straw poll

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The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead
 The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead 

The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead

GOP tradition since 1979 canceled due to expense, lack of interest

(Newser) - For nearly 40 years, Iowa held its straw poll for Republican hopefuls every summer before the presidential caucuses—but the poll set for this summer is now dead, the AP reports. Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann tells the news agency that state GOP officials made the decision in a unanimous...

Rand Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll By a Mile

Takes 31% of vote to Ted Cruz's 11%

(Newser) - For the second time in as many years, Rand Paul has won the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference. This year, he took 31% of the vote, far ahead of second-place Ted Cruz, who received 11%, the Washington Post reports. Behind Cruz were ex-neurosurgeon Ben Carson, with...

Rand Paul Edges Marco Rubio in CPAC Poll

Santorum, Christie, Ryan, way behind

(Newser) - Sen. Rand Paul beat Sen. Marco Rubio in the CPAC straw poll today by a hair—25% to 23%—but stayed well ahead of the other Republicans in contention, the Washington Times reports. The rest of the pack, courtesy of the Washington Post :
  • Rick Santorum: 8%
  • Chris Christie: 7%
  • Paul

Romney Beats Santorum in Conservative Straw Poll

Santorum takes second, Gingrich third in CPAC vote

(Newser) - A much-needed boost for Mitt Romney: He won the CPAC straw poll today with 38% of votes over 31% for Rick Santorum, the Washington Times reports. Gingrich took third with 15% and Ron Paul came in fourth, garnering a slim 12% after winning the straw poll the past two years....

Herman Cain Might Actually Deliver

 Herman Cain  
 Might Actually  
Dana Milbank

Herman Cain Might Actually Deliver

Are straw polls that different from primaries?

(Newser) - It’s getting tough to “separate fact from farce” in the GOP presidential debate, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain, for instance, recently said he might actually use the goofy “I will deliver” motto SNL made up for him. So...

Romney Stomps Rick Perry in Mich. Straw Poll

Wallops Texan with 34-point win in home state

(Newser) - More bad news for Rick Perry, though not as tough as yesterday's loss to Herman Cain: Mitt Romney walloped the Texas governor in his home state of Michigan, nabbing a whopping 51% in the Mackinac straw poll today, reports Hotline . Perry did hang onto second place, with 17%, while...

What We Learned in Florida's Straw Poll

Orthodoxy vies with electability among party faithful

(Newser) - Herman Cain's surprise win in Florida's straw poll yesterday shows how unpredictable this election cycle is—but it also provides some valuable lessons about that state of the GOP nation, reports the St. Petersburg Times .
  • The top GOP contender is still Not-Mitt-Romney: Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry—Republicans

Actually, Straw Poll Taught Us Nothing
 Straw Poll 
 Taught Us 

Actually, Straw Poll Taught Us Nothing

Florida straw poll too unrepresentative to be useful

(Newser) - The Florida straw poll yesterday that saw Herman Cain trounce the competition means ... well, nothing, writes Ben Adler in the Nation . Cain received 37% of the vote, compared to 15% for Rick Perry and 14% for Mitt Romney. "In the usual manner of these inane expectations’ games, the loss...

Perry Loses Florida Straw Poll to Herman Cain

Cain takes 37.1% of the vote to Perry's 15.4%

(Newser) - Rick Perry lost a key test vote in Florida to businessman Herman Cain today, just days after he faltered in a debate in Orlando. Cain captured 37.1% of the vote at the Presidency 5 straw poll in Orlando, with Perry coming in second with 15.4%. Mitt Romney came...

Mitt Skipping Iowa Straw Poll

2007 Ames winner saving his cash for the primaries

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is going to skip the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa this summer, along with every other straw poll in the country. The Iowa poll is seen as a crucial test of a campaign's strength, but Romney campaign officials say they plan to save resources for winning primaries...

Huckabee Wins Conservative Straw Poll

Palin lags behind with Pawlenty, Romney, Pence

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee easily won a presidential straw poll today at a conference for social conservatives, Politico reports. The former Arkansas governor garnered 28% of 597 votes at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. Tying for second, each with about 12% of the vote, were former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt...

Romney Top Conservative Pick for 2012 in CPAC Poll

Mitt beats out Jindal and Palin in CPAC Poll

(Newser) - GOP right-wingers back Mitt Romney to be the 2012 presidential candidate, according to a straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Convention. Yesterday's survey offers a glimpse of conservative thinking as the party begins to reshape itself after heavy losses, Politico notes. Romney, backed by 20% of those polled, bested...

Values Voters Pick Romney, Barely
Values Voters Pick Romney, Barely

Values Voters Pick Romney, Barely

Straw poll puts Huckabee 2nd; Paul beats Thompson

(Newser) - Mitt Romney came home with a slim lead over Mike Huckabee in yesterday's straw poll at the Family Research Council's Values Voters Summit in Washington, reports CNN. Romney won nearly 28% of the 5,776 conservative Christian votes, with the former Arkansas governor falling just 30 votes behind. Ron Paul...

Romney Has Major Stake in Sinking Fund

Candidates in both parties could see big donations dry up

(Newser) - Former Massachusetts  Governor Mitt Romney has a substantial investment in a teetering Goldman Sachs hedge fund that was propped up with a $3 billion cash infusion after it lost a third of its value. Romney, who won a symbolic victory in Iowa's GOP straw poll last weekend, is thought to...

GOP Straw Poll Finishes Tommy Thompson

Former Wisconsin governor drops out after 6th-place showing

(Newser) - Longshot presidential candidate Tommy Thompson announced yesterday he's dropping out of the race after finishing sixth in Iowa's Republican straw poll. The former Wisconsin governor set a goal for himself of coming in first or second, but he couldn't even beat Libertarian loose cannon Ron Paul. "There's no sense...

Runner-up Huckabee Big Winner in Iowa

Showing could catapult GOP longshot into top echelon

(Newser) - Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was a surprise winner in Iowa's straw poll yesterday when he came in a strong second, which may have catapulted him into the top tier. He pulled 18.1% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 31.5%. Huckabee's performance is particularly impressive given that he...

Romney Wins Straw Poll
Romney Wins Straw Poll

Romney Wins Straw Poll

Mormon leads Pubs in Midwest

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has won the Iowa straw poll, widely regarded as a colander for presidential hopefuls, the Washington Post reports. Romney beat out a field of conservatives in the non-binding vote in Ames, but left-lilting frontrunner Rudy Giuliani had already bowed out of the race.

The Right Rips Into Romney
The Right Rips Into Romney

The Right Rips Into Romney

He's grilled on abortion switch in lead-up to Iowa straw poll

(Newser) - GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is getting flamed by all-out assault on his conservative bona fides in the run-up to tomorrow's straw poll in  Iowa, reports the New York Times. The former Massachusetts governor has been hit by particularly withering criticism for his change of heart on abortion, with talk...

From Whispers, GOP Hopefuls Aim for a Roar

Backchannel back-stabbing on rise ahead of Iowa poll

(Newser) - With second-tier candidates sensing that Saturday's straw poll may be their last, best chance to stay in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Iowa is abuzz with whispering campaigns, Slate's John Dickerson says. The homegrown negative ads are a major tool for cash-poor politicians with names like Tancredo, Brownback...

For Rudy, It Aways Comes Back to 9/11

The pros and cons of having terror as your touchstone

(Newser) - The Los Angeles Times tracks Rudy Giuliani's rhetoric on the stump, and marvels at the way he manages to bring just about any topic around to the threat of  terror. Fourteen seconds into in a speech in Des Moines called "Restoring Fiscal Discipline and Cutting Wasteful Washington Spending" the...

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