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Russian Embassy Taunts US Over 'Strange' Helicopter

Suggests it was part of 'desperate attempt to find traces of #RussianMeddling'

(Newser) - After celebrating House Republicans' verdict of no collusion between President Trump's campaign and Russia, officials at the Russian Embassy in Washington set about comparing investigations of "Russian meddling" to a search for UFOs. The embassy's Twitter account shared two overlapping photos Monday: one showing a helicopter in...

Judge Dashes Assange's Hopes of Leaving Embassy

British judge upholds the arrest warrant against him

(Newser) - A British judge on Tuesday upheld a UK arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, leaving his legal position unchanged after more than five years inside the Ecuadorean Embassy. Judge Emma Arbuthnot rejected a call from Assange's lawyers for the warrant to be revoked because he is no longer...

Doctors: Assange's Health in 'Dangerous' Condition

Years holed up in an embassy have taken their toll

(Newser) - The years that Julian Assange has spent holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London have taken a "considerable" toll on his physical and mental health, doctors warn. Two physicians who examined Assange for a total of 20 hours in October tell the Guardian that the WikiLeaks founder, who...

Assange Granted Citizenship, but He's Still in a Snag

Ecuador comes to his aid yet again

(Newser) - Following a "total victory" last spring , Julian Assange has faced a setback in his attempt to extricate himself from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London that's been his home for five and a half years. The British government announced Thursday it had rejected Ecuador's request to grant Assange...

Most Expensive US Embassy Has No Perimeter Fence

$1B London building was designed to be welcoming

(Newser) - The most surprising aspect of the pricey new US Embassy in London is what isn't there: a perimeter fence. There is no imposing security barrier to protect the highly visible embassy in a city that has this year been targeted repeatedly by extremists. Instead there are some public gardens...

DC Battles a Wholly Unique Real Estate Phenomenon

The AP looks at why empty embassies can fester

(Newser) - The large building at the corner of 22nd and R streets in downtown Washington, DC, sticks out like a wart in the otherwise upscale neighborhood. Plywood covers the windows and sleeping bags and empty bottles litter the shuttered doorways. For a solid decade, neighbors and local political leaders complained bitterly...

Officials: US Wants Cuba's DC Embassy Staff Cut 60%

Move will match reduction at Havana embassy

(Newser) - US officials say the Trump administration is preparing to ask Cuba to reduce the staff at its embassy in Washington by 60%, the AP reports. The move follows last week's US decision to reduce American personnel at the embassy in Havana by a similar amount. That move was in...

Trump Puts Off Big Move in Israel—for Now

He renews waiver to keep embassy in Tel Aviv for 6 months, reviewing Jerusalem plan

(Newser) - President Donald Trump has temporarily waived a law requiring the US to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, reports the AP . Trump's move to renew the waiver for six months keeps the US embassy in Tel Aviv for now. Trump has said he's reviewing whether to fulfill...

Trump's Pick for Israel Envoy Angers Liberal US Jewish Groups

Hard-liner David Friedman backs moving embassy to Jerusalem

(Newser) - Donald Trump has announced that he will nominate attorney David Friedman as US ambassador to Israel, selecting an envoy who supports Israeli settlements and other changes to US policies in the region, reports the AP . Friedman says he looks forward to carrying out his duties from "the US embassy...

WikiLeaks Says Who Cut Assange's Internet, but Not Why

Says Ecuador turned it off after publication of Clinton's Goldman Sachs speeches

(Newser) - Things appear to be getting tense between Julian Assange and the Ecuadorian Embassy where he's been holed up since 2012. WikiLeaks—which sparked rumors of Assange's death with odd "dead man's switch tweets" Sunday — tweeted Monday that Ecuador had cut off Assange's internet on...

Iran: Saudi-Led Airstrike Hit Our Embassy in Yemen

Reporter sees no visible damage as tensions rise after Shiite cleric's execution

(Newser) - More Saudi-Iran trouble Thursday morning: Tehran accused the Saudi-led coalition battling Shiite rebels in Yemen of bombing its embassy there in an overnight airstrike. However, an AP reporter who reached the site just after the announcement by Iran's state-run news agency said the embassy was still standing without any...

London Cops End $18M Wait for Assange

Police say they've spent almost $18M waiting for WikiLeaks founder to emerge

(Newser) - London cops have been staking out the Ecuadorian Embassy 24 hours a day for three years, waiting for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to venture out. That wait ended Monday as Metropolitan Police finally pulled the plug, noting in a statement that it was "no longer proportionate to commit officers...

Embassies to Australians: Cut Out the Crazy Requests

New rule: Diplomacy does not mean paying its citizens' hookers

(Newser) - No, you can't get a loan to pay for a prostitute in Thailand. And seeking assistance to evict a polecat above a ceiling in the US is going to be futile. Australia is cracking down on such absurd requests that its traveling citizens have lodged with its embassies and...

UK Embassy Sorry for Celebrating White House Burning

They had sparkler-laden cake made for 200th anniversary

(Newser) - Too soon? It was 200 years ago yesterday that British troops routed an American militia and occupied Washington, DC, for more than 24 hours, setting buildings including the White House and the Capitol alight—and the British embassy in the city wasn't exactly diplomatic about the anniversary. The embassy...

Assange: I'm Leaving Embassy 'Soon'

He says 2 years inside has taken toll on health

(Newser) - After more than two years holed up in Ecuador's London embassy, Julian Assange says he will be leaving "soon." In a press conference today—which the Guardian says left people "more flummoxed than enlightened"—the WikiLeaks founder confirmed rumors that he would be departing soon...

China Embassy's New DC Address: Dissident Plaza?

Beijing says road-renaming plan 'sheer farce'

(Newser) - In what China dismisses as a "sheer farce" and "meaningless sensationalism," efforts to rename the road in front of its embassy in Washington, DC, after a dissident are gathering steam. An amendment that would make the embassy's new address 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza—after a Nobel...

Mystery Deepens Around Diplomat's Explosive Death

Palestinians release conflicting statements about the safe

(Newser) - The plot thickened today around the mysterious explosion that killed Palestinian ambassador Jamal al-Jamal in Prague. Initially, reports had indicated that Jamal had opened a booby-trapped embassy safe—one that the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said hadn't been opened in more than 20 years. But an embassy spokesperson has since...

Ecuador: Our UK Embassy Was Bugged

'Spy microphone' found weeks ago: foreign minister

(Newser) - More news on the surveillance front—and in a twist, the target is a building housing one of the world's most notorious leakers. Ecuador says it found a "spy microphone" in its embassy, where Julian Assange has been living for more than a year. The country has asked...

Assange: I Could Spend 5 More Years in Embassy

Plus: he's writing a song

(Newser) - As of tomorrow, Julian Assange will have spent one year in the Ecuadorean embassy in London—and he says he can handle five more, according to Ecuador's foreign minister. A lengthy stay is OK with Ecuador, adds Ricardo Patino. British Foreign Secretary William Hague met with Patino yesterday, but...

UK Pulls Staffers From Libya Amid Unrest

Embassy stays open

(Newser) - Britain's Foreign Office says it is temporarily withdrawing some staff from its embassy in the Libyan capital in light of recent political unrest . Heavily armed militias have been besieging government buildings in Tripoli over the past month, blocking access to ministries to push their political demands. The Foreign Office...

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