Nancy Pelosi

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Save the Earth: Drill in the US
 Save the Earth: Drill in the US 

Save the Earth: Drill in the US

Letting other countries produce oil cures nothing: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Asked why she so vehemently opposes offshore drilling, Nancy Pelosi recently replied, “I’m trying to save the planet.” Which is a nice thought, Charles Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post, but it’s completely illogical. We’re not saving the planet by leaving the drilling to the...

Pundits Pile on Stumbling Mac
Pundits Pile on Stumbling Mac

Pundits Pile on Stumbling Mac

As candidate flails, labels range from dishonorable to 'stupid,' and 'losing it'

(Newser) - A rare level of pundit fury is flying at John McCain, as some erstwhile defenders lose patience with the Republican. Daniel Henninger asks point blank in the Wall Street Journal, “Is John McCain stupid? Is John McCain losing it?” The venerable rightie documents lazy and repeated stumbles on social...

Pelosi: 'I Am Not Giving the Gavel Away to Anyone'

Speaker muses on wielding power in contentious era

(Newser) - Newly minted author Nancy Pelosi launched her book tour this week, and one of the first stops is a sit-down with Politico. Of her hard-nosed blockade of GOP attempts to authorize offshore drilling, she says, “I’m trying to save the planet. I will not have this debate trivialized...

Gore Wows Bloggers at Austin Show
Gore Wows Bloggers at Austin Show

Gore Wows Bloggers at Austin Show

Surprise visit sparks talk of green issues, White House post

(Newser) - Al Gore surprised a crowd of liberal bloggers today by showing up at the Netroots Nation conference in Austin, Texas. He wowed the 3,000 progressives by emerging after Nancy Pelosi and giving a speech on the importance of grassroots organization for green issues. When asked about sharing a spot...

Pelosi: Bush Is a 'Total Failure'

House speaker lashes out at president after he criticizes Congress

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lashed out at President Bush in unusually personal terms today, calling him a "total failure" as president. "You know, God bless him, bless his heart, president of the United States, a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on...

Obama Campaign Insular, Arrogant, Hill Dems Complain

Lawmakers cite lack of coordination with presidential candidate

(Newser) - Some Congressional Democrats say they're not feeling the love from Barack Obama's campaign, Politico reports, with the candidate inattentive to broader election strategy and his camp uncommunicative on the day-to-day message blitz. "They think they know what’s right and everyone else is wrong on everything,” one senior...

House Passes Compromise FISA Bill
House Passes Compromise FISA Bill

House Passes Compromise FISA Bill

Most Democrats oppose immunity for telecom companies

(Newser) - The House today approved a bill updating FISA law and granting qualified immunity to telecom companies that aided the Bush administration in warrantless wiretapping. A majority of Democrats opposed the bill, which passed 293-129. Nancy Pelosi supported the measure despite serious reservations because it refutes the administration's argument about "...

Primary Winners and Losers— Beyond Barack and Hillary

Big gambles led to big payoffs, losses

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be the big winner, but loads of other political fortunes hung in the balance this primary season. Politico breaks down the winners and losers. Winners:
  • Claire McCaskill: Got tons of air-time and used it brilliantly for Obama
  • Nancy Pelosi: Pulled off a nifty trick by remaining neutral,

8 Democratic Senators, Pelosi Declare Race Over

Time to get behind Obama, though none calling for Hillary to concede

(Newser) - Eight previously neutral senators declared the Democratic race over today, saying in a statement their party's “nominee for President has now been chosen.” Tom Harkin, Barbara Boxer, Tom Carper, Ken Salazar, Ron Wyden, Mary Landrieiu, Frank Lautenberg and Ben Cardin asserted, “Our focus is now on …...

Dems Move to End Clinton Campaign

Pelosi, Reid, Dean give superdelegates 48 hours

(Newser) - The Democratic party's three top leaders wasted no time in calling on all outstanding superdelegates this morning to make up their minds by Friday. Only a few hours after Barack Obama laid claim to the Democratic presidential nomination, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean issued a carefully worded statement...

Top Democrats Say Race Ends Next Week

Reid, Pelosi to push for quick resolution, good news for Obama

(Newser) - Democratic leaders say the primary fight will be over next week, making it all but certain that Barack Obama will be the nominee. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and party chief Howard Dean say they will press uncommitted superdelegates to make up their minds by midweek,...

Pelosi Becomes a Believer on Baghdad Trip

Staunch war critic optimistic about upcoming election

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi visited Iraq today, and the staunch war critic said she liked what she heard. After meeting with several top Iraqi and US officials, including Nouri al-Maliki and David Petraeus, Pelosi emerged optimistic about the upcoming provincial elections. She also praised Baghdad for passing a budget and oil legislation,...

Dems Furious Over Bush 'Appeasement' Zinger

Anger over Bush's remarks to Knesset unite Democrats

(Newser) - Democrats stood shoulder-to-shoulder in fury yesterday to lash President Bush for indicating that Barack Obama is like a Nazi appeaser because he supports outreach to countries like Iran. Even Hillary Clinton leaped to her rival's defense, Reuters reports. "President Bush's comparison of any Democrat to Nazi appeasers is both...

Catholic School Grads Hear Fewer Pro-Choice Speakers

Pols run afoul of tightening rules

(Newser) - Catholic universities are increasingly leaving pro-choice politicians off their lists of possible commencement speakers and honorary-degree recipients, reports the Boston Globe. John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and other Catholic pols who don’t hew to the church's party line, especially on abortion, find themselves sidelined as the 225 American...

6 Routes Off Into the Sunset
 6 Routes Off Into the Sunset 

6 Routes Off Into the Sunset

Politico scribe sets out possible paths for Clinton between now and Aug.

(Newser) - With Hillary Clinton’s chances of beating her rival all but shot, Ben Smith, on Politico, runs down the graceful and non-graceful ways to exit:
  • Never say die: If Clinton can stomach shrinking coffers and departing supporters, she can bide time until the convention, ensuring that lightning hasn’t struck

House Scuttles Gas Tax Holiday Proposal

Dems warn proposal will be DOA in the House

(Newser) - The gas tax holiday backed by Hillary Clinton and John McCain will be DOA in the House, lawmakers have warned, reports the Hill. The measure has been left off House energy proposals that could be tacked onto the Iraq spending bill because "there’s no reason to believe that...

Reid, Pelosi Talk Tough to Superdelegates

Dem leaders want endorsements well before Aug. convention

(Newser) - Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Howard Dean plan to coordinate demands that uncommitted Democratic superdelegates endorse a candidate—and well before August's convention. Senate Majority Leader Reid said yesterday that “this matter will be over no later than July 1,” Congressional Quarterly reports. House Speaker Pelosi added that...

Bush Derides Pelosi's 'False Populism' in Trade Impasse

Speaker holding Colombia deal hostage, president charges

(Newser) - Saying the House's top Democrat has been swayed by "voices of false populism," President Bush today ripped Nancy Pelosi for blocking a trade accord with Colombia, the New York Times reports. "it’s bad for our hemisphere to have the United States of America turn its back...

China Skewers House Speaker
 China Skewers House Speaker 

China Skewers House Speaker

Media rips Pelosi, touts Olympics as triumph of 'good over evil'

(Newser) - Chinese state-sponsored media today blasted US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her stance supporting Tibet.  Belligerent  editorials from the official Xinhua news agency ripped Pelosi as "the most disgusting person" and a "protector of mobsters, arsonists and murderers." Pelosi has urged President Bush to boycott the...

Pelosi, Dems Hijack Colombia Free-Trade Deal

They change House rules to avoid a vote, angering Bush

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats thumbed their noses today at Bush's renewed efforts to pass a free-trade pact with Colombia. Bush sent the bill over Monday, mandating Congress to vote yea or nay within 90 days. Or so he thought. Nancy Pelosi is changing the House rules and won't allow a vote until...

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