United Auto Workers

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Ga.'s Chambliss on Runoff: 'We'll Win Again'
Ga.'s Chambliss on Runoff: 'We'll Win Again'

Ga.'s Chambliss on Runoff: 'We'll Win Again'

Fellow GOP senators praise Obama picks, pledge bipartisanship

(Newser) - Despite failing to muster 50% of the vote Nov. 4, Sen. Saxby Chambliss said he would prevail in Tuesday’s runoff against Democrat Jim Martin. “We’ll win again,” the Georgia Republican declared on Fox News Sunday. But Chambliss declined to say he would benefit from the lower...

UAW Eyes Give-Backs to Help Big 3 Bailout

Union ready to make concessions to secure industry loan

(Newser) - The United Auto Workers appears to be easing off its “no more cuts” stance. The union is negotiating a swath of concessions it hopes will convince Congress to loan money to the Big Three, starting with the elimination of its controversial jobs bank, the Detroit Free Press reports. The...

Auto Bosses to Press Pelosi for Another $25B

Latest reports sound alarm on industry crisis

(Newser) - The CEOs of Detroit's troubled Big Three automakers and the head of the UAW are set to meet today with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to ask for another $25 billion in government loans, the Detroit Free Press reports. Detroit had its worst sales month in 25 years in October, and...

Pensions, Benefits Have GM Stalled
Pensions, Benefits Have GM Stalled

Pensions, Benefits Have GM Stalled

Automaker hamstrung by 1950s promises to unions—maybe fatally

(Newser) - General Motors is suffering as oil prices surge and consumer spending wanes, Roger Lowenstein writes in the New York Times. But the biggest, and perhaps fatal, culprit of its recent troubles—with stock prices near a 50-year low—are the generous health care and pension benefits it agreed to lavish...

American Axle Deal Restarts GM Plants

Wage cuts, buyouts, buydowns, plant closings a bitter pill for workers

(Newser) - General Motors is poised to resume production at dozens of idled plants as workers at American Axle & Manufacturing, a key GM supplier, have reached a tentative deal in their 11-week-old strike. The UAW strike had all but stopped the production of GM's highly profitable SUVs, pickups, and vans, reports...

Chrysler Loss Deepened After Daimler Split

Filing shows a $2.9B loss in Aug.-Sept. '07, big bonus to CEO

(Newser) - Chrysler lost nearly $2.9 billion in a 2-month period last fall, after its split from Daimler, a filing by the German company shows. The filing by Daimler, which retains 19.9% of the automaker, offers a rare look at how costly the company's reorganization effort has been since it...

Auto Worker Powerhouse Doug Fraser Dead at 91

Ex union boss helped save Chrysler from ruin

(Newser) - Former United Auto Workers president Doug Fraser, who played a vital role in saving Chrysler from bankruptcy, died yesterday at age 91. The cause of death was unknown, but Fraser had been suffering from emphysema, the Detroit Free Press reports. As UAW president during the ’70s and ’80s,...

GM Posts Industry Record $38.7B Loss

Company will offer buyouts to all 74K UAW workers in the US

(Newser) - General Motors today posted a $38.7 billion loss for 2007, the largest annual deficit ever for an automotive company, beating its own 1992 record of $23.4 billion. GM also struck a deal with the United Auto Workers on buyout options for the remaining 74,000 hourly UAW workers...

GM Offering Buyouts to 5,200 Workers

New round aims to slash labor costs

(Newser) - General Motors is offering to buy out another 5,200 hourly workers, the Detroit News reports. The automaker, worried that the slowdown in auto sales will carry into next year, is keen to get veteran workers out the door and lower-paid new workers in. Over 34,000 blue-collar workers left...

Ford Workers Ratify Pact With UAW
Ford Workers Ratify Pact
With UAW

Ford Workers Ratify Pact With UAW

All three big automakers have now finalized deals

(Newser) - UAW workers at Ford overwhelmingly approved a four-year contract today that shifts responsibility for some retiree health benefits to the union, the Detroit Free Press reports. The agreement also allows Ford to hire new employees for lower wages and fewer benefits. The contract approval follows similar deals at GM and...

GM’s Wagoner Weathering the Storm

Despite $39B loss, he's earned respect, making progress

(Newser) - CEO heads are rolling on Wall Street as third quarter red ink stains their reps and boards act to soothe shareholder worries with new management, cost cutting, and reorganization. But it's business as usual in Detroit, where GM CEO Rick Wagoner just announced a staggering $39 billion loss, reports Business ...

Ford, UAW Agree on Pact
Ford, UAW Agree on  Pact

Ford, UAW Agree on Pact

Follows GM, Chrysler deals, including trust to offload health-care costs

(Newser) - After 40 hours of marathon bargaining, Ford and the United Auto Workers reached a deal on a new contract this morning, the Wall Street Journal reports. The contract follows the outlines of earlier pacts hammered out by GM and Chrysler, including moving about $23 million in obligations for employee health-care...

Chrysler to Lay Off 12,000
Chrysler to Lay Off 12,000

Chrysler to Lay Off 12,000

Company will cut jobs, vehicles to adjust to failing auto market

(Newser) - Chrysler today announced plans to cut up to 12,100 jobs, about 14% of its workforce, on top of the 13,000 layoffs announced in February. With the US auto market tumbling—sales are on pace for their worst year since 1998—Chrysler’s new owners, private equity firm Cerberus...

UAW Ratifies Chrysler Contract
UAW Ratifies Chrysler Contract

UAW Ratifies Chrysler Contract

Workers approve deal by narrow majority

(Newser) - The UAW said today that its employees had approved a four-year contract with Chrysler by the thinnest of margins, the Wall Street Journal reports. The union said 56% of production workers and 51% of skilled trade workers voted in favor of the deal, despite significant dissent among workers. The UAW...

UAW Shifts to Hard-Up Ford
UAW Shifts to Hard-Up Ford

UAW Shifts to Hard-Up Ford

As Chrysler ratification nears, toughest talks yet to come

(Newser) - With the United Auto Workers close to ratifying their contract with Chrysler, the union is shifting focus to hammering out a deal with Ford. Negotiations with Ford may prove the toughest of all because Ford is the domestic car maker most in need of cuts, reports the Wall Street Journal....

OK on Chrysler Pact ThisClose
OK on Chrysler Pact ThisClose

OK on Chrysler Pact ThisClose

Workers at four plants vote yes, tipping the scales

(Newser) - Auto workers at four Chrysler plants voted by significant margins to approve a new labor contract yesterday, increasing the likelihood of final ratification by the company's 45,000 workers, despite rejection at several plants. The last vote, at a small-car plant in Illinois that employs 3,000 workers, is scheduled...

More UAW Locals Nix Chrysler Deal
More UAW Locals Nix Chrysler Deal

More UAW Locals Nix Chrysler Deal

Four Indiana plants join six others in voting down proposed contract

(Newser) - UAW workers at four Chrysler plants in Indiana last night rejected the embattled contract negotiated by their leaders with the automaker, adding to the six defeats by rank-and-file voters over the weekend. Some smaller locals have approved the contract, says anti-contract organizer Bill Parker, but the larger ones are rejecting...

Chrysler Deal Faces More Rejections
Chrysler Deal Faces More Rejections

Chrysler Deal Faces More Rejections

After 6 locals vote down proposed contract, UAW steps up lobbying

(Newser) - UAW members at three auto plants rejected the proposed pact between Chrysler and their union this weekend, bringing to six the number of locals who have voted down the deal, the Wall Street Journal reports.  In a last-ditch effort to salvage the agreement, union leaders are focusing lobbying efforts...

Rocky Road for Chrysler Deal
Rocky Road for Chrysler Deal

Rocky Road for Chrysler Deal

3 UAW locals vote down offer that would 'lower our standard of living'

(Newser) - Three UAW locals voted against the new Chrysler deal yesterday, stirring fears that the agreement may be scuttled. Two plants voted against it by 53%, and a third, in Missouri, by 66% among skilled trades and 79% among assembly line workers. They slammed a proposed 2-level pay structure and new...

Struggle to Ratify Chrysler Deal
Struggle to Ratify Chrysler Deal

Struggle to Ratify Chrysler Deal

Some local UAW leaders unhappy with new contract

(Newser) - The proposed contract between Chrysler and the United Auto Workers has caused some division within the union and may not be ratified as quickly  as the deal with General  Motors, reports the Detroit Free Press. The council of local leaders who voted to approve it yesterday in Detroit were not...

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