's jersey, and the...

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