Nancy Pelosi

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Trump: I Regret Not Marching to the Capitol

Former president blames Nancy Pelosi for not containing the day's violence

(Newser) - Donald Trump tells the Washington Post he wanted to march to the Capitol with his supporters on Jan. 6, 2021, but Secret Service wouldn't allow it. "I would have gone there in a minute," he says in the interview. Trump criticized the violence that ensued and, as...

McCarthy, Pelosi Agree: Lawmaker Should Resign
Convicted Congressman
Says He'll Resign

Convicted Congressman Says He'll Resign

GOP's Ken Fortenberry was found guilty of lying to federal officials

(Newser) - Update: Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry announced Saturday that he's resigning from Congress, two days after his conviction in federal court. "Due to the difficulties of my current circumstances, I can no longer serve you effectively," he said in a statement, KETV reports. The nine-term Nebraska congressman's...

Democratic Uprising Takes New COVID Money From Spending Package

Bill to keep government running has $13B for Ukraine's fight

(Newser) - Update: The House approved a massive spending bill Wednesday night that would rush $13.6 billion in US aid to battered Ukraine and its European allies, after top Democrats were forced to abruptly drop their plan to include fresh funds to battle COVID-19. Senate approval was assured by week’s...

Pelosi Has Hope for Midterms

Pelosi Has Theory
About Midterms

Pelosi Has Theory About Midterms

Speaker contradicts Manchin on his Build Back Better argument

(Newser) - History shows the political party holding the White House nearly always loses congressional seats in midterm elections. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that recent history gives her hope about Democrats' prospects this year, Politico reports. "One of the reasons that, in part, the president’s party loses...

Nancy Pelosi Says She Isn't Retiring

'This election is crucial,' she says

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Tuesday she will seek reelection, ending speculation that she would retire as Democrats face the threat of losing control of Congress in the 2022 midterms. "While we have made progress, much more needs to be done to improve people’s lives,” the 81-year-old...

Only 3 Federal Officials Viewed Favorably by Most in US

John Roberts, the Fed's Jerome Powell, and Anthony Fauci

(Newser) - Gallup put the names of 11 federal officials in front of Americans in a new survey, and only three registered positive ratings from the majority of respondents. The clear No. 1 was Supreme Court Justice John Roberts (60%), followed by Fed chief Jerome Powell (53%) and Dr. Anthony Fauci...

He Arrived in DC Too Late for the Riot. He Still Got 28 Months

Cleveland Meredith threatened to shoot Nancy Pelosi on live TV

(Newser) - A Georgia man whose family says he fell "hook, line, and sinker" for the QAnon conspiracy theory has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for threatening to kill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Authorities say Cleveland Meredith Jr. drove from Colorado, where he had been on a skiing vacation...

Pelosi Says Paid Leave Is Back in Spending Bill

Not so fast, says Joe Manchin

(Newser) - Paid family and medical leave is back in the House's version of the Democrats' domestic spending bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday—but since Sen. Joe Manchin hasn't changed his position, the odds of it making it into the final bill may be slim. The paid leave...

Pelosi Says Democrats Almost Have a Spending Bill Deal

Biden meets with Manchin in Delaware

(Newser) - Asked Sunday when congressional Democrats will reach an agreement on President Biden's social safety net legislation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it could be any time now. "I think we are pretty much there now," Pelosi said on CNN's State of the Union. "We have...

Pelosi Struggles to Bridge Chasm Within Her Party
Biden Will Try to Break
Logjam Himself

Biden Will Try to Break Logjam Himself

And Bernie Sanders is ticked at two fellow Democratic senators who remain holdouts

(Newser) - The shutdown has been averted , at least temporarily. Now the focus is solely on whether Democrats can reach a compromise on legislation crucial to President Biden's agenda. Toward that end, Biden himself will travel to Capitol Hill to meet with House Democrats later Friday afternoon, reports the Hill and...

House Bill Guarantees Women's Right to Abortion

But measure to codify Roe v. Wade is almost certain to fail in the Senate

(Newser) - The House on Friday passed a bill that would guarantee women can have abortions if they choose, though the legislation will likely end up being only a symbolic victory for advocates. As NPR reports, the measure is doomed to near-certain failure in the Senate, where it needs not only the...

Pelosi's New Problem: 9 Fellow Democrats

She's given an ultimatum over budget and infrastructure measures

(Newser) - A group of nine Democratic House members has told Speaker Nancy Pelosi they won't vote for the $3.5 trillion budget until the chamber takes up the Senate's infrastructure bill. "We will not consider voting for a budget resolution until the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act...

Pelosi: House Will Hold Off on Infrastructure Bill Vote

House Dems will wait until larger $3.5T package has also cleared Senate

(Newser) - A $1 trillion infrastructure passed the Senate with bipartisan support Tuesday—but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is resisting pressure from moderate Democrats to bring it up for a vote immediately. Sources tell the Hill that during a call with House Democrats on Wednesday, Pelosi said she was sticking to her...

Lawmaker Suing Pelosi Over Mask Policy Gets COVID

South Carolina's Ralph Norman tested positive despite being vaccinated

(Newser) - Rep. Ralph Norman, one of the three congressional Republicans suing Speaker Nancy Pelosi over fines for not wearing masks during a vote on the House floor, has contracted a breakthrough case of COVID-19, per the AP . Norman, who has said he has been fully vaccinated since February, tweeted that he...

McCarthy's Gavel Joke Sparks Calls for Resignation

He was speaking at a fundraiser about the possibility of GOP retaking House in 2022

(Newser) - The Kevin McCarthy-Nancy Pelosi feud has taken on an aggressive tenor: Speaking at a Tennessee Republican Party fundraiser Saturday night, the House minority leader addressed the possibility that he may become Speaker of the House after the midterm elections. "I want you to watch Nancy Pelosi hand me that...

Republicans Seething Over Pelosi&#39;s Move
Seething Over

Republicans Seething Over Pelosi's Move

They want House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy to punish 2 Republicans named to Jan. 6 panel

(Newser) - The special House panel set up to investigate the Capitol riot will start hearing testimony on Tuesday, but it's still not clear whether the final makeup of the panel is set. As of Tuesday morning, seven Democrats and two Republicans were on board after political sniping between Nancy Pelosi...

Pelosi Has Another Republican in Mind for Panel

Adam Kinzinger would be the second GOP Trump critic on the panel, despite McCarthy's wishes

(Newser) - Ten Republican House members voted to impeach former President Trump the second time, and just two cast "yes" votes last month to form a special committee to investigate the attack on the US Capitol. One of them, Rep. Liz Cheney, already is on the Jan. 6 panel, and House...

McCarthy Pulls All Jan. 6 Picks After Pelosi Objects to 2

He refuses to submit any names after Pelosi rejects Trump allies

(Newser) - House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy submitted his picks for the committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack Tuesday. But the Republican included two congressmen, Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan of Ohio, who vocally supported objections to finishing the electoral vote count and formalizing President Biden’s election....

Here Are the GOP's January 6 Committee Picks

Rep. Jim Banks will lead the group picked by Kevin McCarthy

(Newser) - House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made his selections for the five lawmakers he will appoint to the select committee probing the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. Jim Banks of Indiana, chair of the Republican Study Committee, will lead the group, whose other members will be Rodney Davis...

John Lewis Observances Include Christening
Navy Christens
USNS John Lewis

Navy Christens USNS John Lewis

'Good Trouble' vigils planned across the country on the anniversary of civil rights icon's death

(Newser) - US Rep. John Lewis was remembered Saturday in word, song, calls to action, and, in San Diego, by christening a Navy ship named for him. "We miss him on this platform, but we will never be without him," actress Alfre Woodard said before christening the USNS John Lewis,...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>