Nancy Pelosi

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Pelosi: I've Got the Votes on Health Care

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says she's got enough votes lined up in the House to pass health care reform by the end of the month, the Hill reports. Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats beg to differ, but Pelosi says there's "no question" she's right. On the chance she's wrong, however, she...

Obama: You Can Keep Your Honeymoon
Obama: You Can Keep Your Honeymoon

Obama: You Can Keep Your Honeymoon

Prez says he's not losing sleep over harsh NYT column

(Newser) - "I never understood this concept of honeymoon," President Obama told Katie Couric yesterday when the CBS interviewer asked about his sliding poll numbers. Obama said he wasn't too worried about a New York Times column from David Brooks saying he has fallen into step behind Nancy Pelosi on...

Health Care Surtax on the Chopping Block

Dems waffle on high-income tax; timetable cloudy

(Newser) - Democrats are growing queasy about their plan to tax the wealthy to help pay for health care reform, the New York Times reports. Nancy Pelosi yesterday suggested revising the contentious provision so that fewer households would have to pay the surtax. Under the current House draft, individuals earning more than...

Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'
Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'

Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'

They're as out of touch as Republicans were in Bush years: Brooks

(Newser) - The Republican Party turned away from America during its years in power, writes New York Times columnist David Brooks, by paying more attention to echo-chamber media outlets and yes-men pollsters than voters. Now the Democrats are doing the same—instead of Southern conservatives, now it's left-wingers from the coasts who...

House Will Probe Possible CIA Lies

Panel Republicans decry inquiry as partisan politics

(Newser) - The House Intelligence Committee will investigate whether the CIA lied to Congress and violated the National Security Act, the Hill reports. The probe stems from claims by new CIA chief Leon Panetta and Rep. Nancy Pelosi that the agency regularly misled Congress.

10 Who Can Make or Break Health Reform

Who to watch as debate rages on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - As health care talk heats up in Washington, Mark Halperin of Time lists the key players to watch:
  • Sen. Max Baucus is trying to wring out as much GOP support as possible on his finance panel.
  • White House health czar Nancy-Ann DeParle has been winning concessions from the health care

Dems Propose 5.4% Tax on Top Earners for Health Care

Legislation proposes paying for coverage with a new tax on the wealthy

(Newser) - And they're off: House Democrats unveiled their bill to reform the US health care system today, the Hill reports. The bill includes a government-run insurance option to cover more than 30 million uninsured Americans and would impose new taxes on the wealthy to pay for it all, notes Politico. The...

Liz Cheney: I May Seek Office
 Liz Cheney: 
 I May Seek Office 

Liz Cheney: I May Seek Office

(Newser) - DIck Cheney's daughter Liz is considering a run for public office. “It's something I very well may do,” the lawyer and Bush-era State Department deputy secretary tells the Washington Times. Cheney says she's particularly worried about Congressional Democrats' attempts to hang charges of CIA meddling on her father....

Secret Intel-Gathering Effort Behind New CIA Flap

(Newser) - So what's this secret program behind the latest feud between CIA and Congress? It's apparently an "on-again, off-again" effort created after 9/11 to collect intelligence about suspected terrorists, the Washington Post reports. It doesn't involve interrogation, but beyond that, details are murky. CIA chief Leon Panetta learned of it...

No House Resolution Praising Jacko: Pelosi

(Newser) - The House of Representatives will not consider a resolution praising Michael Jackson’s humanitarianism, the Boston Globe reports. “A resolution, I think, would open up to contrary views to—that are not necessary at this time to be expressed in association with a resolution whose purpose is quite different,...

Dems: Panetta Admits CIA Lied

(Newser) - A group of Democratic lawmakers says CIA chief Leon Panetta admitted that the agency has misled Congress since 2001 and "concealed significant actions," reports Politico. A letter released by the lawmakers, all members of the House Intelligence panel, offered no specifics on when Panetta made the admission or...

Abortion Could Kill Health Reform

(Newser) - Could abortion be the hidden trap that kills health care reform? Federal regs already prohibit the use of Medicaid money for the procedure, but 19 anti-abortion Democrats got in front of the issue last month, Time reports. They sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi warning that they won’t support...

Jacko Proves Stumbling Block for House Dems

Resolution saluting 'global humanitarian' sets off controversy

(Newser) - The King of Pop is causing a headache for some House Democrats after one lawmaker very publicly called for a resolution honoring Michael Jackson as a “global humanitarian," Politico reports. Sheila Jackson-Lee displayed the resolution at yesterday's memorial; Dems now have to weigh supporting it in light...

Gore Works the Phones for Climate Bill

House votes tomorrow on measure to cut greenhouse gases

(Newser) - Al Gore is engaging in phone diplomacy today as the House prepares to vote on a landmark climate bill tomorrow. Original plans called for the former VP to appear in person, but Nancy Pelosi says lawmakers are close enough to an agreement that it's not necessary. Others offer a less...

Pelosi Gambles on Climate Bill Vote Despite Dem Grumbling

Speaker may need GOP backing

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi has scheduled a vote this Friday on a controversial climate change bill despite the strong reservations of some Democrats, the Hill reports. Farmbelt lawmakers fear that the sprawling bill's measures to curb emissions will put a disproportionate burden on their states with no reward. The House speaker and...

Docs' Group Opposes Public Health Insurance

Powerful AMA pushes against Obama, Dem proposals

(Newser) - Just as Republicans and Democrats head for a showdown on health care reform, the American Medical Association is telling Congress that it will oppose a government-sponsored insurance plan—a key, if the most controversial, piece of plans put forward by Dems with support from the White House. The AMA wants...

'Palin Paradox': Male-Heavy Districts Elect Women

Congresswomen flourish in areas with skewed gender ratios

(Newser) - Alaska is reliant on male-dominated industries like mining and fishing, and the state has 106 men for every 100 women—the most gender-skewed state in the country, where the overall ratio is 86:100. Yet Alaska is one of just five states with an elected female governor, and one of...

Pelosi Won't Slap China on Human Rights

Long critical of Beijing, speaker will focus on environment in visit

(Newser) - Like Hillary Clinton before her, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will sidestep Beijing's human rights record on her weeklong trip to China that began today, reports the Washington Post. Pelosi, who has been a vocal critic of the Tiananmen Square massacre and Chinese policies on Tibet, says the focus of her...

GOP Rep. Blasts RNC Video Linking Pelosi, Pussy Galore

(Newser) - A Republican congressman tells Politico that a new RNC video depicting Nancy Pelosi as Pussy Galore is "reprehensible, irresponsible and unpersuasive." Utah's Jason Chaffetz says the GOP must "get away from the politics of personal destruction." The video, which juxtaposes Pelosi with the infamous James Bond...

Pelosi: I'm Not Talking About CIA Anymore

(Newser) - Don't look for Nancy Pelosi to shed any more light on what she may or may not have known about the CIA’s interrogations. At a press conference today—her first since she accusedthe agency of misleading her and Congress—the House speaker clammed up, reports the Hill. “I...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>