Paramount Pictures

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Mission: Impossible No. 8 Gets a One-Year Delay
Actors Strike Hits
a Big Franchise

Actors Strike Hits a Big Franchise

The 8th installment of 'Mission: Impossible' will be delayed by a year

(Newser) - The eighth installment of the Mission: Impossible franchise has been postponed a year, reports the AP , signaling a new wave of release schedule juggling for Hollywood studios as the actors strike surpasses three months of work stoppage. Paramount Pictures on Monday shifted the release date of the next Mission: Impossible...

Crew Hurt as Gladiator II Set Is 'Plunged Into Chaos'

6 receive treatment for non-life-threatening injuries on sequel set in Morocco

(Newser) - Paramount Pictures says that multiple crew members were injured Wednesday in Morocco on the set of the Gladiator sequel, after a stunt went awry. "While filming a planned stunt sequence ... an accident occurred during which several crew members experienced non-life-threatening injuries," a spokesperson for the studio says in...

Lawsuit Calls for an End to Top Gun Screenings

Heirs of magazine article author say Paramount had no rights to make sequel

(Newser) - Top Gun: Maverick has gotten rave reviews and has had a huge first two weekends at the box office , but if the heirs of the author of a 1983 magazine article have their way, no one else will get a chance to see it. The article in question, "Top...

There's a Weird Battle Going on Over Klingon

Paramount claims the use of Klingon in a fan film amounts to copyright infringement

(Newser) - Live long and copyright many things. Thus Paramount Pictures hopes to prosper as it wages a legal battle with the makers of popular Kickstarter crowdfunded Star Trek fan film Prelude to Axanar. Paramount claims the film's use of the fictional language Klingon adds up to copyright infringement; the filmmakers...

Little House on the Prairie Movie in the Works

No word on cast yet; Sean Durkin will direct

(Newser) - One of NBC's most popular television series of the '70s and early '80s is leaving the Midwest and heading for Hollywood. Paramount Pictures will be adapting Little House on the Prairie, which ran on TV from 1974 to 1983 , for the big screen, per the Hollywood Reporter ...

EU Goes After 6 Hollywood Studios

Disney, Paramount, 4 other studios accused of blocking Sky in antitrust filing

(Newser) - The European Union has launched an antitrust case against six major US movie studios, including Disney and Warner Bros, and British satellite broadcaster Sky UK for restricting access across the 28-country bloc. In a statement today, the executive Commission, which assesses antitrust matters for the EU, said it has sent...

Oops: Ninja Turtles Make 9/11 Gaffe on Movie Poster

Paramount Australia tweets poster, promptly deletes it

(Newser) - Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Leonardo have a bit of explaining to do. That’s because the Australian film poster for the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles features the famous turtles falling from a burning building that has apparently just been rocked by an explosion ... and the opening date, prominently...

Brad Pitt Almost Got Sued Over Slave Snub

Paramount felt it should have been offered the film

(Newser) - ( More ) Hollywood drama: Brad Pitt narrowly managed to avoid a lawsuit from Paramount, according to Page Six 's sources. The studio felt it should have been offered 12 Years a Slave by Plan B, Pitt's production company, with whom it had a "first-look deal."...

How Hollywood Caved to the Nazis
 How Hollywood 
 Caved to the Nazis 


How Hollywood Caved to the Nazis

Book excerpt gives details of Hollywood execs cutting films to meet Nazi demands

(Newser) - The 1930s may have been a golden age in Hollywood but it was a period tarnished by an alliance with the Nazis. In new book The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler, Ben Urwand discusses the hoops some studios—including MGM, Paramount, and 20th Century Fox—jumped through to please...

Another GI Joe Movie in the Works

Third film follows big opening week for Retaliation

(Newser) - If you were among those who helped GI Joe: Retaliation hit the $132 million mark over Easter weekend and you're already suffering withdrawal, don't worry: Another movie is on its way. Paramount has given the green light to a third GI Joe flick, insiders tell Variety . Retaliation raked...

YouTube to Rent Paramount Movies

About 500 titles include 'Transformers' and 'The Godfather '

(Newser) - In a new deal, YouTube will be renting flicks produced by Paramount Pictures. Paramount will make available 500 movies, including Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Transformers, and The Godfather trilogy, reports Bloomberg Business Week . The titles will be online in a few weeks and cost $2.99 to $3.99...

Academy Caves: Sacha Baron Cohen to Walk Red Carpet

Oscar flap may have been publicity ploy

(Newser) - Victory is Sacha's! Unless this was planned all along, of course. Turns out the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences will let Sacha Baron Cohen walk the red carpet at the Oscars in character from his upcoming film The Dictator. But Deadline Hollywood smells a rat, saying Baron...

Military Shows Off 'Iron Man' Armor

Suits unveiled alongside Iron Man 2 DVD

(Newser) - Raytheon unveiled a revolutionary new military technology yesterday—at an event celebrating the Iron Man 2 DVD release. It’s a fairly apt product tie-in. The company was demonstrating its second-generation Exoskeleton, or XOS 2, a hydraulic suit that can allow a soldier to easily and repeatedly lift 200 pounds,...

16 Women Entangled in Sex Scandals

It might usually be the men...but not always

(Newser) - Nikki Haley’s rumored affair with a blogger got the Daily Beast thinking about why it is that women get caught up in fewer sex scandals than men. That doesn’t mean, however, they're never tabloid bait. Sixteen of the juiciest:
  • Princess Diana: The tabs jumped on all sorts of

Hollywood Trims Star Deals
 Hollywood Trims Star Deals 

Hollywood Trims Star Deals

It's curtains for deals that pay actors before studios recoup losses

(Newser) - In this economic climate, even Hollywood has become risk-averse, forcing actors to share in a film’s success or failure, the Wall Street Journal reports. “First-dollar gross” deals, which pay actors handsomely even when films flop, are out of favor. For years, top actors drew deals paying a percentage—...

Forget Oscar—Who Were 2008's Rainmakers?

(Newser) - The Oscars are coming up, but that orgy of self-congratulation doesn’t celebrate what really matters in Hollywood: money. Forbes crunched the numbers for 2008 and selected the winners of a different award: the Rainmaker.
  • Best Actor: Robert Downey Jr. returned $52.60 to Paramount for every dollar it spent

Spielberg, Paramount Split DreamWorks Projects

Divorce accomplished without years of litigation, projects divvied up

(Newser) - It may be one of the most amicable Hollywood divorces in history. Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks announced a division of 200 movie projects in development as golden-touch producer Steven Spielberg leaves to launch a new company, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The unexpectedly easy split comes in defiance of Hollywood...

Suit: Spielberg Copied Hitchcock

Copyright owner says Disturbia rips off Rear Window

(Newser) - Steven Spielberg ripped off Rear Window when he made last year’s thriller Disturbia, a lawsuit filed yesterday alleges. The 1954 Alfred Hitchcock classic was based on a 1942 short story, and the owner of the rights to the story has sued for compensation from Spielberg, DreamWorks, and Paramount Pictures,...

Jones Sues for $10M in No Country Pay

Paramount hasn't coughed up promised bonuses, he argues

(Newser) - Actor Tommy Lee Jones has sued the producers of Oscar Award-winning No Country for Old Men for $10 million he claims is owed him. The suit charges Paramount Pictures failed to pay Jones a promised chunk of "significant box-office bonuses" and other compensation linked to the success of the...

Paramount Loses $450M Funding Deal

The failure is part of a larger trend as liquidity dries up

(Newser) - A $450-million deal with Deutsche Bank that would have financed up to 30 films for Paramount is off the table, the Financial Times  reports. Perhaps an unlikely casualty of the credit crunch, Paramount walked after a lack of enthusiasm in the market led to terms that were unattractive, persons familiar...

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