Keith Olbermann

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Clinton Hit List Is Talk of the Beltway

Wounds not healing quickly

(Newser) - Wounds from Election 2008 aren’t quickly being papered over in Clintonland, the New York Times reports in a speculative piece about who is likely to be on the former first couple's enemies list. How deep will animosity toward Obama boosters Bill Richardson, Jim Clyburn, and Claire McCaskill run? Use...

(MS)NBC Generates, Draws Heat
 (MS)NBC Generates,
 Draws Heat 

(MS)NBC Generates, Draws Heat

NBC and MSNBC in culture clash

(Newser) - MSNBC's recent success is a thorn in the side of its competitors, the politicians who accuse the network of bias, and an unlikely third party—NBC News. The cable network's opinionated anchors and the broadcast sibling's more traditional approach are increasingly entangled, the AP reports, and critics don't share the...

O'Reilly Blasts at GE Coming From Upstairs

Fox-NBC vendetta brings execs' bile into your living room

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly’s campaign against General Electric—the Fox News host has called CEO Jeffrey Immelt a “despicable human being” for doing business with Iran—is part of a feud with NBC that extends far up corporate ladders, the Washington Post reports. Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes apparently...

Olbermann Rips Clinton Over Ferraro Flap

'Iconic' pundit blasts hopeful for not rebuking adviser

(Newser) - If Keith Olbermann is the Rush Limbaugh of the left—as Chris Cillizza observes in his Washington Post Fix blog—Hillary Clinton couldn’t have been happy when Olbermann blasted her Wednesday night over the recent Geraldine Ferraro flap. “You are now campaigning as if Barack Obama were the...

Rosie in Talks to Host MSNBC Show
Rosie in Talks
to Host

Rosie in Talks to Host MSNBC Show

Outspoken comedian could battle Larry King in prime-time slot

(Newser) - Rosie O'Donnell and MSNBC are close to inking a deal to give the outspoken comedian her own prime-time talk show, reports the New York Times. Just six months after she left "The View" in a cloud of controversy, the loquacious lefty could be battling CNN's "Larry King Live"...

Olbermann to Prez: Stop Scapegoating, Start Fighting

Anchor irate at blame game on war failure

(Newser) - A war of words over the Iraq war that erupted this week nominally involves only a Pentagon underling and Hillary Clinton, but MSNBC's Keith Olbermann finds a message for President Bush in the back-and-forth. Accusing the administration of scapegoating both the senator and antiwar citizens, he calls for Bush to...

Stories 101 - 106 | << Prev