Warner Bros.

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Dark Knight Tops Spidey's Box-Office Record

Batman blazes way to $155.34M opening weekend

(Newser) - Batman has sent Spidey packing as king of Hollywood's box office superheroes. The Dark Knight took in a record $155.34 million in its first weekend, according to Warner Bros., which released the Batman Begins sequel. That figure topped Hollywood's previous best of $151.1 million, set by Spider-Man 3...

Get Smart Gets Rich at Box Office

Mike Myers' 'Love Guru' fails to impress

(Newser) - Mike Myers' Love Guru failed to work its mojo at the box office this weekend, caving to Get Smart, which raked in $39.1 million. It wasn't a close race: Myers' live-action comedy grossed $14 million, coming in at No. 4. The Incredible Hulk and Kung Fu Panda—in their...

'Sex and the City' Mania Builds
 'Sex and the City' Mania Builds 

'Sex and the City' Mania Builds

Fever builds as fans count down to opening night

(Newser) - Who knew? It's 10 days and counting until Sex and the City opens and the huge surge of interest in the movie has surprised even studio execs, the New York Times reports. In the kind of film fever usually associated with people in Chewbacca costumes, groups of women across the...

Warner Bros. Closes 2 Indie Divisions

Shakeup was expected; 70 jobs will be cut

(Newser) - Warner Bros. announced yesterday that it is closing both its indie arms, Warner Independent Pictures and Picturehouse. Speculation had the studio merging the indie and art-house divisions, but the studio opted for even more cost-cutting, the LA Times reports. More than 70 employees will lose their jobs in the shakeup.

Studio Will Wizard 2 Movies From Final Potter Book

Pounding Deathly Hallows will be a two-parter

(Newser) - The Harry Potter series finished after seven books but fans will have an eighth movie to look forward to, the Los Angeles Times reports. Warner Bros. has decided to split the final Potter book, the hefty 784-page Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, into two films to come out in...

10,000 BC Clobbers Competition
10,000 BC Clobbers Competition

10,000 BC Clobbers Competition

College Road Trip pulls into second place

(Newser) - Action epic 10,000 BC fought its way to the top of the box office this weekend, grabbing Warner Bros. $35.7 million, Bloomberg reports. The chronicle of a hunter facing massive beasts clambered over another new release, College Road Trip, a family film which took $14 million, as well...

Semi-Pro Bags Box Office Win
Semi-Pro Bags Box Office Win

Semi-Pro Bags Box Office Win

The Other Boleyn Girl debuts in fourth with Portman and Johansson

(Newser) - Semi-Pro shot to number one at the weekend box office but played worse than expected for New Line, banking just $15.3 million, Bloomberg reports. "It's just Will Ferrell in another funny costume," one analyst said. "The act appeared a bit rote this time." An R-rating...

Warners Swallows New Line
 Warners Swallows New Line

Warners Swallows New Line

Studio falls in latest Hollywood cost-cutting move

(Newser) - New Line Cinema, the studio that created the Lord of the Rings blockbuster franchise, will be folded into the Warner Brothers unit of Time Warner, reports the Los Angeles Times. It's a cost-cutting move and part of a trend that has seen DreamWorks swallowed by Viacom, and Miramax downsized by...

Toshiba Throws in HD Towel
Toshiba Throws in HD Towel

Toshiba Throws in HD Towel

Rival Blu-ray wins the battle of high-def movie formats

(Newser) - Toshiba is quitting the HD DVD player business after taking a licking in the protracted market competition, the company announced today. Toshiba's exit, which leaves Blu-ray's technology alone at the vanguard of digital video, comes after Warner Brothers joined the crowd of Blu-ray backers, leaving HD DVD in the cold,...

Toshiba May Pull HD DVD Plug
Toshiba May Pull HD DVD Plug

Toshiba May Pull HD DVD Plug

Sales, studio defections indicate fat lady may have sung

(Newser) - Toshiba has temporarily halted production of players and movies in the HD DVD format, and is contemplating dropping the format altogether, PC World reports. The move would cost the company tens of billions of dollars, but the defection of several studios and retailers to the rival Blu-Ray format has left...

Wal-Mart Chooses Blu-Ray Over HD DVD

Latest in long list of defeats for beleaguered hi-def format

(Newser) - The blows just keep coming for HD DVD: Wal-Mart announced today that it will sell Blu-Ray high-def movies and players exclusively, CNET  reports. A buyer for Wal-Mart disclosed the decision on her blog, saying that the company had been influenced by Netflix and Best Buy's recent announcements by they will...

Netflix Goes Blue
Netflix Goes Blue

Netflix Goes Blue

Rental service will phase out HD DVD

(Newser) - The Netflix DVD rental service has decided to go exclusively with Blu-Ray as its hi-def format for customers, rather than HD DVD. By the end of the year, Netflix will no longer offer HD DVDs, reports CNET. The service made the decision based on the momentum towards Blu-Ray by Hollywood...

Warner Bros. Backs Blu-Ray
Warner Bros. Backs Blu-Ray

Warner Bros. Backs Blu-Ray

Future of HD DVD format now in question

(Newser) - Warner Bros. will release new high-def films exclusively in Blu-ray format, the Wall Street Journal reports. The decision marks a major setback for the embattled rival HD DVD format—now adopted by only two studios, Universal and Paramount—and could be a tipping point in the ongoing format war that...

Milestone Deal for Madonna
Milestone Deal for Madonna

Milestone Deal for Madonna

She'll leave record company for concert giant Live Nation

(Newser) - Madonna is set to leave traditional record labels behind for an all-encompassing deal with concert promoter Live Nation, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Material Girl will bank $120 million; Live Nation gets three studio albums, the right to promote her concert tours, and various merchandising opportunities during a 10-year...

CBS Lands Bruckheimer's 'Eleventh Hour'

Huge $25M-$30M deal for British scientific thriller beats out ABC

(Newser) - CBS beat out all comers, mainly ABC, for the rights to a Jerry Bruckheimer/Warner Brothers adaptation of the British series Eleventh Hour, a scientific thriller a la X-Files. The deal, pronounced the biggest of this development season, puts CBS on the hook for $25 million to $30 million, Variety reports.

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