Fort Lee

8 Stories

Fort Lee Is Renamed
Fort Lee Is Renamed

Fort Lee Is Renamed

Names of two Black officers will replace that of a 'traitor' at US Army base

(Newser) - Fort Lee in Virginia, named for Confederate army Gen. Robert E. Lee, has been renamed Fort Gregg-Adams in honor of two Black officers who made "significant contributions" to the US Army. Over a 36-year career, Lt. Gen. Arthur Gregg "rose from the rank of private to three-star general,...

Army: Enraged Soldier Shot Herself at Va. Base

Fort Lee was locked down during incident

(Newser) - An enraged soldier barricaded herself in a building at Virginia's Fort Lee Army base yesterday, threw objects around the office, and then fatally shot herself in the head as law enforcement officials tried to negotiate with her, authorities say. The heavily trafficked base went on lockdown while the soldier...

Va.'s Fort Lee Issues All-Clear After Shooter Reported

Female soldier reportedly attempted suicide; condition unknown

(Newser) - Fort Lee Army base in central Virginia was on lockdown after an active shooter was reported at the base this morning, the AP reports, but officials have now issued an all-clear. "The law enforcement event is over," reads the latest Facebook post. The initial post said that "...

Rachel Maddow Floats New Theory on Christie Scandal

Governor's team may have been targeting state lawmaker, not mayor

(Newser) - So why did Chris Christie's camp jam the George Washington Bridge ? The most common explanation is that it was political retribution against Fort Lee's Democratic mayor for not endorsing the governor. But a theory floated by Rachel Maddow last night on MSNBC is getting plenty of buzz...

Commuters Sue Christie Over Bridge Jams

Port Authority 'sociopath' took 1st-hand look at chaos

(Newser) - Yet more "Bridgegate" trouble for Chris Christie: Six New Jersey commuters affected by the traffic scandal have filed a federal class-action suit against the governor, senior aide Bridget Anne Kelly, and the Port Authority, reports the New York Post . All claim they either got to work late or didn'...

Christie Apology: 'I Am Who I Am, But I Am No Bully'

'Humiliated' governor fires Bridget Kelly, says she lied

(Newser) - Chris Christie offered a full-throated apology today, while firing the staffer who sent the telltale email that started the "Time for some traffic in Fort Lee" scandal . "I am embarrassed and humiliated by the conduct of some of the people on my team," Christie said in a...

Christie's Traffic Mess Could Become Legal Mess

The lane closures impeded EMS workers

(Newser) - Chris Christie's personal jam continues today—take a gander at the newspaper covers he woke up to—in light of the traffic-jam scandal that emerged yesterday. One of the more damaging revelations: The Sept. 9-13 lane closures on the George Washington Bridge, apparently ordered by Christie aides , caused major...

New Jersey Town's Cops Ticket Texting Pedestrians

'Dangerous walkers' fined $85 in Fort Lee

(Newser) - Take your fingers off your cell phone, and nobody gets hurt. That could be a warning from one New Jersey town's cops, who are handing out $85 jaywalking tickets to pedestrians who text while they walk—117 so far. "It’s a big distraction. Pedestrians aren’t watching...

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